

A desert storm was brewing. Sand, dust, and rocks were mixed in with the fierce winds as the rising cyclone covered all six quadrants—the source of the phenomenon originating from far within the collapsing sector E. The infamous district known for gliders and small aircraft was reduced to an unrecognizable wasteland harboring mounds of rubble.

The only signs of civilization were the two girls fighting in the storm, as a third fell from a black rift that opened high in the sky, successfully repelling the large woman on top as she closely cradled her comatose friend.

Their eyes narrowed at seeing one another. The sand blizzard shifted to circle the two, closing them in a small circle while blinding sunlight beat down upon them, almost as if it could sense the duel about to take place—one looking to protect and the other seeking to destroy.


Sparing one final glance at the floating blackness above, I saw the familiar shadow waiting patiently before being swallowed by the all-consuming gale.

You have my gratitude, Yis.

I hugged my mistress tighter, absorbing the sight of her injuries.

My hands shuddered, losing their natural color and turning pale white as they curled into a fist. The soft look I had melted into a steel glare with one long chilling breath escaping me when my gaze settled on the suspect at hand.

"What's with the unwelcoming expression, Lei? There's no need for it. I was just finishing up and about to head out before you ruined everything with your reappearance."

"...Why were you apologizing, Darh?"

"Pardon me?"

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry, you repeatedly muttered the phrase over and over, knowing what you were doing. Does it serve to help clear your conscience?"

"...No, I think this is a big, sick joke you're enjoying to its fullest. What your crew did to Jai, you did the same to Thalia. Torturing people, slowly immersing yourself in their pain and suffering until they break down and begin to feel helpless. Your sadistic pleasure... you're like the devil."

Darh's head lolled to the side in puzzlement, mute and unexpressive. Her lips puckered into a shrill laugh as deep bloody gashes appeared on her cheeks, where her nails raked across them violently. "Aww, I'm sorry. Was that a question or a statement? You know what people say... watch your words; otherwise, they might come true."

Magic power spiked from Darh, a rising red aura enveloped her with great intensity and her mouth widened into a crooked smile showing all her teeth.

The shockwaves generated from Darh's sudden spike in power resonated with the rampant storm weaponizing the high-speed winds.


I was swept off the ground while still holding Thalia, the purple mist of Yis's body gradually appearing inside the dangerous tornado which had us entrapped.

Our bodies threatened to be separated from the tight hold I had on Thalia, her body floating upward as mine pulled down in the opposite direction, the fragile clasp of our locked pinkies barely keeping us together.

The tendrils of Yis's shadows finally came within reach, taking in Thalia first. I frantically pushed forward with my legs, propelling myself through the sharp winds like a fish. My hand thrust out for Yis's metaphysical body, a finger reaching near inside the portal.

It snapped shut.

The portal's final moment was etched into my eyes, vanishing the second my hand missed the exit. Bewilderment shot through my pupils, each blink feeling slower than the one before as everything gradually processed, my ankle reeling back from the sudden crushing surge of pain that rushed through.

Tingling sensations accompanied the injury; blue bruises swelled on the spot, almost like I had been electrocuted.

"Does it hurt? Does it tickle? Hey, what does the pain feel like? I won't know unless you tell me, Leifa."

Darh's voice rung tauntingly, each word slurred deliriously, as if she was drunk, her wild cackling bouncing from all angles.

"...Leifa." She cooed. Darh's voice went sweet, like an innocent child, purring in my ear before all sounds of her faded.


I lurched forward, blood sputtering from my mouth. Pain traveled through my back, shooting up my spine before settling uncomfortably in my stomach.

Air furiously rushed out of my lungs; a sturdy arm had itself wrapped and tightened around my throat as I went from floating to rapidly plummeting like a comet.

Red splattered across my face flying off the pointed tip protruding through my abdomen. The shiny silver reflected in my pupils started to blur in and out of focus, the lack of oxygen slowly dulling my senses.

Is that... my spear?

I flailed my unrestrained limbs, feet kicking and hands thrusting out to remove the spear. Darh made quick work of the struggle, capturing both arms, pinning them behind me with her free hand, and flipping our positions.

"Don't squirm so much. There's no way I'm letting you escape now that you're in my sights again."

"I've got it, something that'll make you stay! How about I show you my magic? I have all sorts of tricks I plan to put you through!"

"Hehehe, yeah! Let's try this one first! ...Boreas Impact!"

The tornado's width shrunk, crushing us together as it became as thin as a piece of string. Sparks crackled in the air. The combined sand and wind heated and burned, igniting me on fire.

Radiating violently, the desert environment bubbled and popped below, and the ground grew closer in perspective, approaching ever faster until the tip of my nose floated millimeters from impacting. Piercing my tongue, I fought past gritted teeth. Blood trickling down the corner of my mouth, I yelled desperately, "Bellus!"


Darh's surprise drowned out against a flash of white light. A circular mirror appeared over the spot of impact before we crashed, reflecting the spell with double its force, launching Darh off my back in its explosive aftermath.

She's utterly lost it; everything about her behavior is way too errati—Crap!

Still actively blazing, a flaming leg nearly struck my skull. Darh's continuous attacks left no room for pause, her mind completely disregarding the smoldering condition her body was in, bits and pieces falling off as ash.


Blackened arms flew into the sky, becoming dust in the wind before they landed. Replled by my mirror a second time, Darh tumbled in the sand, quickly crouching on her legs like a dog.

I knelt on one knee, spear clasped in hand, dry blood coating its tip.

Neither of us moved, our eyes carefully studying each other. Bellus danced around me protectively, soon drawing the ire of Darh's gaze, her head tilting at it quizically.

"What is that mirror?... It radiates abnormality... but you do too."

"We're so alike... hehe, but answer a question for me, Lei..."

"Are you truly human, or are you a devil, like me? I only just noticed, but where's your shadow, Leifa?"