
Devil's pathway

The story goes about a boy that encounters a dark soul . The dark soul made a deal with the young boy for power he needed to do the bidding for the soul. but with the power came a dark voice that stayed in the boys mind and twisted his view if the world. after some time the young boy didn't know what was good and evil. and the only thing that stayed was him or the world. the voice came out to the boy " young one do you seek power?" the voice asked the helpless boy. the boy asked in a fearfully tone wh...who..a..are...you"the boy asked shaking by the mysterious voice. the voice said with a smirk" just a passing by grim reaper." the voice answered with a laughing tone. the boy was shaken by the words and replied" why can I hear you but not see you..."the boy asked with fear visible on his face as sweat came down his forehead. the voice answered again" that simple the gods have banished me from sitting foot on the 4 planet's" the voice answered. the boy was shaking hearing his remark and said " do..does...t...that...mean your a ...deity?" the voice laughed and replied" your a smart one..... that means this will go smoothly" only the tip of the ice berg. come read if that gave you goosebumps. chapter's 1200-1600 words. and 1-2 chapter per week, I'll let know if that changes

ReaperKid · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Ch 1: Arrival

The young boy stood in front of the massive gate in length it was 5 meters and in width 8 meters. Covered in gold and silver. And in the middle of the huge gate there stood "Yung Lee clan". With two guards on each side that had no expectation on there face and didn't mind the young boy that stood there with amazement on his face.

"It's soo huge, I can't believe this is only a gate the Yung Lee clan must be rich" the young boy asked his escort that stood next to him.

the escort replied in a smirkish tone " yes that is right young Benjamin they are one of the 12 great families in the human world. it is said that the Yung Lee clan was one of the four greater families that fought against the shadow beings 600 year's ago. the clan leader is still alive till this day that leader the war, along side the great human God Granith. But with respect great lord Granith lost the battle" as the escort said the last words he bowed his head with respect. Also did everyone who listened to his story.

After a few seconds everyone raised there heads and looked at the escort" come come now onto the next site" the escort said with excitement. "mister escort where are we going next" young Benjamin asked with confusion.

"We are going to the Gang Yong academy Where you young one's are going to live from now on until you graduate or are 25 years old"

the escort said while he was focused on the road to look out where he was walking.

"mister escort am I correct if I said that the requirements for graduation is to reach mastered peak rank or get kicked out if you become of age" Benjamin said to see if his knowledge was correct. "it seems someone has read there text books" the escort replied while he looked at Benjamin with a smile.

"no hes just a book loner that has nothing better to do" a young boy of the same age as Benjamin remarked with a smirking smile while the whole group snickered.

"mister Alexander Graizer, it doesn't mean if your from one of the 12 great families that your too great to get a good beating. Watch Your Tone and keep you head down. Boy!" The escort replied with a angry tone.

the whole group went silent of fear

"im an escort of the human kingdom and was sent by king exlother. Soo that means I have the rights to punish anyone who doesn't know there place, even if that is the hear to the graizer clan"

the escort said in a demanding tone.

"yes, mister escort" Alexander said with his head down. Benjamin was glad that someone stood up for him, but when he looked at Alexander he saw the anger in his eyes, just when he wanted to look away him an Alexander locked eyes and he saw the glare and smirk on his face and felt a chill down his spine.

Benjamin just looked away and kept following the escort to the Gang Yong academy. But while on the trip to the academy he couldn't keep the excitement in. "What is the academy like mr. escort" Benjamin asked the escord with curiosity in his eyes. "back in my days it was a hard place to survive without power if your weak, the academy only nurtures those with power and those who are weak is only food for those with powers. But young one don't stress with that brain of yours you'll find a way to reach the top. but when your on top don't forget to to forget who helped you get there. Because whats the point to only share the spotlight with yourself" the escort said to the group with a caring voice.

"we are here we will start with the inner building then we will end it by the sleeping courters. where you will find your designated rooms and your roommates, after you are settled in you will come down to eat you'll have free time until bead time at 11. tomorrow you'll have time to settle in and explore the the campus. only restrictions are not the explore the forest and higher levels of the academy. Understood"

"Understood" the students replied together.

" room 5648...room 5648... ahh here it is" Benjamin said in a tired voice of all the walking he has done.

" ahh soo tired i just want to lay down. my feet are killing me" Benjamin said while he was opening the door just as he opened the door and walk in he saw a group of ppl inside sitting on the floor chatting and eating snacks. there were 4 in the room 2 brown headed ppl the one was slim and had blue eyes with a well jaw line the other with brown eyes and a little chubby and a round face. the other one had brown hair and green eyes and was silent and couldn't see his face because he was wearing a hoodie. the other one was the center of attention with purple hair and grey eye's. Anyone could see he was a hear from a prestigious clan. He was Nathan White from the white family placed 6th in the clan ranks. the Graizer clan is only placed 9th.

"hey there you must be the last in our room . we were waiting for the last too come, now we can introduce ourself. I'll go first im Nathan White next to be hear to the clan proud to be one too. I like strong people to fight and always come on top, im not picky with food but prefer steaks and ramen" Nathan said with excitement to meet new people. " I'll go second since I arrived second my name is brendon Graizer from a small branch of the main family i like everything and don't hate most things" the quite kid said that didn't speak much. " hello everyone im ghraiten ghlear not one of those big and humble families like yours just from the small country side I like fish because it reminds me of home and nothing else worth saying" the blue eyed one said. "hello everyone else im Noah gleaden i love eating and mostly ramen" the chubby one said. " Soo it's my turn im Benjamin excolus. yes I'm from the lost clan that perished in the great war. I like to meet new ppl and have a fun time but training comes first" Benjamin said as he walked to his bed and lied down.

"Benjamin wake up... Benjamin!!" Nathan screamed to wake up Benjamin. "uhhh what do you want i was sleeping" he replied in a sleepy voice. " I was thinking we can go explore the academy together" Nathan asked with excitement in his voice." uhh why soo early tho its like only 6 in the morning" Benjamin replied.

" come on everyone else has already left to go train" Nathan replied in a bored tone. "fine let me get ready then" he said while he stood up.