

My name is John yep pretty chill for a devil. My job is to kill those who are really evil. Im my life I have killed more than 10,000 people. Yet I never was happy I mean every other Devil where happy but me I just didn't feel like this was fun. Now let me tell you how this works. I go down to the human world kill people that have done bad things bring them to hell and give them the punishment based on what they have done. There are 10 levels each based on how bad they were like for instance if you kill one person then that is a level four. If you kill 10 or more then that is a level 7 and yeah. Its super boring cause every time I kill someone there a 5 and below i have never met anyone higher than that. Oh yeah different devils go to different universes and mine is the seventh. There are a total of 13 universes, but unfortunately I got the worst out of them all people in this universe are really nice and stuff which makes me mad and bored like i wanna kill all of them there.

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