
Devil's Sakura

Betrayal... That's what the 27 year old military officer, Takamura Daichi experienced when he was shot to the head by his own best friend and fellow soldier, Asakura Kuzuki. Expecting his death, Daichi was shocked when he was reincarnated into the body of a 15-year-old boy, Hanazono Haruto, 15 years to the future. With this newfound opportunity, Daichi now Haruto will stop at nothing to get his revenge on his killer, using whatever means necessary to make sure that the snake Kuzuki will die the most painful and humiliating death... No matter what the cost.

NekoAAA · Realistic
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13 Chs

5: Destiny?

I never would have imagined my first meeting with my very own daughter to be like this…

Under the Sakura Tree, it really is the same circumstances back when I first laid my eyes on the angel that was my beautiful wife.

And this girl right here, my precious daughter Himegi… really does look the same as her mother, sharing striking similarities, from her angelic face down to her lean, womanly body figure. As a father, it brings me utter joy to see my daughter grow up into a fine young lady who shall no doubt take the world by storm and attract the eyes of the people with her unmeasurable beauty.

Perhaps I'm exaggerating, and beauty can be subjective, but as a parent, I can't help but compliment my own child like that to the fullest. Any parent probably would. As a matter of fact, it took every ounce of my willpower to hold myself back from screaming at her that she is no doubt the cutest girl in the whole world!! That's how proud I am of her as her father.

Damn it, my daughter is a freaking beauty!!! Thank you, Himeko, for bringing her out in this world and giving this fool of a man that I am the opportunity for this treasurable meeting.

"Uhm… are you alright?"

I was snapped back instantly to reality when Himegi suddenly approached while looking at me with a rather concerned look.

The reason for her concern is due to the fact that I'm literally crying. My eyes were like an uncontrollable river of pure emotions. Even when I perfectly know how to handle and conceal my emotions, I really can't help myself on this joyous occasion. Here I thought I was confident enough to be composed when I finally meet the family that I lost.

Captain of the Japanese Army and U.N. Special Forces my ass. I was a cold, calculating military officer for crying out loud. Logic mostly dictated my every action and choice whenever I was on the battlefield.

But just at the sight of my lovely daughter all brought that to a halt.

Shit, my first meeting with my daughter and I'm a fucking mess!! Now the girl is going to think strangely of me and might avoid me like a plague in the future.

Good job, Capt. Takamura. You screwed things up with your daughter of all people no less!! Forget revenge, my initial relationship with this girl is now in shambles!!

The girl seemed to be confused, her adorable eyes piercing right at me as if she was determining whether I'm someone who should be even talking to or not.

Then her eyes widen, like a realization seemingly hitting her as she said, "Could it be-"

Yup, this is the end of me. I can kiss the prospect of being friends with my own daughter goodbye. I can now imagine her thoughts, thinking that I'm a weird, mentally challenged boy of a sort who she wants nothing to do with.

Bracing the inevitable awkwardness and rejection, I did not expect the next words that came from her mouth.

"-that you feel intense sadness at seeing this injured puppy in my arms?"


Her words snapped me back at her as I wipe the tears from my eyes.

Hmm, it appears that Himegi somehow misunderstood my tears for extreme empathy for the puppy that she is tending. What a strange girl for coming up with such a bizarre conclusion. Like I have any other choice. I suppose accepting her excuse would divert me from any confusion that's going to happen between the two of us. While the conclusion is certainly out of the norm, I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth and shall simply accept her reason as what it is.

"I… I'm truly sorry." I decided to keep up the act that she oh so wanted to believe. "I must look really weird to you, I imagine."

"A little." The girl chuckled heartily. "Although that's not necessarily a bad thing. Exceptional empathy of your level is quite hard to find in an individual now these days. Honestly, though, I find it rather charming."

Wait, so this was a sign of approval coming from her? Well, this is good then. Let's not screw this up the second time.

"Really? I… thank you. You are the first to say that to me." I smiled at her gratefully. Of course, my panic is now long gone at this point and I am now merely pretending my anxiety since it is the proper form of response to this dilemma that I'm still in.

Then, my attention focused solely on the puppy in her slender arms. I took out a handkerchief from my pocket and tied it to the puppy's wounded leg.

"This will alleviate his pain in the meantime. But I suggest that you bring him to the nurse's office. I'm sure any medical staff with a heart won't reject treating this cute little thing."

"Yes, you're right. I shall do that." The girl's smile turns even brighter. "You know, you're one interesting man. My name is Asakura Himegi. May I ask for your name?"

"Hanazono Haruto." I patted the puppy's head with affection while saying my name "A pleasure, Asakura-san."

Upon the mention of my name, she looked rather surprised and somewhat excited. "Hanazono Haruto? Could it be? Are you the one who garnered a perfect score in the admission exam?"

So my newfound reputation already preceded me if someone know me even during the first day of school without even prior interactions. I'm not sure if this is going to be a good or bad thing.

Only time will tell…

"Yes." I find no reason to hide such open information from her whatsoever.

"A-amazing!!" Her eyes twinkled with recognition and her smile turned brighter than the sunshine. "So the rumors are true!! Not only did a commoner pass the admission exam, but also perfected it no less!!"

"Please, you flatter me, Hanazono-san." I calmly stated, touched by the praise. "With the right amount of hard work and dedication, anyone can achieve the same level of success. So I feel that I'm no one really special."

"Is that so?" Himegi appeared quite intrigued. Anyone naturally would feel the same. "Not only do you have empathy but you are also humble and possessed quite an outstanding intelligence as well. You sure are quite interesting indeed, Haruto-san."

Haruto-san? Wait, did she just call me by my first name?

Himegi seemed to have realized her mistake and her face turned red with embarrassment as a result.

"Ah, my apologies, Hanazono-san. That was rude of me." Her embarrassment was certainly adorable.

"I don't frankly mind. On contrary, I prefer if you call me by my first name since my sister is also attending with me in this school. In return, may I call you by your first name as well?"

This should hopefully at least close the gap in friendship between us. Even in our first meeting, I should take the initiative and not hesitated and reach out to her. I am the father, so it's only right that I try to get close to my daughter.

"Sure, Haruto-san." The girl agreed wholeheartedly with beaming sunshine.

So far, so good. As a matter of fact, this is far better than what I have expected. To think that on the very first day of school, and right before the entrance ceremony, I'm now on a first-name basis with Himegi. If my plans progressed like this at a favorable rate, then I won't be surprised if Kuzuki is going to be below 6 feet to the ground in just a month.

Of course, that's just wishful thinking. Getting close to a cabinet member as a high schooler is far near impossible. Thus, I needed the help of his daughters, to befriend them. With any luck, I'm going to get invited to their home and also get close to Kuzuki to deliver the killing blow.

"The Sakura Tree…"

While I was in deep contemplation of my plans, Himegi seemed to be saying something as I brought my focus right back to her.

"My mother told me that the Sakura Tree was the beginning of something beautiful, where if two individuals would meet under its striking beauty, then they will be bound by a bond and destiny that can't be broken, even by the burden of time. So, I'm wandering, Haruto-san…"

My heart skipped a beat and I was awestruck by the heartfelt words that she delivered.

"Could it be that this meeting of ours is a destined rendezvous?"

Hehehe, an unexpected and bizarre reunion between father and daughter. I wander what their future lies ahead?

Thanks for reading!!!

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