
Devil's Pact King of Assassins

If, for example, you have only a few hours left to live, how will you face it? ...... Kevin, an ordinary geek, was shot dead on the spot by the pursuing police after committing a heinous crime of a dozen lives in a fit of rage! When he was on the verge of death, a soul contract from the abyss gave him a new life, and because of the experience of death, he awakened the demonic eye of death, which is known as "god-slaying"! In the limited time that the devil gives him, Kevin must complete one mission after another to gain more time to live! The Lonely Walker ...... Infinite World Walking in the shadows, chasing the footprints of the moon's shadow, piercing the endless abyss with the short sword in his hand! This is the strong rise of the King of Assassins!

Dada088 · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Chapter 31 The Hunt!

A cold glint swept across kevin's eyes as Will gave a direct order to the licker!




The licker snapped out a roar, and in the middle of its bloody mouth, a nearly two-meter-long tongue stuck out, flexing into an arc in the air as disgusting saliva fell low!


"Hunger ..."


This is what the licker fed back to kevin through that thread of connection.


Kevin knew that it was because the T-virus, in the midst of mutation, accelerated its metabolism and needed to eat a lot of human, or zombie, flesh and blood!


This, after all, is only a half-finished head!


Only after ingesting foreign DNA can they take the next step of mutation and evolve into a hunter-killer!


"Go to ..."


kevin tensed slightly, wondering if the licker, with no vision, would be able to find his designated target!




The licker landed on all fours, its extremely muscular body showing a slight expansion before snapping back into shape!


Like a frog with incredible bouncing power, Licker sent his heavy body straight up to the ceiling!




The huge sharp claws made from the extreme alienation of the licker's forelimbs were like knives slicing through tofu, easily clawing away at the ceiling overhead, leaving behind a pile of white stone dust that scattered down!




When kevin looked again, the licker had transformed into a gecko and was moving up through the ceiling at a rapid pace!


kevin hurriedly followed, although this guy obeyed his will, kevin didn't dare to guarantee that it would be able to fully understand his meaning and accurately find the target!




The licker was faster than the crowd could have imagined!


In less than two seconds, it wandered over to the heads of several of Aeris' people!


Then, the licker's foot-long two-meter-long tongue stretched out and wrapped around Spence's neck twice with precision, pulling violently!




Spence only had time to curse before his body was pulled up by a great force and carried into the distance!




Ailith cursed, her body didn't even go through her brain, her arms then stretched out like springs, her ten fingers were like hooks, and she tightly clutched Spence's calf!


"No good!"


Before kevin could rejoice that the lickers had found their target, Alys threw cold water on his head!


Originally, in the movie, kevin kind of admired Elise's last name of never abandoning her companions, but she had already ruined his plans twice with this protagonist's last name!


On the spur of the moment, kevin instantly gave orders to the licker!




Just before the crowd of mercenaries drew their guns and prepared to shoot, the licker really gave up on hunting for food, and with a tightening of its tongue, the edge of its sharp tongue tip was directly pulled into an incomparably sharp jagged tooth, cutting Spence's head, straight down!


"Roar! ..."


The licker let out an excited hiss that signaled a successful predation, and darted away along the ceiling under the cover of the fountain-like frenzy of blood from Spence's headless corpse!


Spence's head, too, was rolled into the middle of its hideous mouth by its frog-like tongue, chewing it to a crunching sound and leaving a trail of billowing blood spray!


"Shit! Asshole!!!"


Among Alice's recollections, the dead man was most likely her boyfriend, or even husband!


How could she not be mad when this licker ate her husband's head right in front of her? How could she not be angry?


Ignoring the bruises and abrasions caused by her simultaneous fall to the ground, Ellis actually grabbed Rae's submachine gun straight away and fired wildly in the direction the lickers had left!




Blazing tongues of fire erupted from within the icy muzzles, flickering constantly, and the pungent smell of nitrous smoke mixed with fresh blood spread through the air!


A bullet casing flew out and fell to the ground, the strictly trained Alice possessed fighting skills and marksmanship that were no less than that of the mercenary captain Matthew!

