
Devil's Luck

LifeSucks · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 2~ The Deal

Arthur's P.O.V

Trying to stay alive in a dying body is like swimming in a river against the current. Each passing second, the current grows stronger, making it harder to stay afloat. Funny how a few moments ago I was prepared to die, but now I am desperately clinging to what is left of me that is alive.

I couldn't even open my eyes let alone lift a finger. I am focused on staying conscious more than anything.

Staying awake is one thing. But I also need a way to move. The pain from the wound on my chest has already gone numb. In fact, my entire body is numb and my senses are pretty much non-existent. It feels as if I am submerged in an ocean, slowly sinking to the bottom. I was desperate and I asked for help from God. Anyone or anything that can hear me. I asked for help.

I saw a hand reached out unto me. I grabbed unto it as it pulled me from death's cluches. At first, I thought it was God. But it was something much worse.

"My, My"

A voice rang inside my head. A woman's voice? It seemed oddly familiar and other worldly at the same time. It has this playful yet intimidating tone.

Suddenly, I was able to see. However, I was no longer in the cave. I was....sitting in a diner?

I looked around surveying the area. Walls and floors are covered with red and black tiles in a alternating pattern. The seats were covered in the same colors as the tiles. I sat beside a window as I tried to make up what was outside but there was nothing was on the other side. Beyond the diner was just darkness. I saw my reflection from the window glass. My attension shifted and I immediately checked myself. I no longer wore the old and torn clothes I had. Instead, I am wearing clothes that a high class man would wear. I had a black shirt with a red tie under a black coat which reached just below my knee. I wore fit black pants and a shiny pair of black shoes. My mind was bombarded by questions of my curiosity. Where am I? Why is my wound gone? Why am I in such outfit?

My thoughts were racing as I try to make sense of what is happening. But then....I felt a shiver and an unsettling feeling. I shifted my attension into my surroundings and away from my thoughts. And just in front of me, sitting on the other side of the table, a woman was staring at me with a slight grin on her face. She wore a black dress. Her skin was white as snow and her eyes were dyed red as blood.

"Hello little puer."

She had a confident expression on her face.

"Where are we?" I asked as I try to hide my surprise.

"Where? You could say we are inside your soul. Well, whats left if it. " She responded with a chuckle.

"I-I was....I was dying a few moments ago?"

"Was?...You're still dying right now. I simply postponed it."

Postponed? Did this woman just said she postponed death?

"What do you mean? Who are you? Are you...God?"

She stood up and came closer to me. She leaned over.

"God? God would not save a useless hominum like you, puer. There are millions of you out there. Do you think he has time to save you?"

"Then...Who are you?"

She smiled and stood up.

"The one who will save you." shadows came out behind her. The shadow took the appearance of silhouettes of demons with grins on their faces.

"You- You're one on them!" I exclaimed as I stood up, knocking down the chair I was sitting on. This woman is one of those monsters that slaughtered us.

"Yes. I indeed am. What of it? I still intend on helping you."

"Help? Just a few moments ago you guys tried to kill me!" Her shadows' faces turned from grinning into a angry and frowned face. I felt like I did something I shouldn't have.

The atmosphere became heavy and suffocating. Her eyes fixated on me with no emotion. It is as if I cannot hide anything from her. Cold sweat ran down my face. What will she do? Suddenly, she spoke.

"Yes. However, please view this matter into our perspective. A bunch of unruly humans entered our home and tried to steal our treasures. How would you feel if the circumstances were reversed?"

She turned the tide and made us look like the evil ones. Yet....It is true. I lowered my head due to guilt and shame for blaming her. She and her brothers were only protecting their home. The heavy aura slowly dissipated. I sat down on my chair and stayed silent for a while.

"But..why did you save me?"

The grin went back unto her face as she shifted her body closer to me.

"Why? I believe that you have something I want. And I have something of yours."

"Something I want?"

"Yes. What you desperately want is not of treasure or fame.....What you want is power. Power that will give you strength. And I can give it to you."

Power? If thats true, then....

"Tempting...but at....At what cost?"

"Well, all we want is a way out."

A way out? They are trapped? Inside the cave?

"We need a little...Vessel to get out. And you are just perfect for it."

"Why me?" I asked.

"We need a corrupted soul to be able to get out of this place."

She looked at the window and pointed outside the diner.

"Look, see that?" There was nothing out there. Only darkness.

"When born, humans have a pure white glow inside their soul. As you grow old, it becomes tainted of corruption. And your's is the most corrupted I've seen. It is as dark as the abyss. You see, we are rather forbidden to the outside world. Such is the law of God. With your soul, we will be able hide from Him."

"And what will I get?" I asked.

She smiled

"Power beyond your wildest dreams. I can make you a king....No...I can make you a God."

She extended her hand unto me.

"So...Do we have a deal?"

This..Helping them would mean betraying God. After seeing these demons, I was not be surprised if God was also real. At first I was hesitant. God is holy and forever just while demons are liars and manipulators. However, God never amswered my prayers. Even before while I was dying, I called upon God; Begging for his help. Yet, He still didn't answer. The one who helped me was....a demon. Rage filled my thought. Anger boiled from within me. I remembered all the sufferings of my life. All the heart-aches and pain.

I grabbed her hand and looked her firmly in the eyes. I gestured a small nod as a sign of approval of the deal. Her face had a pleased expression.

"I'm Arthur."

"Pleased to meet you Arthur. I am Velgorith. But please, call me Vel."








Velgorith's P.O.V

Seems like a bunch of humans have appeared again. What a rare sight. The last time was....When was it?

The humans who walked inside was rather strange. The last time humans stumbled upon here, they were wearing metal all over their body. However, these humans wore thin clothes and no metal armor.

Oh well, the others will be finished with them in a flash.





That was faster than I thought. Oh well, time to eat the soul-

hm? A corrupted soul? How rare. Wait, this man...Such hate and....regret. His soul is fully corrupted and tainted.

This man can be the key for our escape! I have to convince him to lend us part of his soul. But first, I need to make sure he lives.



Great. Now that his soul is safe, I can convince him.






"So, do we have a deal?"

Hm..He seems to be hesitating. Maybe he needs a little push. I'll put him under a spell which would give him irrational anger.



Did it work? Hopefully so. My hand is beggining to ache from holding out thi- Oh! He shook my hand! Thats great!

"I'm Arthur."

"Pleased to meet you Arthur. I am Velgorith. But please, call me Vel."

Yay! I'm glad to meet you Arthur!

Sorry for the super late post. I was busy with school work. I have no excuses. I am very sorry.

LifeSuckscreators' thoughts