
Devil's Pact King of Assassins

If, for example, you have only a few hours left to live, how will you face it? ...... Kevin, an ordinary geek, was shot dead on the spot by the pursuing police after committing a heinous crime of a dozen lives in a fit of rage! When he was on the verge of death, a soul contract from the abyss gave him a new life, and because of the experience of death, he awakened the demonic eye of death, which is known as "god-slaying"! In the limited time that the devil gives him, Kevin must complete one mission after another to gain more time to live! The Lonely Walker ...... Infinite World Walking in the shadows, chasing the footprints of the moon's shadow, piercing the endless abyss with the short sword in his hand! This is the strong rise of the King of Assassins!

Dada088 · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Chapter 13 Separation!

"This death hint is getting harder and harder to figure out!"


Liu Qisong smiled, the well-mannered face under the golden glasses looked incredibly calm, and even, there was a mood to flirt!


"Did you think of something?"


kevin frowned slightly, Liu Qisong had such a realization, there were no more than two scenarios; one, he was crazy; two, he thought he had found a solution!


Between the two, kevin preferred to idly believe the latter.


"Well, there's still an hour or so left on the clock."


Liu Qisong looked at his cell phone and said, "The devil's mercy!"


The mysterious and awkward incantation, translated phonetically, means "Devil's Mercy".


Liu Qisong called out his time limit and continued, "We have to trial mission, a total of six hours time limit, and we have to life, from the time we wake up, a total of twelve hours."


"Against the time limit, minus the fifteen minutes it took to prepare for that, we now have about two hours and fifty-seven minutes until the end of the mission, more than enough time for all of us to go through one of these death designs."


KEVIN picked up a few wooden chairs, and in the process closed the eyes of both YANG Dehui and CHEN Lihao, and sat on a stool close by, and CHEN Li followed suit.


Liu Qisong pulled over a chair and spoke eloquently in front of the messy hospital room, and the bodies of his two companions.


"If we remember correctly, the prefix of this mission, is Trial Mission, right?"


Both kevin and Chen Li nodded their heads in thought.


"I've heard a little bit about the Infinite Streams novels."


Liu Qisong pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and glanced at the corpses of Yang Dehui's two men, a hint of inexplicable luster flickering among his eyes.


"I'm afraid that the Lord God, a broad setting, didn't choose us Reincarnator and Contractor-like existences in order to abuse us, did he?"


Chen Li nodded his head like a dawning, kevin this eyes burning lost memory of him to continue, pinching the scalpel of the right hand, unconsciously began to force.

"I think Chen Lihao is right, perhaps it is trying to force us to evolve. This evolution, too, is in a broad sense, as long as we meet its requirements, we can all be considered evolved!"


"The demon needs us to "evolve" to help it achieve a certain position. Survival of the fittest, hence the word trial, and the unfit, or those who don't fulfill its requirements, will be eliminated, that is, they will die!"


"The question then arises, how to evolve?"


Chen Li and kevin two people together deep thought, but there is not much clues, quite a lot also have one or two guesses.


"Did ..."


A flash of realization snapped through kevin's eyes and he looked at Liu Qisong, the other nodded and said in a heavy tone:


"Perhaps, we started out in the wrong place, thinking that more people, more power, would be more effective in keeping us safe."


"But perhaps the demon's purpose is to use the danger to force us to evolve? Wouldn't it be suicidal for us to hug it out!"


"Who, when they have companions, and the hope of being rescued, would press themselves at any cost? Without true despair, without truly being e.g. desperate, one can never imagine how much potential one would have!"


"What do you mean, separate?"


Chen Li felt a bit unbelievable, although Liu Qisong's analysis sounded headstrong, but the danger was too great, almost like experimenting with his own life!


"Hehe, don't forget that if we fail to complete the trial mission, we won't survive for three hours as usual. I'd rather use those remaining two hours to fight it out."


Under Liu Qisong's calm gaze, there was a trace of undetectable madness!




"Are we, really, just going to part with him?"


Chen Li looked at Liu Qisong's back as he left and asked with some hesitation.


