
Chapter 79: Date with Nekomi

"Huh? An arcade?" Zenkichi blinked, turning towards Nekomi with a puzzled expression. "I thought we were going to your favorite amusement park that you got from Medaka-chan."

"That comes later~ Once we're done with the arcade, we'll head over to the amusement park," Nekomi replied with a mischievous grin. "It's much more romantic to be in a amusement park in the evening. Consider this the warm-up before the main event!"

Zenkichi couldn't help but laugh at Nekomi's enthusiasm. He had to admit, her ideas for their first date were far from typical, but he found himself looking forward to the surprise that awaited them.

"Alright, Nekomi. Let's have some fun in the arcade first, and then we can tackle the amusement park," Zenkichi said, a playful glimmer in his eyes.

With that, they stepped inside the arcade, merging with the vibrant atmosphere of flashing lights and the echoing sounds of game machines.

For the next couple of hours, they engaged in friendly competition, challenging each other to various games. Whether it was battling it out in a virtual fighting game or racing against each other in a driving simulator, they laughed, cheered, and celebrated their victories and defeats together.

But the best part of this for Zenkichi's was Nekomi being a sore loser. Every time she lost, she would pout and playfully accuse Zenkichi of cheating or distracting her. Even though she was the one who did all of that. It was both adorable and amusing, and Zenkichi couldn't help but find joy in teasing her.

As they reached the end of their arcade adventure, both Zenkichi and Nekomi headed out of the arcade with the latter hugging a giant brown bear, sulking.

"This isn't possible... I can't believe you beat me again! You must have cheated!" Nekomi exclaimed, sticking out her tongue playfully.

Zenkichi laughed, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "Hey now, no cheating involved. Unlike you, it's all about skill. Besides, knowing your competitive nature, I'm sure you'll beat me one day, I promise."

Nekomi sighed dramatically, clinging onto her stuffed bear. "Fine, fine. But just you wait, Zenkichi. I'll practice and beat you next time!"

Zenkichi grinned, giving her a playful nudge. "I look forward to it, Nekomi. You're always up for a challenge, and that's one of the things I love about you."

As they continued walking towards the amusement park, Nekomi's sulking expression turned into a beaming smile. "Oya? You love me? Well, well, well. I didn't think I'd make you fall for me that easily."

"You know I meant that playfully," Zenkichi replied, his face turning slightly red.

"Ah, you're so cute!"

"....So what amusement park are we heading to?"

Nekomi chuckled mischievously, teasing Zenkichi. "Oh, it's a surprise! You'll find out soon enough."

A few feet away from them, sitting on a bench, three figures raised their heads from a newspaper.

"So princess, any idea on where they're heading?" The smallest one asked the one beside her.

Princess, or clearly Medaka, grumbled. "...No. The tickets I gave Nabeshima-senpai is available to any amusement parks under the Kurokami family; which is all the amusement parks in the city."

"...That sort of tickets exist?" Kikaijima muttered, dumbfounded.

"Shishishishishi. Just goes to show how damn rich the princess is."

Medaka shook her head. "Enough. We're going to lose them."

When Zenkichi and Nekomi arrived at their destination, the former was stunned.

"There's Disneyland in this city?!"

'I thought it only existed in Tokyo!'

Suddenly, a memory of when he was a kid surfaced and he realized that this amusement park had been here for a decade and the reason it was built was because of...him.

When he was six years old, Zenkichi wanted to go to Disneyland but his mother couldn't bring them there because they didn't have the money. The month prior she was let go from the hospital she formerly worked at.

Wanting someone to listen to his complaints and tantrums, he went to Medaka.

Three days later, another Disneyland was built in their city.

'...I should probably buy a gift for Medaka later on.'

Nekomi giggled, delighted by Zenkichi's reaction. "You've never been to Disneyland before?"

"N-No, I... I thought it was only available in Tokyo. But I have been here before, just that I forgot all about it."

"That's alright," Nekomi replied, intertwining her fingers with Zenkichi's. "Now we can make new memories together."

They spent the rest of the evening exploring the rides, enjoying the shows, and indulging in all the delicious snacks the amusement park had to offer. From adrenaline-pumping roller coasters to gentle carousel rides, they experienced it all hand in hand.

As they watched the fireworks illuminate the night sky, Zenkichi couldn't help but feel grateful for Nekomi asking him out. He had expected a lot of things for a date, Takachiho especially exaggerated a lot when he heard that he was going out with Nekomi, but overall, it was pretty nice.

"So, what do you think?" Nekomi grinned, still clinging onto her bear while sipping coke.

They were on a random bench, resting and enjoying the peacefulness of the amusement park.

