
Devil's Pact King of Assassins

If, for example, you have only a few hours left to live, how will you face it? ...... Kevin, an ordinary geek, was shot dead on the spot by the pursuing police after committing a heinous crime of a dozen lives in a fit of rage! When he was on the verge of death, a soul contract from the abyss gave him a new life, and because of the experience of death, he awakened the demonic eye of death, which is known as "god-slaying"! In the limited time that the devil gives him, Kevin must complete one mission after another to gain more time to live! The Lonely Walker ...... Infinite World Walking in the shadows, chasing the footprints of the moon's shadow, piercing the endless abyss with the short sword in his hand! This is the strong rise of the King of Assassins!

Dada088 · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Chapter 19 Transfers

Of course, it's limited to the F class.


And to the east, is the supply area, where you can buy all kinds of medicines, high-energy food, and other necessities at the store over there.


The West Zone, on the other hand, was a miscellaneous zone that included attribute enhancement, customized weapons, and other items, where contractors could enjoy most of the services of the other three zones!


This includes pro gear, taverns, and supplies, only the quality is more or less off.


kevin's goal is clear, and the guide determines that he has awakened his instincts and can choose one of the three major career faculties to transfer to!


The professions of the Abyss were divided into a total of twenty-four, three major faculties. kevin had already thought about it on the way, matching his ability to choose the melee faculty of assassin or thief professions!


KEVIN's spiritual attribute talent was higher, and if one chose according to the average person, the more destructive and relatively safer long-range professions, such as elemental mages, marksmen and the like, would undoubtedly be more appropriate!


Like the assassin class, unless there is enough combat literacy in reality, or the contracted person with two outstanding attributes of strength and agility will only be considered!


But kevin is different!


The abilities he possessed had to be melee to be utilized!


Although he couldn't control it yet, and the Abyss couldn't help accordingly, once he became proficient in this ability, it would be a nightmare for everyone!


Passing through the trading plaza, the first stone building in the northern district, and the only two-story stone building in the Abyssal First Heaven, was the transfer hall!


It was a building that was over six meters tall, a veritable standout among the huts that were generally only three meters tall!


The lapis-lazuli walls were painted snow-white, and the wide doors were decorated with a black metal, repeatedly etched with mysterious and ancient carvings, exuding an aura of purity.


KEVIN just took a slight look around and stepped right into the middle of the career hall!


kevin suddenly dimmed in front of his eyes, his body bathed in the cold blood-colored sunlight felt a trace of warmth, as if the career hall had the power to isolate the blood sun.


The interior of the Career Hall was a dim hue that seemed to be hidden amongst the darkness, making it hard to see.


However, this was nothing to kevin, who adapted to the darkness better than most humans!


It was set up similarly to the reception halls of some companies, with a reception desk where an old man who appeared to be human was napping.


Aside from kevin himself and this old man who was bored to sleep at the reception desk, there would be no one else in the entire career hall!


Thinking about it also makes sense, kevin through the entire southern district, counting the few stalls in the trading plaza, encountered no more than ten fingers of human beings, and most of them are in a hurry to look, the meaning of the saying that time is life, interpreted to the extreme!


"Knock, knock, knock!"


Time is life, kevin also did not have so much patience to wait for this old man to sleep until he woke up naturally, and directly knocked on the wooden table where the old man was lying down.


"Well ..."


The old man with a human appearance yawned and gave kevin a sleepy look, asking lazily:


"Indentured servant, here for a transfer?"




As far as kevin knows, transferring is free and serves no purpose other than unlocking access to skill learning for that profession.


"Have you thought about what career to choose?"




The old man glanced at kevin, a gleam swept through his cloudy eyes, and slumped back down.


"Darkness melee, up the stairs and to the left, marked by a door sign."


Before getting down, the old man's voice reached kevin's ears.


kevin nodded, his eyes falling behind the reception desk, above a staircase that led down into the darkness.


At this time, in the middle of the silent professional hall, there was a sound, and outside the main door, a clean-looking teenager walked into the hall!


KEVIN swept the teenager away, not caring if he could see his face or not, and walked towards the stairs the old man had pointed to.