"We'll quietly follow it later ..."


KEVIN looked at the time, there were still ten minutes before Liu Qisong was designed to die!


"Why don't we just stick together?"


When it came to using his brain, Chen Li thought that he couldn't compare to kevin, so he didn't bother, and asked directly if he had any doubts about the door.


"He needs to get himself into a completely desperate situation, we are following, just observing the situation, not protecting him, and even if he dies ... it has nothing to do with us."


kevin cold almost ruthless words, let Chen Li heart chilled, look at his eyes, can not help but more a point of wariness.


"It's his choice, all we can do is pray ..."


With a slight sigh, KEVIN put his own scalpel away, walked over to Yang Dehui's body, and pulled the scalpel on his throat, right out!




Under the light of the flashlight, above Yang Dehui's throat, there was frozen blood among the tiny wound!


On this scalpel, it seemed to be infused with some kind of bizarre power, and kevin held it in his hand, only to feel a chilling aura along his palm, continuously surging towards his body!


Along the way, these chilly breaths seemed to freeze kevin's bloodline vitality, all through, making him unable to move as if he was under a fixation spell!


The breath from the scalpel traveled through kevin's limbs and straight to his brain almost instantly!


Just when kevin's heart was in a million pieces of panic, thinking that his brain was about to be frozen by this breath, his pupils, it seems, became a little different ...


Among the gaze fixed on the scalpel, a few dark red thin lines appeared, as if the graffiti did not have any regular distribution, just a few, but gave people a dazzling feeling!


A bottomless vortex seemed to have been created in his eyes, and the inexplicable gravitational force attracted the cold and sinister aura in his body, causing the strange power emanating from the scalpel to flow all the way to kevin's eyes as if a hundred rivers were returning to the sea!


KEVIN only felt a coolness in his eyes, as if the previous chilly breath had changed its surname, making him feel incredibly comfortable!


As the breath embraced him, the lines of graffiti in the middle of kevin's vision gradually became regular!




The scalpel in his hand let out a soft thud and directly disintegrated into several segments, the silver-white metal sharpness had disappeared, giving off a feeling of decay and broken wealth!


It was as if, the time of its existence had passed and it was rightfully damaged!


The scribbled lines in kevin's eyes also disappeared!


If it wasn't for the pieces of the scalpel still in his hand, kevin would almost think that what had just happened was an illusion created by a ghost!


Chen Li's mind, all of which was still on Liu Qisong, didn't even notice the abnormalities on kevin's side.


kevin stood up with his face as normal, but his mind was in shock!


Graffiti-like lines suddenly appear on the surface of an object ...


As far as he knew, there was only one scenario!


The Devil's Eye of Straight Death!


Experiencing death, he fully met the conditions for the awakening of this pupil art!


(Except, it's not quite certain yet. And, they've all experienced death too, so I wonder if they've realized it too ...)


Without a word, kevin's brain raced, but without any firm intelligence, no clue was found.


"Hey, he's no longer in shadow, are we still chasing him?"


Chen Li pushed kevin a bit, a hint of impatience in his tone.


"Keep up."


kevin looked a bit distracted, which inevitably made Chen Li feel a bit more dissatisfied with him in his heart.


With that, the two kevins quietly followed the route that Liu Qisong had taken.


kevin appeared absent-minded, while Chen Li, is completely out of the pi fighting for life, the general brats simply can not enter the body, the atmosphere, naturally, will not be too depressing. Just, a little subtle ...


Time passed little by little, and the time set for Liu Qisong's death was getting closer and closer, Chen Li couldn't help but look at the ceiling frequently, and with the cover of the dim light, he could easily follow behind Liu Qisong and not be detected by him!


"Boom ..."


Kevin walked forward and suddenly felt like he had hit a mountain of flesh, his body was unsteady for a moment, and he took a few steps backward before stabilizing himself.


"What are you doing?"


Chen Li lowered his voice and asked drily.


"Sorry, got sidetracked ..."


Kevin said faintly, and Chen Li wanted to say something else, but was stopped by Kevin's gesture.