

LOVE a beautiful word but different meaning. love is like a mystery box which can only be opened up when you find your true love but what if that mystery box makes your like miserable what if It was not meant to be opened up what if that mystery box breaks you both apart what if you opened the box but in the wrong timing ZADE BLACK a cold hearted businessman and a famous playboy. whose charm can make all the girls and some boys to drool over him. he has everything a person wants a successful career, money , fame and brother like bestfriend; but like moon is beautiful but still have dark spots similarly Zade life is also not so perfect what is his dark spot ??? you will know by riding the rollercoaster of his life with the author one important note about him is his obsession can make him do any Sin " DARE TO EVEN THINK ABOUT SOMETHING MINE AND I WILL SERVE YOUR HEAD AS A LUNCH FOR MY WOLVES" AURA VOLKOV a beautiful person from both inside and outside and a time traveller who comes to 2019 to complete her research with her bestfriend and get back to his boyfriend in 2150 but what would happen if she was trapped in 2019 by someone name ZADE BLACK but she will automatically be in her timeline after 10 months of arrival TO KNOW MORE READ THIS BOOK OF LOVE, HATE , PAIN AND A GOOD BYE BETWEEN THEM " IT'S SCARY TO BEING LOVED BECAUSE LIFE IS COMPLICATED AND ALL TO OFTEN IT THROWS YOU OFF BALANCE BY SENDING YOU THE RIGHT PERSON AT THE WRONG TIMING" ~ AURA VOLKOV

PARA_DOX · Urban
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10 Chs



"HAHAHAH...HAHAHA...This can't be true...I wa.. hahaha...want to taste your body. Hannah If there is a single bit of self-respect you have then never face that woman again...hahaha" There are tears in my eyes and my stomach also hurts because of all the laughter.

Hannah and I had just watched our last night movement thanks to Flur and Candy. It is so embarrassing for both of us but it's more than embarrassment on her side.

"shut the fuck up Aura..... Ahhhh it was all because of that stupid alcohol. I will never try that shot ever again" her face is so red that it could be compared to a cherry.

I really thought a lots of thing to do here but letting a Mafia lady boss seduced by my shameless and pervert bestie was totally unimaginable even for my sinister brain.

"who said, the one who was almost ready to dive naked in that alcohol pool." If only I and some bodyguards didn't stopped her then she will definitely jump into that alcohol pool all naked. when all the penis in that place were standing like a rod by just watching her in her undergarments.

She fell on the bed while facing the ceiling " What should I do now. I am here in the place of a mafia lady boss whom I seduced and I don't know what she will do to me. I can't believe it that in just two days from being an excellent scientist I became a pervert seducer." she is talking to own self.

" you are not alone here and don't be so hard on yourself instead you should fell proud on your self that after living 24 year of your life as nun and avoiding all kind of relationship you finally made your first attempt and most importantly with a mafia lady which is both dangerous and inappropriate for sake of this time zone where LGBTQ is still not an open topic " the way she is glaring me I am positive that she is in graveyard with my dead body.

"what???" her eyes are really something that can make you feel fear and danger at the same time. If that lady really liked this creature even by a one per cent then I am damn sure that she is blind.

"Get out of my room Aura" damn even her voice is also so cold that can make one person shiver down to its bone.

" Geezhhh no need to be so cold I am going ok, chill"

I opened the door when a Lin boy came in my view who was going to knock the door. He is now wearing a mask but due to his slim body and curly hair its easy to identify him. He is covering his nose with his right hand while holding a black polythin in left. A very bad smell is emitting from this bag.

"what is in this bag" I said in a muffle voice as I am covering my nose with my hands.

"Boss has ordered us to bring it to you guys" he moved his hand toward me to get the bag but before I could have it Hannah snatched it.

" What is in this bag that smells so bad and why did your boss wants us to have it " she opened the bag and immediately gave it me and run towards the bathroom while holding her mouth like she is going to vomit.

I looked inside the bag and it's..... FUCKING VOMIT. I gave it back to lee while taking deep breaths to stop myself from puking because that fucking bitch locked the door and I am damn sure she not going to open it for me.

'aren't they desperately wanted to have it yesterday' Lin

"What the fuck... Is it a new way of your gang to kill people without scattering a single drop of blood" the lee guy tie the bag and use room freshner. If he knows that this bag has something so disgusting then why did he gave us and atleast he can gave us a warning but no he is a damn idiot.

" What... No need for giving me this deadly look both of you " I didn't realise that Hannah is already here standing beside me.

"It was an order from the Ice and last night you guys were so desperate to keep this shit that you both wants to sleep with this bag besides you. You both were blabbering That you discovered something new and wants to take it somewhere. That's why instead of throwing it right away we chose to gave it to you guys."

Flur had showed us something like that but we didn't realise that we were fighting over this shit.yuck its smell is so strong and bad.

" take this shit with you and get out of here" we pushed him out out of the room.

"we are doomed here" she said while rubbing her face.

" No sweetie only you are doomed, you are the seducer not me" I said then leave her alone to scream at top of her lungs.


"ahhh.....ah.....ahhhh...shittttt...fasterrrr..faster daddy...ahhh" the girl is shouting and cry filling the room with the scream and loud pumping between the bodies. the man is spanking from the behind without any emotions. all the bodyguard were outside the room waiting for their master while tolerating the high pitch voice of the girl.

"keep your mouth close bitch"