
Devil's Pact King of Assassins

If, for example, you have only a few hours left to live, how will you face it? ...... Kevin, an ordinary geek, was shot dead on the spot by the pursuing police after committing a heinous crime of a dozen lives in a fit of rage! When he was on the verge of death, a soul contract from the abyss gave him a new life, and because of the experience of death, he awakened the demonic eye of death, which is known as "god-slaying"! In the limited time that the devil gives him, Kevin must complete one mission after another to gain more time to live! The Lonely Walker ...... Infinite World Walking in the shadows, chasing the footprints of the moon's shadow, piercing the endless abyss with the short sword in his hand! This is the strong rise of the King of Assassins!

Dada088 · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Chapter 90 - The Long-Awaited Phone Call

The eleven Special Tactics members looked slightly relieved, then sized each other up with the help of the dim light coming from the alleyway entrance.

The attrition may have been noticed by them, but they all tacitly refrained from bringing it up, and some of the sadness could only be kept in their hearts for the time being, turning it into strength ...

There were only a few zombies in the area, and with kevin's and the others' skill, they naturally resolved the fight before making any noise!

The slightly congested cars that filled the street indicated to kevin and the others, without a doubt, that they had begun to approach the Mermen's Bridge once again!

The wandering zombie was probably the previous owner of the car, trapped in the car when the T-virus infection spread this way, and after turning into a zombie, he was similarly restricted in his movements by the cars crowded together in one piece, which prevented him from being attracted by the battle in the center of the city.

And the keys recovered from their pockets are sideways proof of that.

Most of the cars here were undamaged, finding suitable replacement cars was easy, and kevin's keys that they had searched for easily opened the doors of several of them.

The Special Tactics crew, skilled in all disciplines, flew through the six vehicles they had obtained, and all but one of them had a broken engine, and the other five were able to start normally.

"Jingle bells! Jingle bells!"

Just as a few of them were checking the gas tank, a cell phone in the middle of one of the cars, suddenly rang!

A crisp, sharp ringtone suddenly sounded in the midst of the busyness, startling most of the people and focusing their eyes on the cell phone with its blinking, running lights on its exterior.

Silent night sky wandering under the sheets of zombies, this time ringing cell phone ringtone, of course, all kinds of violations and eerie, a veritable midnight murder bell!

kevin is a heartbeat, his eyes like a falcon like quickly from the surrounding high places swept, and indeed found the three cameras installed in the street lamp.

Two of them were slowly rotating to bring the crowd all into the shot, while the other was motionless and aimed at the car where the mobile cell phone was located, which appeared to have been damaged.


Before Andrew approached, KEVIN was the first to pick up the old cell phone and hit the answer button.

It's also a good thing that the keys on the phone are all universal, or else kevin, who's used to big-screen smartphones, wouldn't really know how to pick it up with this thing.

Resident Evil outbreak time is the nineties, that time of the cell phone, only has the phone and text messaging function, the screen is still black and white, kevin use genuinely awkward.

"I think you guys need help."

A deep, intelligent male voice came over the phone.

"No, we're fine."

kevin replied reflexively.

"There are fourteen of you and your weapons should be depleted, I can help you escape."

kevin's eyes ran over the two cameras, and through them there seemed to be a confident gaze slowly turning over the crowd.

"Let's make a deal."

The voice in the middle of the phone did his best to appear calm, so that his emotions could not be perceived.

"Do we have a choice?"

kevin asked with a flicker of his eyes, mocking himself.

"If you want to live past tomorrow morning ..."

The voice on the phone paused and said, "Then there's no choice."

The conversation between Kevin and the phone did not lower the volume, although Gil and the others did not know what was said on the other end of the phone, but the ancient and mysterious universal language of the abyss in Kevin's mouth, through the translation of some special rules, to their ears, became pure fluent English, incomparably clear.

KEVIN raised his arm, signaling Jill and the others to be at ease, pressing the questions in their minds, for the time being.


kevin nodded helplessly as the camera from the Umbrella Corporation captured his expression clearly and presented it on the computer screen.

