
Devil's Pact King of Assassins

If, for example, you have only a few hours left to live, how will you face it? ...... Kevin, an ordinary geek, was shot dead on the spot by the pursuing police after committing a heinous crime of a dozen lives in a fit of rage! When he was on the verge of death, a soul contract from the abyss gave him a new life, and because of the experience of death, he awakened the demonic eye of death, which is known as "god-slaying"! In the limited time that the devil gives him, Kevin must complete one mission after another to gain more time to live! The Lonely Walker ...... Infinite World Walking in the shadows, chasing the footprints of the moon's shadow, piercing the endless abyss with the short sword in his hand! This is the strong rise of the King of Assassins!

Dada088 · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Chapter 21 - Attribute Store

"Welcome to the Genus Enhancement Store, Contractor."


Seeing the arrival of a guest, a head of ... demons sitting in the middle of the wooden counter stood up and greeted him politely.


kevin in front of this guy has a disk sheep general thick and twisted upward huge horns, fierce face, exposed in the animal skin outside of the strong muscles are all in the illustration of their masters strength is too much, is not kevin before the sword road of the goat-headed man can be compared!


"Below, you will be introduced to the specific rules of Attribute Strengthening by the Horned Demon."


The horned demon, who was over three meters tall, bowed slightly and stepped out of the beautifully carved counter, reaching out and pointing at the ubiquitous vortex of red light in the empty store, saying:


"These are the teleportation points to the Genus Reinforcement Spaces, each point leads to a Read Reinforcement Space, if it turns white it means that the Reinforcement Space it leads to is in use, and no one can enter it during that time."


Kevin's eyes followed the direction it pointed and found a white vortex of light among dozens of teleportation points!


"You can teleport as long as you step within the range of the teleportation point. Among other things, the price will vary depending on the Contractor's initial reinforcement attribute; the higher the attribute, the more expensive the reinforcement."


Seeing kevin nod his head, this horned devil continued to explain, "Fighting is prohibited within the Genus Store, and those who violate the law will be severely punished."


"Well, that's all I have to say, make yourself at home."


After saying this with a politeness that was highly unbecoming of its stature, the massive horned demon retreated back to the counter and polished a huge double-bladed axe.


After a courtesy nod, kevin walked straight into the nearest teleportation point!


The red glow was dotted with stars, as if it were a majestic nebula, slowly rotating, so beautiful that you couldn't take your eyes off it!


As soon as kevin's body entered into this teleportation point, the scenery in front of him instantly changed, endless darkness surged in, and only a pillar of blood-colored light enveloped his body, keeping him suspended in the air!


Raising his eyes and looking around, it was all boundless darkness, depressing and deep, just one glance made kevin have a dizzying feeling, scaring him so much that he immediately retracted his gaze and didn't dare to look around again.


"The indentured servant's attributes have been scanned as follows:


Strength: 9


Agility: 11


Mental: 15


Energy: 0.


Please select the attribute to be strengthened."


The Guide's icy voice, transmitted through the Abyssal Ring, an energy light screen appeared in kevin's eyes, listing kevin's body data in detail in the Abyssal Common Language, as well as the time required for reinforcement!


(Strength, Agility & Spirit are all reinforced one point a day, while Energy ... one point a hundred days!)


"In that case ..."


kevin had a plan in mind and directly tapped the item Agility to 15 on the energy light screen and then selected OK.


"Contractor kevin, strengthen four points of agility attribute, need to deduct four days of survival time, are you sure?"


The Guide's voice came from behind him again, doing a final check.




Subsequently, kevin's time limit automatically jumped out, and in the midst of this ghostly cold flame, the ten days jumped and directly turned into six days!


The blood light that enveloped kevin's body also trembled slightly, and some blood-colored particles separated from it, gradually integrating into kevin's body!


Warm, cozy!


It was as if kevin had returned to his fetal days, staying in the middle of his mother's warm ***, not even needing to breathe, his body lazy and not wanting to move!


The blood-colored particles penetrated deep into kevin's body along the skin, penetrating deep into the chromosomes and reaching the native genes, activating a part of the genome that was dark in color!