As the ear-piercing gunshots rang out, scarlet flowers of blood continued to shoot out from the lickers' bodies!


Despite its extreme muscularity, it still hadn't reached that level of steel, and in the face of modernized hot weapons, flesh and blood, it was still slightly fragile!


Thanks to the extremely high rate of fire of the submachine gun, thirty rounds of ammunition were poured out in less than three seconds, leaving a faint smoke in the air!


Bullets were piling up all over the ground, the lickers had lost sight of them, and the muzzle of the submachine gun that Alice had grabbed was slightly reddening and tending to soften, having been greatly depreciated in service life by such a frenzy of fire from her!


And with such a high rate of fire, Ellis still fired more than half of the bullets into the licker's fast-moving body!


KEVIN even sensed that one of the bullets, even grazed the licker's cervical vertebrae, nearly shooting it directly on the spot!


Terrible woman! Terrible fighting sense!


Alice was worthy of being the absolute protagonist throughout the five movies! Even though her current physical qualities still remained only within the range of a normal human!


kevin couldn't help but wipe a cold sweat, if the licker died here, his loss, would directly reach an unbearable level!


Even so, this licker had already been seriously injured, and if it wasn't for the fact that the mutant T-virus had greatly accelerated its metabolism, causing its resistance to blows and recovery ability to reach several times that of a normal human being, at this point in time, it would be a question of whether or not it could still act!


Injury repair required more energy, plus the Licker had ingested Spence's DNA and was in the midst of mutating, requiring food that would undoubtedly become even more gargantuan!


Even if kevin wanted to take it back to the pet space, there was no way to do so, in the middle of the pet space, lickers that couldn't get any supplies had a mortality rate of over ninety-nine percent!


After giving the lickers the order to hunt freely, but not to approach him, kevin returned to the group.


Spence's head was eaten by the Lickers, and even if he was infected with the T-virus mutant, there was no chance of him turning into a new Licker.




Alice flung the submachine gun to the ground hard, not as grief-stricken as she had expected, just, well, angrier!


Despite the loss of her memory, instinctively, Alice didn't have much affection for Spence, but was simply in the midst of anger at the loss of her companion, and all of her sadness, all of it, was overshadowed by her hatred for the Lickers!


KEVIN patted Ellis on the shoulder without saying a word, his face stony.


The reason for this is that the Lickers are more severely injured and in a weakened period, and surprisingly, they can't even break through the iron gates of the Umbrella Corporation, so naturally, they can't find food!


So, KEVIN needs to shut down the Red Queen as soon as possible to release the walkers and provide his lickers with enough food for the genetic mutation!


Otherwise, his pet, would still be in danger of dying!


"It was just an accident, that guy should have died fighting."


Kevin said, the other mercenaries also nodded slightly, they all saw with their own eyes, from the licker's body, a large amount of blood flowers, perhaps, that guy has been killed.


Matthew nodded in agreement and looked to kevin, waiting for his next command.


"Below, everyone put their firearms in point-blank mode, especially you two raiders, and give me point-blank fire from all of your rifles, and if you want to live, just do it, and don't look at me like that!"


KEVIN glared at the two commando dragons who didn't even have names in the original episode, the two mercenaries who had died under the death lasers.


Then he said, "Everyone follow, and the other steps will be carried out as planned!"


"Is it okay not to guard the exits?"


Although he had chosen to trust kevin for the time being, Matthew still felt uncomfortable not spitting out the question, which ran counter to the tactical literacy he had developed over the years!


"Believe me, what we're experiencing is not a normal situation, and those tactics, they're not going to work."


KEVIN glanced at Matthew, with no intention of explaining in detail, but just continued mysteriously, "When the time comes, you'll know. Closing the Red Queen is just the beginning."




Matthew eventually chose to trust kevin and nodded, moving forward.


KEVIN FOLLOWED THE BLACK CAPTAIN as they entered a computer control room where Kaplan sat drumming away.


"What's taking so long?"


kevin prodded a little impatiently, his licker, still waiting for the walkers to come out of their cages to feed!