
Devil's Pact King of Assassins

If, for example, you have only a few hours left to live, how will you face it? ...... Kevin, an ordinary geek, was shot dead on the spot by the pursuing police after committing a heinous crime of a dozen lives in a fit of rage! When he was on the verge of death, a soul contract from the abyss gave him a new life, and because of the experience of death, he awakened the demonic eye of death, which is known as "god-slaying"! In the limited time that the devil gives him, Kevin must complete one mission after another to gain more time to live! The Lonely Walker ...... Infinite World Walking in the shadows, chasing the footprints of the moon's shadow, piercing the endless abyss with the short sword in his hand! This is the strong rise of the King of Assassins!

Dada088 · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Chapter 2: A Call from the Grim Reaper

(Starting tomorrow, a guaranteed 5,000 with occasional outbreaks! (The update time is roughly around 7:00 & 6:00 every day, because that's the time when Xiao Sheng goes to and from school ...)


It seemed that a mysterious force fucked his hands and put the ring on!


Seeing this scene, kevin's heart shuddered violently, and a chill seemed to spread along his spine all the way to the back of his head, and all his sweaty hairs stood upright!


(The devil really is the devil and doesn't give the slightest choice ...)


kevin waited silently, his stamina expended in fleeing all the way to the city quickly recovering.


The demon seemed to have helped him regain his strength when it resurrected him, and after just sitting on the ground for a while, he felt that he had fully recovered.


Getting up and sitting on one of the lounge benches, kevin began to scrutinize the glass frame, the floor plan of the hospital.


Everything had a rational name for its existence, and kevin surmised that the demon couldn't have placed them within this hospital for no reason, perhaps the mission enacted would have something to do with it, and this floor plan might provide some advantage.


"Excuse me, are you a senior?"


Just as kevin was memorizing the hospital's floor plan, a timid voice with a hint of excitement pulled his attention back.


As soon as kevin inclined his head, he saw a chubby boy wearing obscenely streaming black rimmed glasses approaching, his hands somewhat uneasily in his pants pockets.


"What makes you think I'm the senior?"


kevin asked with a sunburnt chuckle and interest.


"Because you're the coolest ..."


The man with the glasses glanced behind him, in all sorts of disarray, and stated the reason.


"Besides, you're the first one awake, and ... well, there are weapons."


Glasses little fat see kevin is not like the legend of the "senior" general high and mighty, after a couple of words, relaxed a lot, gradually let go, kevin's question as a test of membership, gushing up.


"According to the setting of the Infinite Stream, the earlier you wake up the stronger you are. Big brother, what's the mystery of this chopper of yours? Is it a sealed artifact with the remnants of a Medicine Old Man, Sword Saint, or whatever inside? ..."




Seeing that the guy in front of him had a tendency to continue, kevin hurriedly called a halt, wondering if this kid was just reading novels in school.


"Believe it or not, I'm as new as you are, and this chopper is ... used to kill animals."


The little fat man with glasses obviously didn't believe it, and just when he was about to say something, the voice that read out the rules rang out again!


This time, all should be able to hear it, and all fell silent with a listening demeanor.


"Welcome to the Abyss's subsidiary realm, the Trial Scene! Below, the release of this quest will begin."


"Mission: Death Calls!"


"Mission requirement: survive for six hours!"


"Mission Limit: Time limit cleared for those who leave the hospital!"


"Quest Reward: Full Contractor Qualification, Survival Time 5 days!"


"The mission opens in fifteen minutes, please get ready!"


"Note: Formal contractors can gain access to the Abyss and enjoy a variety of rights, for details, please check with your guide after qualifying!"


The icy voice seemed to ring out behind each person, giving people the creeps, as if they had a demon hidden in their shadows, watching their every move!


(Is the trial space a copy? Is the real main god's space a thing called "Abyss" ...)


kevin thought to himself, and after a short silence, someone finally couldn't stand the oppressive atmosphere and took the lead.


"Everyone knows that's what happened, right?"


A burly man with a height of two meters walked out, a pair of glittering tiger eyes swept the crowd and raised the Ring of Abyss on his left hand, saying:


"It said that I was dead and that a demon had resurrected me, so I had to fulfill the demon's task in order to qualify for continuing to live, as I'm sure everyone does."


"Whether you guys believe it or not, I believe it anyway, TM Labor got shanked by that son of a bitch Black Egg during a firefight! xxx!"


