
Devil's Pact King of Assassins

If, for example, you have only a few hours left to live, how will you face it? ...... Kevin, an ordinary geek, was shot dead on the spot by the pursuing police after committing a heinous crime of a dozen lives in a fit of rage! When he was on the verge of death, a soul contract from the abyss gave him a new life, and because of the experience of death, he awakened the demonic eye of death, which is known as "god-slaying"! In the limited time that the devil gives him, Kevin must complete one mission after another to gain more time to live! The Lonely Walker ...... Infinite World Walking in the shadows, chasing the footprints of the moon's shadow, piercing the endless abyss with the short sword in his hand! This is the strong rise of the King of Assassins!

Dada088 · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Chapter 113 Conceptual Death ......

A crisp sound came out steeply between kevin's body rolls!

The slender tail carried a powerful force and kinetic energy, and heavily lashed at the place where kevin's short sword had scratched, instantly causing the wound to expand several times!

Blood dripped, muscles exploded, and even the Rattlesnake himself couldn't withstand the force of the tail that coalesced into a single point, revealing the white bones!

The kevin and the rattler's forms clanked and brushed past only moments later, and Alice's stiffened body didn't even have time to recover!

When she was just about to make a move, kevin's fishy red pupils caused her body, once again, to give a lurch, uncontrollably remembering that one time inside the hive, the confrontation that had made her feel terrified!

Is this what kevin is capable of? Controlling lickers too? What a weird feeling ...

Alice's mind rippled, then she turned her attention to the ringer ...

She desperately wanted to know what kind of effect kevin's ability, had had on the Rattler!


The toothsome sound of cells splitting resounded once again over the rattler's shoulder, even loud enough to be clearly audible!

A great deal of unknown mucus was secreted to fill in amongst the huge gaping holes, and the great wounds, squeezed by the force of the muscles, were tightly stained together!

Cells dividing at high speed quickly formed a block of muscle, filling the wound!

The huge wound, which was at least a few inches wide, surprisingly finished recovering in just a few seconds!

However, as the price for the super-speed regeneration, the Rattler's body, by an amount that kevin could observe with his naked eye, shrunk by a circle!

A circle, roughly the equivalent of a normal human being shorter by millimeters, a change that even a virus carrier with superhuman qualities like Ellis could easily overlook!

If it wasn't for the fact that there were suddenly two more dead lines above the Rattler's torso, kevin wouldn't have been able to notice!

Above the Rattlesnake's body, there were a total of eighteen dead lines, and when they suddenly turned into twenty, kevin naturally noticed it at the first moment!

"Its legs ..."

Alice opened her mouth, her lips moving as she spat out a few syllables.

Although, the Rattler's super-speed regeneration allowed him to recover from his injuries in the shortest amount of time possible, death, however, was not in the Lie of Recovery!

On the Rattler's shoulder, there was a black sword mark that was impossible to ignore, and no matter how much the muscles around it squirmed, they couldn't close up, much less grow new ones!

As if, there was the power of death that could not be removed, entrenched in the middle of this sword mark, unable to erase it, unable to get rid of it, truly, death!

With that subtle lift of his arm at the end, kevin finally sliced to the dead line and, on a hunch, dragged his shortsword all the way to the bottom, the entire back half of the dead line, all the way across!

The death caused by cutting a dead line is not a biological death of tissue or cells, but a conceptual death!

Rattler's shoulder, which was slashed by kevin, had detached from its whole and was the first to die, and even if it devoured and fused more genes, it was unlikely to heal!

This is death in the truest sense of the word and what makes Deadline so powerful!


Rattler's forelimbs, whose shoulders had been taken out by kevin, stumbled hard on the ground, and the concrete pavement was instantly smashed by a piece of the sharp, giant claw!

That stroke of kevin's didn't directly waste one of the Rattler's forelimbs, but the effect wasn't much worse, and the incongruity of its one forepaw with the other three could be clearly seen!

The dead line that kevin had cut hadn't directly wasted that one forelimb, but it had certainly damaged some of its nerves and even its bones!

The Rattlesnake still crouched low, however, in its gaze, it no longer had the previous aggressive name, and greedy appetite!

