
Devil's Pact King of Assassins

If, for example, you have only a few hours left to live, how will you face it? ...... Kevin, an ordinary geek, was shot dead on the spot by the pursuing police after committing a heinous crime of a dozen lives in a fit of rage! When he was on the verge of death, a soul contract from the abyss gave him a new life, and because of the experience of death, he awakened the demonic eye of death, which is known as "god-slaying"! In the limited time that the devil gives him, Kevin must complete one mission after another to gain more time to live! The Lonely Walker ...... Infinite World Walking in the shadows, chasing the footprints of the moon's shadow, piercing the endless abyss with the short sword in his hand! This is the strong rise of the King of Assassins!

Dada088 · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Chapter 16 - S-Rank Evaluation of Deicide's Eye

The intense pain was like a saw blade, cutting kevin's nerves bit by bit, making his face's expression constantly twisted, hideous veins like earthworms burrowing in the earth constantly twisting, and at the same time because of the blood squeezing from the inside appeared to be incomparably flushed, it looked exceptionally hideous and ghastly!


As that force majeure twisted inexorably like the wheels of history, the bones in the body suddenly became accomplices and began to start squeezing from the inside out under a tremendous pressure!


The skin expanded to its limit, finally reaching the critical point of being able to withstand it, and a trace of blood, fishy red, spilled outward, instantly making kevin's skin, reflecting a bloody light!


Kevin now knew why Chen Li had become like this, relying on this slowly increasing pressure to squeeze out the water and blood in a person's body bit by bit like wringing out a wet towel!


A slow and agonizing death, with bones gradually crushing internal organs, draining muscles, and then being squeezed out of bone marrow ...


As soon as he thought of this, in kevin's heart, an uncontrollable despair, accompanied by fear, quickly grew and instantly swept through his mind, body, and soul!


Even if one resisted with all one's might, it would be of no avail; even the most powerful reaction was just a pose under the crushing weight of absolute power!


"Grass, I don't want to die, especially not in this disgusting way!"


kevin growled in his mind, an unparalleled desire to survive, instantly dispersing all despair and fear!


Struggle to the end, even if it doesn't do any good!


kevin's body detached from the ground and hovered bizarrely in the air, an ever-thickening stream of blood running down his feet!


Against all odds, kevin began to struggle and began to exert his strength in the opposite direction of the wringing force!


A single muscle fiber snapped under the confrontation between the two forces, and the ligaments and connective tissues were also tensed and strained!


kevin's struggle, not only did it not work, but it accelerated the loss of blood in his body even more, and more blood, was squeezed out!


But kevin didn't give up and didn't stop because it would hasten his own demise!


Because, he didn't want to just wait for death in despair and fear, his kevin's life was never one of going against the grain!




KEVIN'S VOICE was hoarse, with the slightest hint of dryness, but unusually firm and strong!


The tremendous oppressive force not only squeezed out his blood, but also squeezed out all his potential!


The blood that had been squeezed out of his skin continued to flow down kevin's skin and into kevin's eyes, making his vision, a fishy red!


The dark, ink-like pupils were like a dry sponge, constantly drawing blood in!


Then, it was as if kevin's pupils were contaminated with blood, gradually being replaced by a horrifyingly fishy red color, exuding a strong aura of death!




kevin vaguely seemed to hear a shrill shriek that pierced his eardrums and gave him a headache that almost shook him right out of it!


The great wringing force loosened for a moment, and kevin felt a momentary relaxation, all the pressure exerted on his body, all gone!


In that instant, kevin's vision, once again, changed!


Thin lines of dark red, like graffiti, were sporadically distributed on top of a transparent silhouette!


In the midst of the dark red thin line vertical and horizontal, there was a fishy red dot, strikingly distributed in the chest of the figure, just like the bright bright moon in the star-studded night sky, which instantly attracted all of kevin's attention!


kevin's brain, clearer than ever before, raced to focus all of his concentration and spirit, all of it, on that point!


The right hand, the right hand of the scalpel that he had been holding tightly was raised, as if it had been practiced countless times, and with a perfectly accurate trajectory, he stabbed out with a speed that made it impossible for anyone to react!


kevin could clearly feel the resistance of the sharp blade as it sliced through the air, a pleasing chiaroscuro exploding at the tip of the blade, leaving a dazzling silver aura in the air!




