
Meng x2

'The carriage of Chen General estate's young miss was attacked outside the city and the lady was kidnapped'; this news had been spread throughout the capitol recently.

Under the emperor's urgings, the government offices were in turmoil over the lady's disappearance, trying to find her. After all, this wasn't just any young miss that had gone missing. But unlike the frantic conduct of the Magistrate's office, after the madam of Chen house sent fast runners to deliver a letter to her lord General husband who was guarding the southern border no other moves were made by them.

Two weeks passed since that day and the Magistrate's Office had made little to no progress on the case however, it was suddenly reported that young Miss Chen had somehow been mysteriously returned to her room within the estate without anyone noticing. The news caused waves, large and small to ripple through the city.

In the imperial study, the Emperor Zhou wore a black face behind his desk as he read the report delivered by a Cold Servant.

"And none of you saw anything?"

Nangong Xiao couldn't believe that his most elite company of secret guards failed to identify any anomaly when something so significant had obviously been carried out within the Chen estate last night but SiYi before him really didn't have any response to give as they had really not seen anything.

The entire Chen General estate was under surveillance by the first company which was made up of the ten most elite Cold Servants under the emperor's command yet no one had seen when or how Chen MingYun had been returned to her room nor who had done it. It was almost as if by magic, like she had never left in the first place and had always been there.

It wasn't something anybody would be glad to report to their superior, but it was the truth; SiYi could only lose this bit of face on behalf of his team.

"The first company failed this time, take yourselves out to be punished."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Dressed completely in black, SiYi disappeared into the shadows leaving Nangong Xiao alone to his thoughts and the more he thought, the uglier the emperor's expression became.

The Cold Servants were a secret force trained up by the royal family for generations and the only force in the surrounding lands that was capable of rivaling them was the Chen family's Sanguine Legion and even then, the strengths of the two groups barely differed.

How strong did a person have to be to be able to move completely unimpeded and undetected by a group of elite Cold Servants who were all Mid Tier Foundation Warriors? Late Stage Foundation Realm? Or did they already reach Gold Core? How did such a strong person join Chen family forces without him noticing?

It was the middle of the day, the weather was warm and it wasn't difficult for Nangong Xiao, dressed in heavy imperial robes to start feeling hot or stuffy, but even with several buckets of ice present in the room, he actually began to feel faint thinking about such things.

"Chen family…" These words were chewed by Nangong Xiao before he called to the person standing outside the study and the eunuch ran in then supported him to his chambers to rest.

It was evening at the start of summer and the temperature in Jin City was normally sweltering this time of year, not to mention the sun was currently at its peak, yet in the Prime Minister Fang's estate, when one walked by the eldest young miss's Treasure Courtyard, a prominent chill could be felt and everyone went out of their way to avoid the area as the cold atmosphere was a very clear sign and warning to all; Fang WeiWei was extremely unhappy.

"Chen MingYun, that slut has what kind of dog shit luck!"

A chilly air was being strongly emanated from the young girl's body along with a faint, soft blue light that was wrapped closely against her skin, making her already fair complexion look even more pale and stunning.

Fang WeiWei was fifteen years old and had an appearance like the moon, beauty enough to fall nations and even though she spouted vulgar words, the adorable pucker between her brows as she nibbled her lush lips unhappily would make any man want to slowly coax and carefully pamper her.

In anger, her full bosom heaved rapidly with course breaths and the full, snow white mounds peeking out from the neck of her loose dress looked especially enticing, but in the eyes of Gui MuXin who was standing quietly on the side, this kind of woman steeped in envy was not attractive at all. He quietly sneered and didn't saying anything, bowing his head in an attempt to reduce his presence.

"Damned mercenaries! Paid so much gold and for what? Useless!"

In a fit of pique, she flung the gold goblet in her hand then grabbed he unsuspecting Gui MuXin, pressing him down on the bed and ripped open he clothes, smoothly climbing on top of him.

Gui MuXin's body stiffened momentarily and he gritted his teeth, a dark look of hate and despise flickering deep within the depths of his eyes before he began to move his lower body familiarly on command.

Fang WeiWei groaned with some discomfort at first contact then feeling the warm current running through her body she gave a harsh laugh and started moving on her own, riding the body beneath her enthusiastically.

"So what if she came back, after being missing for so long, who knows how filthy she is. Not only is she a waste, now she's even lost her purity; she's destined to never be married in this life. The title of You Liang Wangfei is mine, Fang WeiWei's… when was it ever her turn?"

Fang WeiWei's beautiful face was tinged with a seductive red glow as she rambled on, humping enthusiastically and her eyes carrying a crazed light. Under her body, Gui MuXin could only grit his teeth, his face blanched white from the pain of this familiar experience.

