
Devil's Luck

LifeSucks · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 4~ The Deep

Arthur's P.O.V

A faint feeling of dizziness. I feel cold and and stationary. Its very peaceful.

"Arthur, wake up."

I could hear a voice calling unto me. That was...Vel. What is it this time? I feel at ease. Please leave me alone.

"Arthur. You need to wake up."

Why? Wait. Where am I? I was at my raft. But then...Yes, a storm hit. If I remember correctly, my raft got destroyed. Then, where am I now? I slowly opened my eyes. It was dark and cold. Ah, now I remember. I was flung into the ocean. So, this is the deep.

I...I can't breath. I need to get back to the surface.

"Calm down Arthur." Vel said.

No, you don't understand Vel. I am about to die. I desperately swam upwards. Its no use. The surface is nowhere to be seen and I am starting to lose conciousness. I started to panic. It hurts. I didn't think that drowning would be painful. I can't even swim anymore. I am fainting once again. This time I probably will die. Shit. I can't accept this.

"Vel... Is...Is there nothing I can...." I didn't even finish asking. I am really about to drown. I slowly lost my conciousness.

"Its okay Arthur."

So this is it.















"Wake up arthur."

What? Vel? I...I thought I am dead. How can I hear you?

"Open your eyes Arthur."

Yes. This is the ocean. I just drowned moments ago. How am I still alive?

"Vel, I already drowned didn't I?" I asked mentally.

"Yes you did. Yet here you are." she answered.

"How long have I been stranded in this place?"

"About a day." She answered.

A day?...then...

"How...How many times have I drowned?" I asked. There was a moment of silence before Vel answered.

"You have been drowning again and again for approximately 990 times since your raft got destroyed. You must have forgotten because of the shock but you have asked me this same question before. This would be the the fifth time you have asked me this same question."

990 times. I have came back to life for almost a thousand times. It appears I am no longer human. Good. That is very good. I will be no longer bound by human morals. But I can't keep drowning like this. I need to get out. Shit. I feel the pain of drowning again. It hurts. I am fading once again.



















How long has it been? I have died over and over again. It feels natural at this point.

"Vel. How much time have passed?"

"You have been drifting in the ocean for about 36 days now."

I can see now. It seems like sunlight can penetrate this part of the ocean. I must be close to the surface. For the first time in days I swam upwards once again towards the light. Its close. Im very close.

Suddenly, something caught me. I was surprised when it made contact with me. It surrounded me as it went to the surface. Some fishes were also caught along the way. I can see the surface. Just a few more meters until I reach it.

"Hey hey! The net is heavy! seems like we caught something big!"

People? They seem to be fisher men. There are 7 people on the boat.The thing that caught me was their net. One man, looks to be past 50s, probably is the captain. He had a thick beard and grayish hair.

"Hm? Wha- Theres a man in the net!" A natural reaction. His face was surprised when he saw me.

"Is he dead?" Another fisherman asked.

I decided to talk to them. "No. I am very alive as you can see."

"Hey cut him lose!" The captain ordered. They dragged the net aboard and opened it. I cough up the water that filled my lungs. The fishes scattered along the deck and I savored my breath of fresh air for the first time in weeks.

"What is your name boy?" The captain asked as he walked closer.

"Arthur sir. Arthur Morgan." He looked at me and then at his men.

"Help Arthur here on his feet. And give him a some good hot coffee." His crew went by my side and help me get up.

"Hey what were you doing in the middle of nowhere?! The closest land is miles away. Were you thrown overboard?" The fisherman asked as he offered to help me get up. I looked at him and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"There was a storm. I was flung unto the ocean."

"You are very lucky that we caught you before you drowned." He said while laughing.

I smiled and answered "Yes. Good thing you saved me before that happened." They gave me a coat and some hot coffee.

"Rest for now. It must have been hard for you."

"What is the date today?" I asked just from pure curiosity.

"Its the 3rd of May 1911. Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yes I am. Say, are you going to a harbor in Thames by any chance?" I asked.

"Why yes! That is where we import our catch. We will be going back in a month. We just have a few more spots to fish. Is that where you are headed?" He asked.

I looked at my coffee and took a sip. "Yes. I have some people I have been dying to see."


Anna's P.O.V

I love my city. London may not be most pure but its citizens are very kind and hospitable. I grew up in a family that can be considered in the wealthy spectrum. My parents were very caring. They showered me with gifts and love. They placed all of their attentiin towards me. Tge best parents aren't they? No. Later I found how corrupt they are. They harrased people of lower stature. They stole from people because they have the means to do so. And once they were exposed, they used me as an excuse. "We have a daugther! We need to give her the best life for us and her!" Is what they said. So there are people like these. They are the ones that make this city hell for others. This is why I would purge this city clean of corruption.

Every last one of these people will be put to justice by my hands. And when I am finally done, the citizens will be able to be rest assured that people who take advantage of others are rotting somewhere until they die.



"Um Arthur?"

"What is it Vel?"

"What is this....this metal thing that floats?"

"This is a boat. It is used for transporting across large bodies of water."

"I see, so humans have advanced quite a lot. I didn't know that metal can float above water."

"Sounds like you have been stuck in that cave for far too long."

"Yes, indeed I have."

"There is also a vehicle that can take humans to skies. It has been invented a few years ago somewhere in America."

"Amazing. Maybe humans are not that stupid after all."

"Yes yes. It will surely revolutionize transportation. In the future, it may also be made of metal just like ships."

"I would want to see one of those in midflight."

"I could say the same thing."

hello :>

I want Anna to be the generic justice oriented hero. The type that would jump to the rescue when she sees someone getting bullied.

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