Like the tip of a red-hot knife piercing into butter, the scalpel in Kevin's hand instantly penetrated into the fishy red "spot"!




kevin's body lost its support and slammed hard into the floor with a muffled thud as gravity took over!


His scalpel, on the other hand, remained in the air, strangely hovering, radiating a ripple with the tip of the blade as its center!


It was as if Kevin's stab directly pierced through the void, causing ripples in space!




As if kevin had heard something crumble, the silver-white scalpel fell to the ground with a loud thud, quickly drenched red with blood!


The Abyssal Ring on kevin's hand flashed a bright light, but at this point he didn't notice!


A trickle of blood, running down the corner of kevin's eye, darkened his vision!


It was as if his brain had been drilled into by hundreds of thousands of ants and then viciously devoured!


Pain to the bone! Pain in the soul!


kevin held his head in his hands and kept hitting the floor! It seemed as if this was the only way to relieve that intense pain, the kind of pain that backfired directly into the nerve centers!


Even the body's self-protection mechanism couldn't be triggered because it was directly originating from the brain, and kevin couldn't even pass out from the pain!


A full ten minutes passed before kevin gradually eased over ...


"The six-hour countdown is complete, the trial mission is over!"


Behind kevin, the icy voice that pronounced the rules rang out, kevin turned back, and still didn't find anything, but, in the moment he turned back, the surrounding scenery, had instantly collapsed and reorganized!


Kevin didn't even have time to survey the environment he was in clearly, a blood-colored light that was as if it had materialized swept over his body, covering his sight, all of it!


The blood-colored light seemed to contain a powerful life energy in it, and as kevin's body was swept by it, the meridians, bones, muscles, ligaments, and so on, all the traumas, were recovering at a terrifying speed!


Even the sharp pain in kevin's head quickly disappeared, and his spirit was as warm and cozy as if he was bathing in the rising sun.


The blood-colored light stayed on top of kevin's body for no more than three seconds, and kevin felt that his body was incomparably lighter and faster, his five senses were unusually sharp, and his spirit was full of energy, as if he had experienced a rebirth!


(It seems that the effect of that blood mango is not only to recover from injuries, but also to expel dark diseases and deposited toxins from the body together!)


kevin glanced at his hands, the scars that had been with him for more than ten years had disappeared, revealing skin as white as buttermilk!


"Trial mission completed, mission reward settlement in progress ..."


The icy voice, which appeared abruptly, drew kevin's gaze, forward!


This time, the icy voice finally no longer appeared behind his back, but came out from in front of kevin!


A beam of light was projected from among the jade Abyssal Ring, forming an energy light screen in front of kevin, with countless evil words that kevin couldn't understand constantly pulsing!


"Trial Mission: Death Calls!"


"Evaluation of mission completion: kill the grudge spirit, grade S!"


"Quest Reward 1: Abyssal Ring Permission Unlocked, Obtaining Formal Contractor Qualification!"


"Mission Reward 2: Survival time of ten days! (S-rank evaluation reward doubled!)"


"Extra Reward One: One Merit Point!"


"Extra Bonus II: One free all-around repair! (Used)"


An icy voice came from in front of kevin one at a time, and a delicate figure, slowly replacing the energy light screen, coalesced out!


This was a woman who was handsome to the extreme, with long silver hair hanging down to her waist, and bare jade feet without inches of footwear under the holy white robes, which were pink and crystalline!


There was a coldness in the silver eyes, with a hint of mechanical dullness, and every part of the petite body had perfect curves that moved the heart!


What especially surprised Kevin was that behind her back, there was a pair of white feathered wings, like an angel that had descended to earth!


Unfortunately, on top of her white feathers, there were a few ink-colored spots, just like a clean white shirt, stained with the last drop of dirt, breaking the ring of that perfect holiness and adding an evil charm.


Is this, like, an angel coming down to earth?


kevin subconsciously stretched out this idea, but in an instant he was overturned by himself, he is now a dedication of his soul to the devil, even if the angels come down, it is not a good thing for him ...