Grunting occasionally from the rough intercourse, Gui MuXin kept his arms above his head to avoid touching Fang WeiWei and his eyes remained lowered. He didn't want his unstable emotions to be found out by her.

"Gui MuXin, have you been slacking on your cultivation lately, why is your energy so low?"

Fang WeiWei's question jolted Gui MuXin from his thoughts and caused him to shudder almost imperceptibly but it didn't go unnoticed by her. Fang WeiWei's pretty eyes flashed a cruel, icy glare, reaching out to grab his throat.

"Were you slacking off while I wasn't here to watch you? Gui MuXin, I'm telling you, the only reason you and your family are alive is because your constitution is useful to me. My Fang family is kind enough to allow trash like you the opportunity to cultivate and you actually have the nerve to be ungrateful."

Gui MuXin's pupils shrunk and he bit the corner of his mouth until it bled. Under Fang WeiWei's hand, a cruel purple mark slowly appeared on his neck and looking closer, the skin around the area had become frozen!

"Gui MuXin don't forget, your purpose in life is to be useful to me. I'm telling you, if I find out that you've been doing pointless things again…"

Fang WeiWei didn't finish her threatening words, but her implied meaning was very clear and it caused the hate Gui MuXin held in his heart for her and the whole Fang family to increase.

The city was active and full of life and everybody had their own thoughts about the Chen young lady's situation, but inside the Chen General's estate, the energy level was surprisingly low as it turned out that the young miss actually had amnesia.

Chen MingYun was quite entertained by the current happenings around her but her insides were not as calm as she appeared on the surface because for one thing, anyone would feel weird if they found out they were inhabiting the body of a dead person.

Although this body 100% resembled her own down to the details of where her plum flower shaped birthmark was located deep within her inner thighs and the numerous secret moles all about her person, it was now painfully obvious, beyond the point of refute that this was not her body and was in fact a completely different person all together.

Ironically, this body was also named 'Chen MingYun' and she was the daughter of a general.

The story she had heard from the chatty little maid servant attending her was that on her way back from a social gathering which was held at a location outside the city, the original Chen MingYun's carriage was attacked and her guards were killed, even her maid was injured and 'Chen MingYun' was kidnapped.

Her kidnappers were apparently cultivators of a certain path who were referred to as 'Warriors' and although her guards were also practitioners they still lost the fight. Only her maid who was a low level practitioner and escaped the group of kidnappers' special notice was able to make it back to the city despite her injuries and report what had happened. Since then, around two weeks had passed since she went missing.

Taking the little maid's words and adding it to her own thoughts, Chen MingYun was then able to come to a conclusion on what she was experiencing and she figured that this whole matter of body snatching probably had to do with that thing which had so rudely intruded on and altered her inner spiritual world.

After eating lunch, Chen MingYun was forcefully fed a full bowl of black medicinal concoction that threatened to turn her stomach more than once yet she somehow miraculously managed to hold it down.

Stealing a look at the dark skinned little girl who was cheerfully packing up the tray of dishes with her lively pair of azure eyes and blonde hair tied cutely in two buns, Chen MingYun made a swift re-evaluation of the girl's character. One really couldn't tell by just looking that she had such a 'smiling tiger' personality.

[Name]: ZiFeng (Human?)

[Rank]: Early Foundation

[Level]: Low Tier

[Attribute]: Wind, Lightning

[Status]: Healthy (Anxious)

[Condition]: Energetic

[Weakness]: 1) Four Dragons Clan Alliance

[Available Cultivation Paths]: 1) Pacify the heart and cultivate to reach next level. 2) Consume Blood Essence of Dragon Blooded creature at Mid or Late Stage Foundation Level.

Chen MingYun only took a peek out of curiosity, but what she saw was unexpected and probably had a complicated story behind it that she wasn't interested in knowing. After a single glance, she looked away.

"Zi'er, I feel like resting. Don't allow anyone to disturb me."

"Ai! Even though Missy lost her memory, it's good to see you still know how to order people."

Chen MingYun's expression became odd.

She had previously been the director of a research lab and even held a government position that allowed her to have considerable voice concerning world affairs; she was used to giving orders and receiving the varying types of responses, good and bad; but at the moment, she couldn't tell whether this little girl was joking or being malicious with her words as her conduct and expression didn't give anything away.

It had been the same before when ZiFeng 'politely' fed her that bowl of soup. She was obviously forcing her, but the little girl's words and actions couldn't be called rude or disrespectful in any way and she wore a smile the whole time. It was somewhat frightening.

"Have a good rest Miss, Zi'er will leave now."

While she was thinking, ZiFeng finished packing up and left the room, closing the door solidly.

Chen MingYun stared for a while, her brain falling into a momentary lag before she quickly got out of bed, going over to the door to lock it. Turning to face the empty room, Chen MingYun's figure then vanished into thin air, reappearing in a lush valley full of nature's fresh fragrance.