A strange power swirled throughout the entire hall, and when kevin appeared in front of the staircase, an aura of pure darkness tumbled over him, as if a ravenous demon was about to break free from its cage and devour kevin!


kevin's face was slightly grave as he took a gentle step and snapped on the wooden floorboards!


The next moment, a raging darkness had completely engulfed kevin's body!


Having just stepped onto the first staircase, the scenery in front of kevin's eyes had already steeply transformed, revealing a narrow wooden corridor that definitely exceeded the length of the career hall!


For all the anomalies of the Abyss, kevin has developed quite the tolerance to not make a fuss.


Glancing around, kevin realized that there were twelve heavy doors to the left and right, with the stairwell behind him as the midpoint.


(Left turn ...)


At the top of the corridor, set every few steps, was a strange illuminating lamp, emitting a soft light like crystal.


"Battle Mage ..."


Above the doorplate of the first gate on the left, four large words were then written in the common language of the Abyss.


"Sword Saint ..."


"Berserker ..."


"Paladin ..."


"Ghost Swordsman ..."


"Fighters ..."


"Qigong Master ..."


"Thieves ..."




kevin stopped in front of the ninth gate.


In fact, the two professions of thieves and assassins had similar surnames, however, from the information that came from the guide, Kevin understood that thieves were inclined towards mechanism arts, and were good at creating all kinds of traps to sneak up on and restrict the enemy.


Assassins, on the other hand, specialize in combat techniques and flexible fighting styles, making them more suitable for the Demon Eye of Straight Death!


KEVIN adjusted his breath slightly outside the door, then stepped forward, his knuckles gently clasping the heavy, flashy, dark gold door.


"Come in."


A distant voice that seemed to come from the middle of the infinite darkness passed through the thick wooden door and clearly reached kevin's ears.


KEVIN pressed down on the doorknob and twisted it gently, pushing the heavy door open without much effort.


The sight behind the door made kevin blink slightly.


Behind an exquisite desk sat an elegant brunette.


Originally, I thought that the person who could give out that kind of vicissitude and mysterious voice guy should be a mysterious old man wrapped in a black robe.


However, it doesn't affect kevin whatsoever, as long as he is able to transfer & learn skills, with whom isn't it the same?


"Excuse me, are you the Assassin Tutor?"




The woman's tone was as cold as the Guide's, but there was an extra bit of life to it that made kevin feel like he was in front of a being, not a piece of mechanical programming.


The Assassin Mentor had pointed ears that, combined with her black hair and eyes, resembled the legendary Dark Elves, and her looks were truly worthy of the Elves, a race whose appearance was perfect!


Ice cold with a hint of charm, features exquisite breathtaking, with its elegant temperament, as if a refusal of people outside the cold and arrogant iceberg, very easy to provoke people's desire to conquer!


Both men and women ...


"I'd like to switch to become an assassin."


kevin froze for a split second, then forced himself to shift his gaze to the desk and spoke.


The Assassin Mentor seemed surprised at kevin's dryness and couldn't help but look at him more, then said, "Show your Contractor credentials."


Kevin didn't dare to be slow, and directly extended his right hand, revealing the Ring of the Abyss on his ring finger.


Immediately afterward, KEVIN felt his right hand sink into a cool silky smoothness and couldn't help but look up.


The assassin tutor actually stretched out a catkin that seemed to be made of frost and snow, dragging kevin's right hand, closing her beautiful eyes not knowing what she was sensing.


kevin didn't have to wait long, the assassin mentor soon opened his eyes and gently dabbed at kevin's Abyssal Ring between the fingers of his left hand.


"Well, congratulations on becoming a Darkstalker."


As a flash of dark light swept across his ring finger, the voice of the Assassin's mentor came with it.


"Congratulations to the Contractor for transferring to become an Assassin and gaining permission to learn the Assassin skill."


The icy voice of the guide came from behind him, and the assassin mentor opposite kevin's expression remained unchanged, not knowing if he hadn't heard it or hadn't put it in his mind.




kevin bowed slightly to the dark elf in front of him and did not leave directly.


"You do fit the bill as an assassin.