
Devil's Pact King of Assassins

If, for example, you have only a few hours left to live, how will you face it? ...... Kevin, an ordinary geek, was shot dead on the spot by the pursuing police after committing a heinous crime of a dozen lives in a fit of rage! When he was on the verge of death, a soul contract from the abyss gave him a new life, and because of the experience of death, he awakened the demonic eye of death, which is known as "god-slaying"! In the limited time that the devil gives him, Kevin must complete one mission after another to gain more time to live! The Lonely Walker ...... Infinite World Walking in the shadows, chasing the footprints of the moon's shadow, piercing the endless abyss with the short sword in his hand! This is the strong rise of the King of Assassins!

Dada088 · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Chapter 97 - Returning Things to Their Rightful Owner


Jedi couldn't help but walk over curiously as kevin carried a metal box out of the trunk of a car and heaved it into the school bus.

"Knock knock!"

Jedi couldn't help but reach out and tap on it, the somewhat hollow echo preventing him from judging what was in it.

"Big killer, you'll see when the time comes."

kevin tapped Jedi on the shoulder, a mysterious smile on his face.

The crowd was geared up and, as Dr. Asheford had said, seven minutes later, Iris finally arrived at the agreed upon Raccoon City Junior High School.

However, she did not come alone; she was accompanied by three others!

The dim streetlights, the silence and darkness of the night, the four figures walking quickly under the neon lights that dimmed and faded, lifted everyone's spirits.

kevin meanwhile was secretly relieved, in fact he was more anxious than anyone to escape the city ...

"Welcome back, Alice."

Kevin got out of the car to greet him and stretched out his right hand, and the Abyssal Ring, which was like white jade and sheep's fat congealed into a ring, flickered with a fluorescent light that could not be detected by non-contractors.

Instead of shaking hands with it, Alice gave kevin a hard bear hug as Jedi had done, her shawl of blonde hair wrapping around the end of kevin's nose, giving off a distinctive smell of nitrous.

"By the way, things are returned to their rightful owners."

Leaving Alice's soft embrace, kevin was immediately rewarded with a new surprise.

The two short swords that he had thrown as concealed weapons were surprisingly picked back up by Ellis!


Anything, you only know how precious it is when you lose it. The surprise of finding it again after losing it made kevin feel a little more affectionate towards the short sword in his hand.

"Oh! That's a nice looking car!"

A black man in a plaid jacket and a dark cowboy hat didn't avoid suspicion at all and walked right onto this bus to review it.

"Hey everyone, my name is Wade, or you can call me LJ."

Seeing that most of the eyes of the people in the car were drawn to what he said, Wade instantly introduced himself.

The black man appeared in the original series and had a notable part in Resident Evil Part III, a secondary character of sorts, out of the drag queen category.


kevin was just about to respond when another strong man who had followed Iris, with the Umbrella Corporation logo emblazoned on the chest of his combat suit, suddenly coughed violently.

His face was white, his head was sweating, and a trace of blood was still running slowly down his pulled-down short sleeve, showing obvious signs of infection!

"When did you get bitten?"

Kevin's eyes were instantly drawn to the man and he opened his mouth to ask.

"About forty minutes ago, do you still have the antidote?"

Ellis remembered the stall at that moment and hurriedly looked at KEVIN.


kevin beckoned and pulled Angela over, removing the small metal box and opening it, as in the original episode, there were nine self-injectable green antidotes, swirling in the shimmering light after the headlights had radiated a fascinating sheen.

Alice saw Angela for the first time, but as if she were an old friend she hadn't seen in years, she stared at each other for a long time, silent.

Touching the T-virus antidote, the Guide's icy voice came along with it, like those antidotes in kevin's storage space, which could be sold to the Abyss at the price of one day's survival time.

Kevin took one of them out and fiddled with it for a bit, quickly figuring out how to use it, and then gestured for the man to bring his arm over.

"My name is Carlos, what did you inject me with?"

KEVIN glanced up at the man who was supposed to be considered the hero for a second, and the guy who had been in a life-and-death relationship with Alice in the third movie looked a little nervous.

