
Devil's Pact King of Assassins

If, for example, you have only a few hours left to live, how will you face it? ...... Kevin, an ordinary geek, was shot dead on the spot by the pursuing police after committing a heinous crime of a dozen lives in a fit of rage! When he was on the verge of death, a soul contract from the abyss gave him a new life, and because of the experience of death, he awakened the demonic eye of death, which is known as "god-slaying"! In the limited time that the devil gives him, Kevin must complete one mission after another to gain more time to live! The Lonely Walker ...... Infinite World Walking in the shadows, chasing the footprints of the moon's shadow, piercing the endless abyss with the short sword in his hand! This is the strong rise of the King of Assassins!

Dada088 · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Chapter 1 Rings of the Abyss!

"Resentment? Resentful? Hate this unjust world?"


"If so, offer your soul, and a demonic pact will grant you new life!"


Icy cold rain accompanied by dazzling lightning in the sky, constantly washing away the earth, bringing a burst of fresh earthy fragrance to this reinforced concrete city!


In a secluded alley, a wretched youth sprawled helplessly on the dirty ground, a large amount of blood flowed out from his body, soaking the nearby ground bright red, even the intensive downpour could not wash the place clean of blood!


"Over here! Hurry, hurry, hurry, he's been shot, he won't get far!"


"God damn, this rain TM came at a bad time to wash away all the blood!"


"Cut the crap, if you want to keep eating this bowl of rice, hurry up and find it for your labor!"


In the distance, the yelling of a group of mealies loomed in the distance, leather shoes and rainwater intertwined with each other into hurried footsteps as they approached!




In the midst of the thick dark clouds, a thunderclap abruptly rang out, and a dazzling silver-white arc of electricity broke through the deep rainy night, reflecting the sky and earth in a translucent light!


The youth's ears, an icy voice rang out, with an irresistible temptation, directly snapped his mind ...


The rain, cold as ice, continued to flow with his blood, soaking into his bones as if to freeze his soul!


The young man clutching the kitchen knife's consciousness had begun to blur, his eyesight had deteriorated, and as the next bolt of lightning swept across the night sky, the dim light that flickered on the alley violently turned into a fishy red!




The youth's hissing with all his might was completely masked by the loud thunder, confused and indistinguishable amongst the broken rain!


When a group of police officers followed the trail of blood washed down by the rain and found the alley where the youth had fallen, they found only an ever-thinning puddle of bright red, reflecting a fishy, evil light in the dim light! ...


"Here? ..."


kevin let out a groan and braced himself, glancing around suspiciously.


The pungent smell of antiseptic solution made him frown, and kevin soon spotted a row of blue benches for resting and the narrow space he was now in.


The white walls looked unusually monotonous under the famously bright lights, making one feel a sense of depression, and on one side of the wall, there were slogans about saving lives and a huge glass frame.


Inside the glass frame, there were pictures of the attending physicians in each department as well as a floor plan of a large hospital, and after just one look, kevin lost interest.


Apparently, he's in a hospital right now.


Only thing that puzzled him was that this was just a hospital corridor.


kevin thought that the place he woke up in would have been an intensive care unit guarded by armed police officers, if not a police station squad room.


And hospital corridors ...


Unexpected indeed.


Especially strange was the fact that on the three-meter-wide floor of the corridor, there were also several people of different ages, surnames and attire lying on the ground, which made kevin even more perplexed.




kevin suddenly remembers that after he knifed a dozen people in the demolition office, he was hit in the chest by an arriving police officer, and as his consciousness almost faded, the devil's voice rang in his ears ...


Kevin wiped his chest, the wound that was torn by the bullet had disappeared, even the torn holes in his clothes as well as the blood stains were gone!


"Welcome Contractors to the Abyssal Trial Plane, the benevolent demons offer their cordial greetings."


The icy voice came abruptly from behind himself, and kevin jerked back, but found nothing.


"In light of the fact that the indentured servant enters the Abyss for the first time and is given a chance to have the rules read out, please take careful notes!"


"Demons, kind? Kind?"


All kevin could think was that it was beyond ironic, this seemed like a couple of words that couldn't even be eight times the size of the word, right?