Instincts from deep within its genes made it perceive that the source of what made it fearful was the prey in front of it!

Although the Rattlesnake, which had fused the genes of other creatures, also had the disadvantage of having difficulty seeing in the outer darkness, it had been greatly weakened, plus the fact that it was already sunrise at this time made its field of vision, incomparably clear!

Crouching low to the ground and slowly backing away, the rattler had decided to give up on these two tasty looking prey!

"Wanna go? Find a window!"

kevin keenly sensed the rattler's intentions, smacked his own tail and wanted to run away? There is no such cheap thing!

What's more, the existence of such a mutant capable of devouring and fusing the genes of other species would threaten the survival of all humans in this realm!

Although, to this realm, kevin is just a passer-by who will eventually leave, but he would like to do something for these early goers who have fought together side by side ...

Kevin's figure sprang out, his slightly lowered posture resembling a running cheetah, pouncing ferociously on his prey at a speed of about thirty meters per second!

The positions of hunter and prey seem to have been quietly switched!

Instead of catching their prey as they had hoped, the rattlers, who had followed the scent, became the hunted!

Although the Rattlesnake had retreated, the not-so-completely-evolved brain was still absolutely dominated by the beast's name!

Nature's law, survival of the fittest, the strongest of the weak!

Since showing weakness is no longer effective, let's fight to the death and see who is qualified to continue surviving!

This, then, is the beast of nature, which mankind calls ... the fighting spirit!

While the forelimbs that had been deadlined by kevin had a significant effect on the rattlesnake's agility, its most lethal and powerful tail was still intact!


The long tail that traced through the air at breakneck speed suddenly jerked a series of air, leaving a residual shadow among kevin's retinas, and instantly landed on top of his head!

The strong wind from the long dark tail was as sharp as a knife, cutting kevin's cheeks!

With such might, not to mention a body of flesh and blood, even a car, I'm afraid that it can be rawly drawn into two!

Kevin naturally did not dare to take it hard, and his reserved speed exploded to the extreme!

With that blurry residual shadow still lingering in his fishy red pupils, kevin's figure instantly sped up and flashed to the side!


The loud crunching sound seemed as if a bright light suddenly swept through one's eyes, surprisingly making one go from hearing, to sight!

The long black tail exploded a piece of ground under Kevin's previous feet, channeling into the ground, the dispersed power creating thin and spiderweb-like cracks that spread out!

Splashes of debris struck the top of kevin's torso, bringing a slight pain sensation.

The inertia possessed by his body allowed kevin to only watch as the long, threatening tail, pulled out of the ground and unleashed another attack!

The good thing is that the use of the tail for the tail of the person is only straight to so a few times, will not make a master of the national arts that out of the ordinary moves, so that kevin can once again by virtue of their own speed and reaction to avoid, otherwise as long as the tail and then add a change, kevin can only become a crippled body!


The concrete floor beneath kevin's feet crumbled once more!

This time, it was much closer to kevin's feet, and had almost grazed his torso as it drew down, even as a piece of oiled skin was rubbed off by the strong wind from the front!

A million thrills!

If it wasn't for kevin's intuition that allowed him to decisively accelerate his retreating speed, I'm afraid that he would have to be spared from being scraped off a large portion of his flesh!


The dark and slender tail abruptly drew back, and as soon as it was flung out again, the power of the rattlesnake after its mutation was enough to make whip the kevin alive!

But, kevin is not alone!

Alice, who was physically stronger and had more battle sense, had been right next to her the whole time, ah!

When the rattlesnake's body, like a cunning viper, scurried in the direction kevin had dodged and raised its long tail again, Ellis, who had bypassed its intact eye, had already entered the rattlesnake's visual blind spot!

The long, erect tail had been transformed into a sharp weapon for the same attack, and the function of emitting and receiving sound waves had been temporarily blocked out!

So much so, that the Rattler didn't even notice the violent wind that rang directly in its ears!

Kevin's figure steeply lurched, and instead of retreating, he actually charged directly towards the ringer's erected long tail!

Both the rattler and kevin were extremely fast, most of their movements could be accomplished in less than a second, and the opportunity to fight, flashed by!