
Three Thousands of Fires

In the battlefield, the summer cheeks and the candle shadows saw this scene, and the face was ugly to the extreme. Under the gaze of the purple-golded scorpion, the blood in their bodies was completely suppressed. This kind of pressure is far stronger than the body pressure of the three dragon kings.

Although they have truly felt the pressure from the soul and the blood, they have already left Donglong Island and each has its own dragon king.

"The dragon emperor reappears, you are not awkward, it is a great courage!" The candle turned away and screamed at the summer candle.

The anger of the candle was heard from the ear, and the summer cheeks and the candle shadows looked at each other. Then they nodded and seemed to make the same decision.

"Summer chewing (Canard Shadow) has seen the Dragon King! Today is offensive, please forgive. Come to Japan, we will come to see the Dragon Emperor..." The two dragons finished their scalp, did not stop, led their own Immediately under the guise of the emptiness.

"Dragon King Island is the place where you want to come and want to leave?"

The candle was furious, but when it was ready to catch up, Zi Yan waved: "Gulong Island, I will handle it. At the moment, there are guests in Long Island, let them leave."

The indifferent voice fell, and the purple sable turned and looked at Wu Fang. The purple-gold wings behind him rose slightly: "Thank you for helping the purple smelting and refining dragon and phoenix."

"Too virtual ancient dragon family, thank you Mr. brought back the Dragon Emperor and rescued the Dragon King in distress! If you need to use the place of the Taixu Gulong family, my family will be desperate!" Suddenly, the candle is leading The public is too empty, and the ancient dragon collapsed in front of Wu Fang, with sincerity in his eyes.

The Taixu Gulong family is not awkward, only the dragon emperor. However, today they all collapsed in front of a young man who came to the mysterious but seemingly ordinary. This young man not only brought back the Dragon King but even saved the life of the Dragon King.

Wu Fang swept his eyes and changed his character, and he stunned his eyes in front of him. He finally waved at Xiao Yan: "Boy, I will give you another chance."

"Predecessors, the opportunity of the scorpion?" Hearing the word of opportunity, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed instantly, and his head came to Wu Fang, and he was very charming.

"Of course it is different fire."

Wu Fang smiled and then his eyes fell on the candle. "Three thousand smoldering fires, you should know?"

The candle was slightly stunned, and then nodded: "My family has raised 3,000 fires in the circle, but when Gulong Island split, it took the opportunity to slip away, and there was no news."

"Three thousand smoldering fire!" Hearing this name, Xiao Yan stared at the candle, and he did not expect that the Taixu Gu Long would still have a different fire! Moreover, it is still a very strong resilience, and the tens of thousands of fires ranked ninth.

Three thousand sputum fires, also known as the fire of the stars. It is born of the power of condensing stars, as long as the power of the stars is enough, it will never die. According to ancient books, people who refine and refine the three thousand smoldering fires will recover if they are not dead, even if they are seriously injured.

"When the people of your family encountered three thousand smoldering fires, it was still a prototype. Because it was too weak, refining and chemicalization did not work, so it left a dragon seal in its fire and took it. Go back to the family." Wu Fang pointed out his finger at the purple sable. "For the average person, the three thousand smoldering fires that want to refine the mature period are tantamount to the sky; but for you too, the tycoon is It's much simpler, especially the royal family that swallows the dragon and the phoenix and has both blood and dragon phoenix."

"Predecessors, you are not saying that the opportunity is for me?" Xiao Yan pitifully pulled Wu Fang's clothes corner, for fear that the fire was robbed by others.

"Don't worry." Wu Fang patted Xiao Yan's arm to indicate that he was a little stunned, and looked at the purple eyes with a deep expression, laughing and not talking.

"Mr. meaning, I understand."

The faint voice fell, and the purple scorpion moved to the front of Xiao Yan: "Hands stick out."

"Small 丫...Long Huang, what do you want to do?" Xiao Yan had a question on his face, but he still extended his palm and spread his palm.

Only seeing the purple scorpion revealing the slim hand, the palm is in harmony with Xiao Yan's palm, and a dark gold liquid transitions from the palm to Xiao Yan's palm. In the looming, the droplets are filled with the power of the dragon and the phoenix.

"Is this?" Xiao Yan was shocked.

"My life is dragon blood." Purple research retracted the palm of his hand. "With it, you can train three thousand smoldering fires."

"What do I have to do?" Xiao Yan was excited.

"Put your palm on the body of the three thousand smoldering fires and activate the dragon seal." Zi Yan said plainly.

"So simple?"

Xiao Yan didn't have time to be happy and thought of a fatal problem. Now he smiled at Wu Fang. "Predecessors, you haven't said where the three thousand fires are."

"Danta, the star field." Wu Fang has a word.

"Mr. really knows the world." Looking at Wu's expression of calmness, Gu Yuan couldn't help but hold the fist. "I will continue to open the road."

The ancient Yuan went up and formed a dark space channel.

"I am afraid that the legendary fighting emperor has no magical powers of his predecessors."

When I came to the Danta Star Field, Xiao Yan felt a hot temperature sweeping in the face. Almost at the same time, the three groups of fire in the body became active and found to be a companion.

"Xiao Yan brother, you know how to change it." Xiao Xuner squinted Xiao Yan, I do not know if this sentence is awkward or embarrassing.

Follow the source of the hot temperature, and soon, a group of strong people appeared in the vision of the group, the intensity of the light is like a sway.

"Who are you? Why are you here!" In front of Qiang Mang, three old men in robes were in front of Wu Fang and others, and behind them stood eleven young disciples side by side.

"Xuankongzi, can you still recognize me?" A big laugh, the dust from the Xiaoyan ring floated out.

"Pharmaceutical old man, you... you are still alive!" The old man, who is called Xuankongzi, is excited to open his arms and will administer the dust to a bear hug, but wears it directly from the other's soul.

"Xuankongzi, is there three thousand smoldering fire behind you?" The medicine dust pointed to the strong mans, and inside the light was a huge dragon that could not see the end.

The dragon's longan is closed, the body is smashing, and a huge purple body is lingering on its huge body. The flames rise and the space around them is distorted.

"Pharmaceutical old man, shouldn't you hit me with a different fire idea?" Xuankongzi raised his hand and pointed to Ziyan Guyuan and others. "And, who are they? Is it a new apprentice?" "

When I heard the Xuankongzi, the drug dust panicked directly and chilled. These big cockroaches behind me are not arbitrarily ridiculed!

"Xuankongzi, this is the dragon king of Taixu Gulong."

"Too... too dragon of the dragon..."

"This is the ancient eight ethnic group, the patriarch of the ancients."

"Ancient...Ancient patriarch..."

Xuankongzi swallowed his throat and reached his realm. If there were any big things in his eyes, it was the Warcraft Sanba and the ancient Eight. And precisely, the Dragon King of Warcraft and the patriarch of the strongest family of ancients are now in front of his eyes! Just been teased by him!

Thinking of this, Xuankongzi's forehead could not help but infiltrate the cold sweat, and his eyes moved with the movement of the sight of the medicine dust, and he was fixed in the young man who stood between the dragon and the ancient clan.

Moved the throat!