The comfortable feeling lasted less than a second before it disappeared, and the Guide's icy voice announced that kevin's enhancement was complete!


"Contractor kevin's attribute reinforcement is complete, may I ask if you would like to return to the attribute store?"


The values on the energy light screen changed, Agility was fixed at 15 points, and the attribute of Strength, also increased by a little, reaching the average quality of a normal person!


The two attributes of Energy and Spirit jumped slightly and didn't change, but kevin felt as if he was a little more spirited, and his mental strength should have increased!


(Could it be that the light screen didn't show it because the increase was small?)


kevin remembers that the light screen only displays the value before the decimal point, and whether kevin's mental power is 15.1 or 15.9, it is displayed as 15 points!


Compared to the spirit, the value of the energy item jumped by a smaller amount, almost imperceptible, kevin only felt a heat in his body, and quickly adapted to it without any sensation!


With a faster metabolism, more energy will be produced in the body, except that this increased energy is very insignificant in the body!


Among the Profession Reinforcement of the Abyss, many skills, like the Moon Shadow Steps and Sword Blade Storm at this moment, must use energy!


Of course, energy enhancement seems a bit expensive compared to other physical qualities.


However, the Guide had explained that in the Abyss, there were many exercise methods to strengthen the body, including energy cultivation methods!


However, this stuff is more expensive compared to direct reinforcement!


"Yes, back to the Genus Enhancement Store."


Just as kevin's words fell, the pale blood light suddenly swirled slightly, and in less than a blink of an eye, it had already transformed into a red nebulous vortex!


Kevin's figure, transforming from virtual to real, appeared in the middle of the genus store!


"Hmmm ... so light."


That was the first thing kevin felt after his reinforcement!


Light! Light as a feather! Light as a swallow!


Kevin felt like a seagull with its wings spreading, and with a gentle flap of his hands, he could escape from the gravitational pull of the earth and swept up to the nine heavens!


kevin knew it was just an illusion brought on by the discomfort of the sudden increase in agility, but it felt ... wonderful!


With a gentle upward leap, kevin didn't exert all his strength, and his feet were nearly sixty centimeters off the ground, and kevin even had time to make some other movements, and then landed on the ground with an excellent sense of balance!


Not only the movement speed, kevin's nimble surname, nerve reflex speed, jumping power, sense of balance, and all other qualities related to agility had all been increased by nearly forty percent or so, which was one point five times that of a normal person!


At the same time, kevin also felt that his strength was a bit greater than before, and the muscles inside his body became stronger, not protruding out, just a slight increase in weight, which seemed to have directly raised kevin's muscle density, by more than 10%!


"Newly acquired powers can easily get out of hand, a word of advice, there are plenty of training rooms in the West End."


The Horned Demon who carefully polished the carved battle axe looked up at kevin, he had seen many such rookie contractors, but in the end, not many of them were able to come back to the attribute store again for reinforcement, and it didn't mind reminding it, as for whether those contractors who were blinded by the power of vanity could listen to it or not was not something that it had to consider.




kevin nodded to the strong, ugly-faced horned demon, which had been in his plans.


Instead of going on a mission with an uncomfortable power, kevin preferred to strengthen nothing, which was why he only redeemed four points of the Agility attribute!


He needed time to get used to the skills he had just learned and the added agility!


Six days is a bit short, really!


kevin sighed inwardly, if not for his sanity, he would have been unable to resist immediately going on a mission to gain survival time!


That ever-decreasing time limit was a constant alarm bell that made him, more than anyone else, value time!


For the use of time, but also calculated to the extreme, the speed of the feet, but also constantly accelerated, barely also as a kind of adaptation training!


"Horned Devil Training Room."


Kevin no longer had the heart to spout off about whether or not this was a chain store run by that guy, and like a gust of wind, he walked into the rustic, backward-looking thatched hut!


There were no shopkeepers in the training room, but just as kevin stepped into it, the Ring of the Abyss on his hand reacted, and the projection of the Guide, once again, appeared in front of kevin!


"Connection to training room being established ..."


"Connection complete! This training room currently has three advanced training arenas free, three intermediate training arenas free, and three beginner training arenas free!"