
Devil's Pact King of Assassins

If, for example, you have only a few hours left to live, how will you face it? ...... Kevin, an ordinary geek, was shot dead on the spot by the pursuing police after committing a heinous crime of a dozen lives in a fit of rage! When he was on the verge of death, a soul contract from the abyss gave him a new life, and because of the experience of death, he awakened the demonic eye of death, which is known as "god-slaying"! In the limited time that the devil gives him, Kevin must complete one mission after another to gain more time to live! The Lonely Walker ...... Infinite World Walking in the shadows, chasing the footprints of the moon's shadow, piercing the endless abyss with the short sword in his hand! This is the strong rise of the King of Assassins!

Dada088 · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Chapter 88 - Alice's Battle

In only an instant, Alice made her decision, and with only a lull in her figure, she instantly landed at the end of the pair!


kevin's feet lurched, almost subconsciously about to stop.

"Tired hurry up and get out!"

Without looking back, Ellis gritted her teeth and the words popped out of her mouth.

Kevin's eyes flashed, his teeth clenched, and he yelled, "I'll be waiting for you at Raccoon City Junior High School, out of sight!"

The Special Tactics crew, who were running light, turned around and gave sideways glances, Alice's lagging behind and kevin's yelling left them as if they hadn't already ditched the guy.

Why ...

Just as the crowd had doubts, the ground trembled once again, and a loud sound like a copper-skinned drum being fiercely beaten came out of the air, causing their faces to change fiercely!

Immediately afterward, they saw a large figure, with a speed that surpassed the limits of what their dynamic vision could capture, scurrying out from the middle of the street they had just turned!


The muffled sound of leather pounding clearly echoed beneath the night sky as the Vengeful Evil God's arguably bloated frame collided with Alice's delicate body in a no-frills collision!

The combined force generated by the two impacts instantly broke through two tons, even if Alice was prepared in advance, with rich combat experience to dissolve most of this surging force, the only remaining reaction force still made Alice's tonnage is not enough to the body, flew out backwards!


Like a meteor that cut through the darkness, Alice's body dragged through the air for more than ten meters before crashing heavily on top of a bowl-thick tree trunk!

Wrapping his hands around his back, he took the lead and pressed down on the rough bark just as his body was about to hit the top of the trunk!

The enormous power contained in his body was immediately transferred to the trunk of the tree through his hands, and the other tree, which was not so thin, was directly bent!

Like a bow drawn to the full moon, it was full of potential energy!

Alice's arm, which was more than four times stronger than a normal person's, was slightly numb, and immediately after that, the potential energy of the elastic caste that had been compressed to an extreme point was transformed into a propulsive force that weakened quite a bit, and pushed Alice's soft body away fiercely!

With the help of the propulsion from her hands, Ellis, with her superior awareness, adjusted her posture in the rebounding air without losing her elegance, landed on the ground in a half-crouch, and looked up at the Vengeful Evil God.

Compared to Alice's lightness, the Vengeful Evil God's tonnage was significantly larger, and the force powerful enough to topple a compact sedan only caused its body to take a few steps back, and then stabilize!


The Vengeful Evil God breathed heavily, spewing a pizzicato white mist into the air that seemed to grow colder and colder!

The green eyes were like ferocious beasts, dead set on the figure that stopped his charge!


The active electrical signals coming back from the chip proved that the Vengeful Evil God was in the midst of a violent rage, and wanted to tear everything in front of him to shreds!

"Good! Very good! That's it, don't interfere with its actions with the program, the ultimate test of the Nemesis program, now!"

The commander, who had just finished a cup of coffee, looked unusually exuberant, reaching out and pointing at the screen, reporting back to his superior in the headset.

"By the way ..."

The commander, dressed in a suit and the look of a successful man, turned back to the black guard who had just walked into the center tent and asked, "How's Dr. Ashford doing?"

"Have broken through the defenses of our corporate network and are taking over the Raccoon City network."

The black guard replied meticulously.


The Commander responded, then turned his gaze to the computer screen representing the perspective of the Vengeful Evil God and said no more.

Instead, the black guards turned and walked out of the tent to join the patrol.

The Vengeful Evil God clenched his hands, which had been re-covered by a film of disgusting flesh but were still not much better than bone, into fists, and constantly flicked his arms around, making pre-fighting preparations and utilizing his Battle Aid System to observe Ellis's weaknesses.

