
Devil's Pact King of Assassins

If, for example, you have only a few hours left to live, how will you face it? ...... Kevin, an ordinary geek, was shot dead on the spot by the pursuing police after committing a heinous crime of a dozen lives in a fit of rage! When he was on the verge of death, a soul contract from the abyss gave him a new life, and because of the experience of death, he awakened the demonic eye of death, which is known as "god-slaying"! In the limited time that the devil gives him, Kevin must complete one mission after another to gain more time to live! The Lonely Walker ...... Infinite World Walking in the shadows, chasing the footprints of the moon's shadow, piercing the endless abyss with the short sword in his hand! This is the strong rise of the King of Assassins!

Dada088 · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Chapter 99 - Assassination Plans

Rae cursed with a cigarette in her mouth, and if she hadn't had to drive, she might have rushed over at the first opportunity.

Claire and Matthew and the others all gathered around, seeming to gawk at some rare object with all sorts of amazement.

"Can this thing be used against helicopters?"

kevin asked, opening his mouth.

If they can only deal with tanks, then they better pray that the Umbrella Corporation helicopters don't spot them before they get out of town.

Otherwise, these six cars are no different than moving living targets!

"At two hundred meters, this thing hits a helicopter gunship as easily as a mosquito!"

Jedi said, already shouldering the bazooka and aiming it around excitedly.

Of course, the six armor-piercing bullets were still lying quietly in the middle of the iron box.

"Two hundred meters?"

Although kevin didn't know anything about armaments and weapons, he was able to visually estimate the effective distance of this guy, and if the Umbrella Corporation still wanted to use Alice to research the T-virus, even if the helicopter gunships caught up with them, their first reaction would only be to warn and persuade them to surrender, and they would inevitably hover less than a hundred meters above them.

As Jedi said, at a range of two hundred meters, hitting a helicopter gunship with these armor-piercing rounds is as easy as hitting a mosquito!

"Still, you're a godsend."

Matthew gave kevin a deep look and let out an exclamation.

"Just luck."

kevin smiled bitterly, it was really luck, as the special tactics member said, it was an arms dealer's lair, even a big killing weapon like an anti-tank bazooka, maybe preparing to plan some kind of terrorist attack before the outbreak of the biochemical crisis.

kevin had Andrew lead the drive to the west, not by randomly pointing out the direction, but by choosing the closest route based on the electronic map Callump had pulled up.

However, the route doesn't look good, and the converging walkers are far denser than before.

Under the dull neon light with red and green as the dominant color, there are shifting black shadows wandering slowly within the shadowy corners everywhere.

"Slow down the car, turn off the lights, shut the windows down, and we'll drive through quietly."

kevin's voice came through the intercom and reached every driver's ear.

Receiving the instructions, the crowd was in a flurry of activity, rushing to turn off the lights and windows and minimize the sound of the engine to reduce the attention of the walkers.

The zombies that had been running towards the headlights lost their target when the headlights were turned off, and after advancing a few steps, they resumed their wandering state.

There weren't many walkers on this street, and even picking up speed, kevin and the guys were able to bump into them until they made it all the way out!

However, in order to avoid the zombies gathering more and more, kevin decides it's best to take the safe approach and slowly advance as he nears the Umbrella Corporation quarantine zone.

Nonetheless, there are still zombies staying in the path of the car, this time there is no need to be polite, speed up and ruthlessly knock them out of the way!

"Knock knock!"

A zombie whose body had already begun to stiffen was hit so hard by the car that the lower half of its body immediately flew forward, while the upper half of its body remained motionless due to its previous inertia!

In doing so, the zombie rolled up the hood of the car as if it were airborne, and then was thrown down hard!

The four cars that followed drove over the walkers, their wheels skillfully avoiding them without causing a single bump or wobble.

But when it came to the school bus that Rae was driving, the violent woman, a cruel smirk on her face, slightly deflected the steering wheel and pressed the gas pedal down a little.

The car, which had been traveling at a slower speed, steeply piece, rolled the head of the zombie that had not yet had time to rise from the ground, and then viciously crushed it!

Only heard a "pop" sound, the zombie's head will be like a watermelon like burst open, there are stars of red and white things splashed on the window.