"And where is your daughter now?"

kevin paused, a hard-to-understand smile curling the corners of his mouth.

"She's at Raccoon City Junior High School ..."

The voice on the other end of the phone spoke and violently paused, as if it had been strangled, strangling all the words it was about to say next in its throat!

"You ... how you ..."

kevin could even feel at this moment what kind of expression the owner of the stunned and overwhelmed voice on the other end of the phone would have on his face as if he had seen a ghost.

"Not only that, but I know there is a nuclear bomb that will cleanse the city tomorrow, no, at sunrise today, and you should be more anxious than I am. Now, can we begin our deal?"

Dr. Asheford watched kevin's smiling face for a long time through the computer screen in his wheelchair, as if he was in a daze, even as the dying cigarette in his hand began to scorch and carbonize his fingers!

After a long time, Dr. Asheford, who wore tiny round-framed glasses, sighed heavily, as if unaware of the pain, and crushed the cigarette out in his hand, the searing, unmistakable sting releasing his violently fluctuating emotions.

"Name your terms."

Kevin waited for a moment as Dr. Ashford's voice came out again at noon, knowing that he had been caught in the middle of this transaction, and he was indeed incredibly worried about his daughter.

Therefore, even though he had made deals with several waves of people before, he had not taken them out as bargaining chips. He had a hunch that if he wanted to save his daughter, he was afraid that he would have to rely mostly on this former employee of the Umbrella Corporation named KEVIN.

What's the harm in agreeing to all his conditions as long as he can save his daughter?

Dr. Asheford simply assumed a low position of being at the mercy of the others.

"To the best of your ability, contact all armed men in the city who are still able to fight to rendezvous at the school, we'll be leaving with your daughter at 3:00 a.m., and we'll need you to provide a safe escape route at that time."

kevin said what he had already prepared to say.

"And then what?"



Dr. Asheford was a bit disbelieving, he originally thought that kevin was some kind of business spy, and would take the opportunity to ask him for the secrets of the Umbrella Corporation. But how could he not expect that kevin's request would be so simple, wasn't that what he had been doing all along?

"Note the time, 3am. Also ..."

KEVIN paused and said, "Keep an eye out for me for a blonde, shaggy-haired, last name beauty named Alice who used to be the head of the Hive's security department. I'll keep the phone with me at all times."

"I've been working on it, and it's been a pleasure to work with."

Relieved to learn that KEVIN still needed to rely on himself, Dr. Asheford hung up the phone.

KEVIN shoved his cell phone into his pocket, met a dozen puzzled gazes, and smiled bitterly, "The original plan stays the same, we'll go to the nearest gun store to resupply our weapons, then head to Raccoon City Junior High School, where there will be a convergence of surviving armed men."

Seeing that the gazes of the people looking at him did not have the slightest intention of leaving, kevin subconsciously tried to turn the short sword in his hand, but realized that his fingers were just stirring the air in vain and then froze in the air, sighing helplessly.

"All of my setups are for a smoother escape, so everyone doesn't have to look at me like that."

"Who was that on the phone earlier?"

Andrew's expression looked a little somber.

"A senior employee of the Umbrella Corporation who knows a lot of top secret information, his daughter had an accident during the evacuation and is now hiding in a school waiting for rescue, rescue her and this employee will help us escape."

kevin explained, thrusting his hands into his pockets.

"Well, let's go, the sunrise won't wait."

Jill said, getting into a car that was being filled with gasoline, the explanation given by kevin was barely acceptable, and Jill's line about saying that the sun doesn't wait for people was more than enough to keep the rest of the emotions down.

The nukes were all laid out, and even though there were more doubts and suspicions in the hearts of the other Special Tactics members, they had to hold back for a while, and each of them assigned a little bit, and filled up the tanks of the five vehicles with the gasoline that they had taken out from the other vehicles, while carrying some spares at the same time.

Five cars were enough to easily fit twenty people, so with the exception of Jill, kevin, Claire, and Andrew, who shared one car, the rest of the crew went in threes and took all four remaining cars.

Kevin had said that there would be other survivors coming to meet up, and by then five cars might not be enough.