"Primary target Iris, threat level: high!"

The Vengeful Evil God is a biochemical weapon that has been recreated through intracranial injection of the R-virus and the constant proliferation of cell-like substances.

Although it had gone through the Umbrella Corporation's memory cleansing as well as chip control, it didn't mean that it was devoid of intelligence; on the contrary, it had retained almost all the characteristics of human emotions except for its memory!

For example, emotions such as anger, disdain, and self-importance!

The chip is implanted with commands that are controlled by stimulating certain parts of its brain so that it thinks it should do it.

Once the Vengeful Evil God regained his memories, the Umbrella Corporation's brainwashing program failed, and the Vengeful Evil God was more than 80% likely, to be sentenced away!

Matt, in the original episode, was the one who regained his memories due to being stimulated by Iris, and turned the guns of his Gatling machine gun on the Umbrella Corporation guards at the last minute!

The Vengeful Evil God, equated with a battle-experienced and formidable foe, was in no way comparable to the kind of mindless monsters that Peyton had alienated into!

Aiming to stall for time, Ellis slowly assumed a guarded stance, methodically backing away slowly as the Vengeful Evil God approached, and the Vengeful Evil God analyzed it through the computer to derive that the vision of her pupils was constantly changing to find out her own cracks as well.

With one side slowly advancing and the other slowly retreating, the opening stance alone was consumed by Ellis for dozens of seconds, and kevin and the others had completely lost track of them!

However, knowing that they hadn't escaped too far and still had the possibility of being caught up, and that she herself needed to get out as soon as possible, Alice didn't launch an attack, but instead, she was on full alert and slowly led the Vengeful Evil God in the opposite direction from kevin and the others.

"How much longer will it take?"

The commander frowned in dissatisfaction and said to the woman beside him, "Launch the attack immediately, the bosses can't wait!"

On command, the Vengeful Evil God, whose fists were like boxers in a posture that could both attack and defend against the head's vitals, suddenly popped out in a circle without warning!

The tense muscles contracted and expanded violently, like a spring full of strength, and suddenly "launched" the terrifying fist of the God of Vengeance, catching Alice by surprise!

However, the bloated body determined that the Vengeful Evil God's agility was definitely not high, and even if Ellis had a moment of dismay from the sudden attack, she was able to nimbly avoid it!

Agility is not high, does not mean that Vengeful Evil God's attack speed is slow, on the contrary, under the impetus of the huge muscle power, Vengeful Evil God's "Bouncing Fist" can be said to be fast to the extreme, simply like a discharged cannonball, piercing through the air, unstoppable!

Alice's head deflected nimbly to one side, a sound like a firecracker exploding from her extremely fast twisting cervical vertebrae!

If it were a normal person, the wear and tear on her cervical vertebrae from this violent twist would have been enough to leave her paralyzed for the rest of her life!

While deflecting her head, Alice's figure dodged to the side in synchronization!


In the air, there was a faint explosion of air, and the fist of the Vengeful Evil God passed through the space a few centimeters away from Alice's cheek, and the strong wind carried on the surface of the fist blew Alice's shoulder-length blonde hair wildly, and even a few strands of hair were pulled and broken by the wind, conveying a slight pain and itch through the endings of the nerves to Alice.

Alice's body, in less than zero point three-six seconds, had shifted by more than ten centimeters in time, and with the power displayed by the Vengeful Evil God, if she did not dodge, her head would definitely burst open like a watermelon!

This was the result of low agility. At the same time that Alice was dodging, the Battle Aid Computer, which was running incomparably fast, had already captured Alice's movements and had also given the relevant commands to the Vengeful Evil God's body to change its moves, and its reaction, it could definitely not be said to be much slower!

However, even though the existence of the battle computer made it possible for the Vengeful Evil God to have agile reflexes that were no less than Alice's, because the musculature and muscle fibers that made up the Vengeful Evil God's bloated body were all in service of delivering greater power, after swinging a punch at full force, its tremendous inertia, along with muscles that were slow to execute, made the change of stance an existential state of being an ideal!

While dodging away the attack, Alice's hands also reflexively, like spiritual snakes, wordlessly climbed onto the thick arm of the Vengeful Evil God!