"Wow, this one's pretty juicy!"

Rei let out a loud, unrestrained laugh, as if something like crushing a walker's head was very enjoyable for her.

"Keep it down, don't attract all those things."

kevin shook his head, somewhat helplessly.

After more than twenty minutes of slow traveling, the piece of brick wall constructed by the Umbrella Corporation finally appeared in the middle of the crowd's line of sight!

That one bright searchlight in the middle of the darkness, as dazzling as the sun, so that people can not help but, at the first time, put their attention over there!

Aside from that major gap reserved for the Mermen Bridge, what the Umbrella Corporation used to isolate the entire city was a type of tempered glass.

This kind of glass has very high hardness and toughness, coupled with the thickness of up to dozens of mm, not to mention the zombies, even if a heavy truck rushes and crashes, it will not necessarily be able to break this isolation zone!

And, all around the main quarantine zone, there are armed guards on duty, both zombies and humans, who will shoot down anything that dares to come near with the guns in their hands!

"What to do?"

Andrew's voice came over the intercom, causing kevin to fall into a brief silence.

The four-meter-high barrier is an insurmountable barrier for the zombies, but for the well-trained people it's nothing at all, and the two of them can easily go over it with their cooperation.

But kevin was worried that once they got close to the quarantine zone, they would be spotted by the patrolling Umbrella Corporation guards, and even if all of them managed to get over the barrier safely, the helicopters and reinforcements that followed would be enough to wipe out the twenty-odd of them who had lost their means of transportation!

And while the anti-tank bazookas kevin found might be able to blast through a piece of the barrier, they couldn't come close to effective range!

Even though, hundreds of meters away on both sides of this place, there is no warning system, where the road is, there are obstacles that vehicles cannot pass.

It was too late, and kevin made a quick decision after a few seconds of hesitation!

"Don't do anything rash for now, let's disguise ourselves as ordinary abandoned vehicles and wait for my next instructions."

KEVIN turned the walkie-talkie off, put it back on his belt, pointed to Alice and Matthew, and said, "You two come with me."

After the baptism of the hive incident, Alice and Matthew had an inexplicable trust in kevin's decision-making, or rather, subconsciously, they were willing to trust kevin!

After kevin named them, Ellis and the two of them didn't even ask for anything and directly followed him, this dry trust caused a smile to appear on kevin's face.

"I'm going to take my men and take out all of the Umbrella Corporation's patrolling guards, so you guys wait here for now until I hear from you."

KEVIN knocked on Andrew's car window, and after revealing the plan to Andrew, without even listening to him, he simply turned around and left.

And by now, Alice and Matthew had already finished off all the nearby walkers with their bare hands, doing their best to prevent accidents from happening.

KEVIN then walked over to another car and called the sniper, Pace, down.

"Listen, we need to feel our way through one side and take out all the guards on that side."

kevin said, pointing his finger in the distance, where almost all that could be seen was a black line with dots of light in the quarantine zone, and then said, "We'll need your sniping cooperation when necessary."

Again, kevin didn't leave Pace a chance to object, and Matthew's walkie-talkie was already shoved into his hand.

"Killing those beasts before didn't separate the winners from the losers, so let's have another match with these guards, and whoever has the most heads will win."

With little resistance, Pace gladly accepted the errand and spelled out the match the two had casually suggested earlier.

"Then you're destined to lose."

KEVIN smiled slightly and led the way to the other side of the caravan after Pace reclaimed his sniper rifle.

"Speed up, we don't have much time, the Umbrella Corporation helicopters could pick up our trail at any moment!"

kevin said as he picked up speed, nimbly dodging the various obstacles on this hillside.

Raised rocks, small trees more than a meter high, and various potholes were left behind, and the distance of hundreds of meters was crossed in five minutes!

It wasn't until the searchlight on the strip of barrier in front of the road turned into a blinking dot that kevin and the others began to charge forward.

This distance is the only way to ensure that you are not detected and alerted by the guards patrolling nearby, thus defeating the purpose!

Although kevin's patience was relatively poor, it was only relative, and his fifteen points of strength attribute made his muscular endurance, not much inferior to Matthew and the others.