"I'm not gonna lie, I enjoyed it. I never imagined our first date would be at an arcade and end up in Disneyland. But it was definitely a pleasant surprise. You always know how to make things fun and exciting, Nekomi."

Nekomi beamed at Zenkichi's words. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, Zenkichi. I wanted our first date to be as memorable as ever!"

Zenkichi softly smiled and asked. "So, why did you really asked me out?"

"Hmm?" Nekomi tilted her head, an innocent smile on her face. "Why, I wanted to spend time with you is all. Not only are you my friend, but also the president of the club he recruited me into. Is it so wrong to get to know someone like that?"

"True. But most people wouldn't ask someone out to a date unless they want to have a relationship with that person."

"Hehe. And what makes you think I don't like you that way~ Hmm~?" Nekomi teasingly said, a trace of seduction in her voice.

Zenkichi smirked and lightly grabbed Nekomi's chin with his fingers, staring straight at her eyes. "Because I don't think that you'll fall for someone that easily."

Nekomi's purple eyes flickered with surprise, but she maintained her mischievous smile. "And what makes you think that?"

Zenkichi's smirk widened. "Because I like to think that I know you pretty well, Nekomi. You're not one to easily fall for someone's charms. You're strong-willed and independent, and I respect that about you."

Nekomi's mischievous smile turned into a softer, more genuine one. "Well, Zenkichi, you're right. I don't fall for someone easily. But I have to admit, you've managed to capture my interest."

Zenkichi leaned closer, a twinkle in his eyes. "Just interest~?"

Nabeshima rolled her eyes. "Don't push yourself loverboy."

"Alright, alright."

Zenkichi chuckled and let out go of her chin. Just as he seemingly retreated and before Nekomi could react, he leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss on her lips, surprising her.

Nekomi's eyes widened for a split second, her cheeks flustered, and Zenkichi leaned back with a cheeky grin on his face.

"Y-You..." She stammered out a reply.

Though she seemed confident and in control most of the time, truth to be told, Nekomi Nabeshima is a inexperienced girl who only went as far as holding a boy's hand! She was more of a virgin than Zenkichi!

"Me." Zenkichi said, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Cheeky bastard." Nekomi grumbled and placed her head into the giant stuffed bear. "...To tell you the truth, I only invited you because I needed a plus one into the amusement park."

"Huh? Don't you have other friends to hang out with?"

Nekomi blushed. "I do, but I see and hangout with them enough in school. I also don't want to wander around in Disneyland on my own and probably have some college students hitting on me. And since I wanted to know you better, I figure, why not kill two birds with one stone?"

"Plus, I wanna piss off Medaka as well."

'Figured.' Zenkichi inwardly thought with a chuckle. "Well, I'm glad you chose me as your plus one. I had a great time, and I hope we can do this again sometime."

Nekomi peeked out from behind the bear, a teasing glint in her eyes. "Oh, so you're asking for a second date already? Not even done with the first one, huh?"

Zenkichi shrugged, a playful smirk on his face. "Hey, why wait? If the first date was this much fun, I can only imagine how amazing the second one will be."

Nekomi laughed, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Alright, Zenkichi. You've convinced me. Second date it is."

As they stood up from the bench, Zenkichi turned towards Nekomi and raised his hand. With a thick english accent, he said, "May I walk you home, milady?"

Nekomi giggled, playing along with Zenkichi's playful act. "Well, of course, kind sir. I would be honored."

Taking her hand in his, Zenkichi led Nekomi out of the amusement park, their laughter and lighthearted banter filling the air. They walked side by side, the excitement of their first date still lingering in their hearts.

On the other side of the amusement park.


"Hehe. I never thought it'd be this fun!"

Kikaijima watched with a twitching expression as both Medaka and Shiranui rode the Merry-go-round, both giggling like children, mickey mouse ears on their heads, while the latter had cotton candy on each hand and eating them, completely forgetting their original objective on spying on Zenkichi and Nekomi.

"...Eh, might as well enjoy myself." Kikaijima said to herself and shrugged, walking towards the roller coaster while grabbing herself a cotton candy and mickey mouse ears.

Normally she wouldn't be getting any merchandise as it costed money, especially in Disneyland where its prices are astronomical, but considering this was all on Medaka...

"Hehe!" Kikaijima spins around in the teacup ride, her laughter matching the swirling motion.

Her seniors and Uzaki-chan would be so jealous!


❄️Shout-outs to the best Reincarnators of my world of patreon:

•terrence L mccall

•swift arrow



•Nawaf Rashed

•Davide Cordivani


•Maxwell Sarabi


•Edgar Osvaldo Chavez Sacramento

❄️A bigger shout out to the who ascended to become a One Above All!!

•Orion Chung

•Daniel Reis

•Luis A Montoya


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