"Antiviral serum."

Carlos' eyes flickered to this test tube sealed amongst the glass in kevin's hand.

"The T-virus regenerates dead cells and, basically, brings the dead back to life."

kevin said as he held the side of the test tube with six slightly raised dots close to the skin on Carlos' small arm.

"Or cause uncontrollable mutations in the bodies of living people ..."

"Turn into one of those things out there?"

Carlos couldn't help but be creeped out even though he already knew the answer.

"Yes, and these injections given to you can stop you from becoming that thing."

kevin stared at Carlos flickering around, then pressed hard on the top of the glass tube!

The ingenious pressure device created a powerful pressure the moment kevin touched it, pressing the green antidote into Carlos through those six tiny holes.

kevin casually tossed away the empty glass tube, leaving a bright red plum mark on Carlos' arm.

kevin swept back, Alice had pulled back Angela's cuffs, and her small, white arms were covered with a plum imprint, some still new, others so galled they were invisible.


Along with Carlos, there was another white man with short yellow hair, and Jill's tone was a little offended when she noticed the symbols on their chests.

"You're from the Umbrella Corporation?"

"Used to be."

The white man replied, with a hint of a smile on his face that didn't change at all from the rejection.

"But they left me here to die, so I consider myself a freelancer now."

The white man said, and gave a fervent military salute, saying, "Nikolai. Sergeant Genovov, at your service."

"Stop it, Nicola."

Carlos waved his hand and cursed with a laugh.

Including Angela, the passengers on this last school bus, amounted to twelve, which was one more than the total number of passengers ean loaded in the other five cars!

"Kalamp, is this thing in your hand still working?"

KEVIN tapped Kalamp on the shoulder, drawing his attention to the tactical computer on his arm.

"BOSS, this is just a miniature computer storing various programs, out of a specific environment, the last name is not as good as a laptop, what do you want to do?"

Kalamp looked up quizzically, his eyes turning to KEVIN.

"I want to be able to keep tabs on Raccoon City's surveillance system at all times, and this laptop has enough power for three hours at maximum load, get it done."

Kevin like a trick, suddenly appeared in his right hand a laptop computer, style model are very common, is Kevin in the encounter after Matthew and his entourage found, before has been stored in the storage space.

"Be careful that no one notices you're hacking into this surveillance network."

KEVIN squeezed Kalamp's shoulder and spoke at length.

Kalamp muttered a glance at kevin's right hand and said, "It would be easier if it was just monitoring, this computer sends out enough signals to affect it, I'll try it first."

Kalamp said, from his arm in the tactical computer pulled out a data connection cable into the laptop, and then quickly knocked a few keys on the tactical computer, as messy as the general data suddenly flew from the light blue screen refresh ...

By this time, all five cars parked in front of the entrance had started up and were lined up in a straight line, slowly driving past the roadway that was just big enough to accommodate one car.

The school bus that Rae was driving also quickly ignited, and little by little the long body drove on, trailing behind the fifth car.

"Dr. Ashford, how do we leave?"

Answering the phone again, kevin opened his mouth and asked.

"Phew ..."

Through the speaker in his cell phone, kevin could clearly hear the sound of a long breath on the other side.

"There's a bunch of helicopters in the tarmac at City Hall, all ready to go ... about ninety-three minutes from now."

Dr. Ashford, sitting in his wheelchair, raised his hand to look at his watch and spoke to the computer that lay on a stand.

"I bet this batch of airplanes isn't for us."

kevin's voice came from among the computers.

Dr. Asheford held his cigarette between two fingers and exhaled a cloud of smoke from his mouth, saying, "Although the defense is relatively tight, I think with your manpower, grabbing this batch of planes won't be a problem."


kevin said, hanging up the phone. Dr. Asheford's eyes, on the other hand, were fixed on his computer screen, where a single surveillance camera was constantly rotating, always presenting the six cars that KEVIN and the others were riding in on the computer screen.

"Zip ... Zip!"