However, this ice-cold voice didn't give any chance and directly began to read out the so-called rules.


"First of all, you are dead, and it is the merciful and great Devil who has given you new life, and your soul is owned by the Devil."


The icy voice spoke of an unforgiving reality, kevin's heart flinched, his left hand stroked his intact chest, clear memories made it impossible for him to doubt the truthfulness of what the voice was telling him!


"Heh, what's the harm in selling your soul to the devil as long as you're still alive?"


A faint, bitter smile appeared on kevin's face as he laughed to himself at the thought.


However, this icy voice responsible for reading out the rules of the abyss seemed to be able to hear kevin's heart and continued to read out.


"But, the devil is not a false angel, and his mercy, has its limits!"


"See the Ring of the Abyss in your left hand? Take it with you."


kevin's originally empty left hand suddenly felt a strange coldness, a crystal clear jade ring appeared in his palm at an unknown time!


Under the bright lights of the hospital, the Ring of the Abyss reflected a faint holy luminescence, as if it was a supreme holy object left by the gods in the mortal world, making it impossible to associate it with the abyss and demons.


Kevin didn't dare to slack off, and after surveying the Ring of Abyss, he directly put it on his right ring finger.


"Next, recite the incantation '? ⌒£#' to invoke your 'time limit', the time limit 'is zero' and the contracted person dies!"


kevin brain suddenly appeared a complex and mysterious incantation, kevin froze, followed by the subsequent utterance of a string of very mysterious sense of argumentative syllables ...


An eerie ball of burning cold flame appeared in front of kevin, suspended in mid-air in an attitude that completely defied the laws of physics!


Without the slightest temperature, this cold flame had a frosty translucent white color, in which the years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds were clearly delineated, like a transparent electronic clock.


"Eleven hours and fifty-nine minutes, do I have less than half a day to live? How is this possible!!!"


kevin was shocked, his back instantly drenched in cold sweat!


Although mentally extremely unwilling to believe, but, from the cold flame in the middle of the emanation from the gradually strong smell of death, so that he could not doubt its true name!


Once time is zero, one dies!


"All you need to do is complete the quests that the demons post as a way to gain more time to survive."


The time in the cold flame went by second by second, and with every second that passed, the cold flame beat a little bit, and Kevin's heart beat hard with it!


It's as if the fire of kevin's soul needs to be constantly infused with demonic survival time in order for it to continue to burn and for kevin to continue to live!


"Time is life!"


kevin suddenly remembered the phrase, and applied it to him in name only!


Emotionally, kevin would rather believe it was just a prank and would rather be squatting in a police squad room!


But reason tells him that it's all true, and that the only way to survive is to complete the unknown task enacted by the demon!


"What would be the task that the demon issued? To kill people?"


kevin thought to himself as his right hand tightened the handle of the knife, the murder weapon chopper that had slit the throats of a dozen men still stained with spots of bright red blood.


"Is the blood of beasts also red?"


kevin revealed a trace of disdainful sneer, the ferocious demolition office really saw the blood, actually stunned, and then a dozen people, one by one, he caught up and cut open the neck!


Then, kevin actually found himself, having fallen in love with that beautiful scene when a knife cuts the throat and blood spurts ...


Just as kevin was thinking back, several of the people who appeared in the corridor with him also woke up one after another, with expressions of confusion, disdain, fear, excitement, to name a few, as if they were having a vivid expression convention!


(I think that's the voice reading the rules ...)


One by one, the five fingers of kevin's left hand traced the cool, slippery ring of the Abyss and waited in silence.


kevin noticed that some of the people's lips were moving, but no sound was coming out, and thought that any communication with that cold voice was cut off.


kevin barely managed to read the words - "Are you kidding me" - from the exaggerated lips of a middle-aged man across from himself.


But that's about it, kevin wasn't a professional lip-sync master, and most of the credit for reading that line had to go to the other person's exaggerated expression.


Soon, everyone, no matter what expression they showed, put that Ring of the Abyss on their fingers.


Again, it was the man opposite kevin, with the most exaggerated expression, trembling body, eyes as if he had seen a ghost, looking fearfully at the hands that seemed to no longer belong to him, slowly putting on the Ring of the Abyss.