The man with a bald head and only a cotton undershirt on his upper body, exposing his fine muscles, said and broke into a curse, the muscles of his arms were thick and exaggerated, almost bigger than kevin's calves, full of explosive strength!


It's not hard to tell from his words and actions that this strong-as-a-bear guy was a boss who hung out on the road and got cunted to death with a gun in a firefight.


"Although I, Chen Li, haven't read much, I know that there is strength in numbers, and those who are willing to follow me are all brothers, and I will never treat them poorly!"


As this triad boss named Chen Li said that, he had already started blatantly recruiting his minions.


However, few responded, and most maintained a posture of fear, or wait-and-see.


"Have you seen Infinite Jest?"


A woman wearing couple glasses with Fatty pushed the frames on her nose and asked expressionlessly.


"No. Why?"


Chen Li frowned, somewhat offended by the attitude of this eye woman.


"Meh, the wisdom of mortals."


The glasses woman smiled disdainfully, not even looking squarely at Chen Li, turned to the crowd and said, "I'm Zheng Xuan, I've written several books of infinite homoeroticism, and I think I'm relatively good at layout reasoning and whatnot, and even though this place is slightly different from the infinite stream setting, I'm confident that I can take on the role of the team's military advisor."


Zheng Xuan's tone of voice is extremely self-informative glasses, but also really a bit of wisdom pearl in the flavor, with that almost face paralyzed expression, as well as full of wisdom Qi Dao.


Looking at the ordinary looking female version of Chu Xuan in front of him, Fatty Glasses couldn't help but be dumbfounded.


"This one, is he possessed by the Great God Chu Xuan?"


Fatty opened his mouth to ask.


KEVIN shakes his head slightly, just a guy who got carried away watching infinite horror.


A hint of anger flashed in Chen Li's eyes, and his face sank.


Anyone who is despised intellectually will be annoyed, right, this Chen Li but did not immediately attack, not like he looks like no city.


"Measure you wouldn't dare to do it."


Zheng Xuan laughed coldly, a smug smirk flashing through his eyes.


kevin shook his head slightly, this woman, just seemed intelligent.


"Don't you realize that your own life is limited to less than twelve hours? If you wait like this, won't you be wasting your precious life for nothing?"


Chen Li said coldly and shook the Ring of Abyss in his hand, causing the crowd's faces to change!


Knowing when you're going to die is not a happy thing, and that ever-beating time limit is like the scythe of death creeping closer and closer, making it impossible to relax!


"The mission requirement, is to survive for six hours! That is to say, one must stay in this subsidiary dimension, which is similar to a copy space, for a full six hours!"


Zheng Xuan so not weakly tit for tat, and made Chen Li dumbfounded, he is a mixer **, not an eloquent speaker.


"Oh, I guess we all have the same mission, right? Survive for six hours."


At this time, a well-mannered young man in a suit walked out to ease what appeared to be the atmosphere of this saber-rattling.


His eyes were calm and confident, as if he had experienced great storms and waves, and even such a bizarre phenomenon as demons couldn't make him feel flustered.


This kind of calmness is not different from Zheng Xuan's blind confidence, nor is it Chen Li's bravery, nor is it the glasses fatty's forced calmness, but it is a kind of accumulation of experience!


It was as if kevin, having decapitated a dozen people prior to this and having experienced another slow and agonizing death, had become strong-willed!


This youth, however, experienced not this bloodlust of kevin's, but perhaps something else that allowed him to develop this calm demeanor.


(It's a character ...)


With just one glance, kevin could tell that this civilized young man with golden glasses was extraordinary, that kind of temperament that would never be seen in an ordinary person.


Not only kevin, even the chubby one beside him who hadn't experienced society, also felt the difference in this youth.


The crowd couldn't help but nod their heads, this young man had a kind of affinity that allowed people to trust him unconditionally, even the two guys, Chen Li and Zheng Xuan, couldn't help but nod their heads slightly.


"I don't know if you've noticed, but this survival mission does not allow us to leave this hospital."


"Noted, according to it, doesn't the time limit clearing up amount to an erasure for us?"


The fat guy with glasses couldn't wait to interject, and it looked like the guys who had read too many novels cared more about the details of these kinds of rules.


(New book rushes the list, asking for recommendations! Please collect!)