
Devil's Luck[Arc 5: Worlds Apart]

Zenkichi Hitoyoshi is a young man, destined to be chained by fate in the early story of canon. He was a man without ambition, drive, will and talent to become something great. Well, that'll soon change. For better, or for worse. .... AN: Alright, let's do this one last time, probably. Here's another Medaka Box fanfic that I hope it'll get to a hundred chapters before I drop it, or not? It depends on life really. And positive comments and reviews, I don't really care much of power stones(tho, that doesn't mean you can't...) but positive feedback on my work really inspires me more to write. Want to check out my pa-treon and be ahead of your fellow WN kin? Well here's the link: pa–treon.com/FroztDouluo *Just get rid of the dash. Edit: I just changed it to Gilgamesh because... Zenkichi basically almost resembles him at this point(I didn't planned for this happen) Schedule and the amount of chapters I'd be popping out? Tuesday and Thursday(UTC +8), 2–3 chapters a week(it's usually just 2 chapters because I'm slow at making anime related stories).

FroztDouluo · Anime & Comics
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152 Chs

Chapter 35: Captured 2

Ever since he reincarnated into another world as someone else, with no memories of his past life's name and other related information except for some things, he had seen and experienced a lot.

Futuristic holographic screens that gives him random powers and objects based on the location he's in and his luck; which can still evolve by the way, superhuman teens that would give some trained soldiers a run for their money, anime tropes, bombastic teenage girls that can put most of the supermodels in his past life to shame, and lastly...make some friends.

Honestly, by now, anything the world would throw at him wouldn't surprise him anymore.

He was proven wrong.

Because this? As he tried to move his body around, only to feel a numbing sensation and some restraints locking him in place, his eyes staring wide at a bright light, was definitely something he did not expect.

"Oh, you're awake? Guess the anesthetic wore off quicker than I thought...or your immune system is stronger than normal people." As he heard a familiar apathetic voice, he froze.

'Oh, fuck!' He inwardly cursed as he turned his gaze to his right side and right there, wearing like some surgeon on duty, although having most of her face covered, was Naze Youka.

The dead red eye and bandages covering her face was a dead giveaway.

"Ah whatever the case," Naze walked over by his side, looking down at him with icy, cold eyes that showed no empathy. "I'll know all the secrets of your body soon."

"Wait!" Zenkichi yelled then paused, confusion set across his face, and said. "I–Hold up, I can talk?"

Naze hummed, tilting her head. "Don't get me wrong, I didn't tape your mouth shut, not because I wanted to hear your screams of agony and despair."

'No. Although your face is mostly covered, that twinkle in your eye says otherwise!' He glared incredulously at her, trying even harder to get out of his restraints but to no avail.

Naze came closer to his face, her hand on his face, "No. I want to hear some things from you, like when and how did your ability appear. Was it natural? Artificial? Or was this given to you?"

Zenkichi frowned, his eyes narrowed, looking calm as he could in this situation. "And if I say how my ability came to be?"

"And I will let you go." Naze's voice held no room for negotiation or doubt. "So, what do you say, Zenkichi?"

'Yeah, you're not going to do that.' Zenkichi already caught onto her bs as he glanced at his system.

[Quest: Bitches got no hold of me!]

Info: This psychotic scientist of a masochist has interest in you and is planning to do untold tortures to remodel your body into achieving a "perfect super physique" but it comes at the cost of having your mind broken and becoming her eternal simping slave(essentially becoming a useless idiot). But you don't want that now, do ya?!

Objective: [Coerce] or [Convince] Youka Naze(?????) into becoming your sla–subordinate.

Reward: 1 Free Spin

This quest will be deemed failed when the user either fails to convince Youka Naze or the target starts experimenting on you.

'Psychotic bitch.' Zenkichi inwardly cursed, thinking about it for a moment, weighing his options. He knew he had to escape whatever place this was but that would mean going through the likes of Gun and Takachiho. The latter wasn't much of a threat but more of a annoyance.

Moreover, he has no knowledge of the overall structure of the facility they were in. He could try interrogating one of the members here, but then they would try alerting the rest if he didn't pay attention.

Unless he could go invisible or something...

He really regrets not reading on those magic books earlier, he was sure there was going to be some teleportation or invisible spell on them.

'What should I do...' He closed his eyes, thinking harder and harder, trying to come up with a solution.

"Time's up." Naze's voice broke through his concentration as she lifted her hand off his face. "I need an answer."

Zenkichi took a deep breath, steeling himself.

"I'll tell you," he finally said, his voice firm. "But on a few conditions."

"Tell me." Naze impatiently said, wanting to get this charade over with.

"Take off your mask and the bandages covering your face, and..." he paused. "I'll tell you the last condition after you show me your face."

Silence. Naze blankly stared at him, weighing his words. Zenkichi could see the wheels turning in her head, calculating the risks and benefits of the deal.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Naze nodded.

"Fine," she said, reaching up to remove her mask and the bandages covering her face.

'Alright, phase one completed.' Zenkichi internally said as he intently watched Naze. There was a reason for this and not just because he was curious about her face.

...Alright that was part of the reason as well, but the main one is that he wanted to properly observe her facial expression so that he could make the proper choice of words to convince her to let him out.

Now how would he do that?

[Harem Protagonist]: Girls are more attracted to you, guys would naturally envy you. Cringe and cliché pick-up lines will work completely on certain girls.

[Super Charisma(Abnormal)]: It is a highly developed skill that allows a person to influence, persuade, and connect with others in a powerful and magnetic way. It involves the ability to project confidence and warmth, read people's emotions and respond accordingly, and communicate with clarity and conviction.

With these. He would've started cackling like some supervillain if Naze wasn't standing near him.

His abilities was already working as she was taking her bandages off–

"No way..." Zenkichi's jaw dropped, stunned at what he saw.

He expected a lot of things, especially when she had a knife's handle sticking out of her right eyebrow, disfigurement, gnarly scars, etc.

But what he didn't expect was a beautiful and familiar face, staring indifferently at him.

'Medaka-chan!?' Zenkichi nearly said that aloud, seeing his childhood crush's face, but held his tongue, no, she just looked similar to her.

While Medaka's hair reached as far as her back, Naze's was neck-length. Her skin was paler, a square bandage between her right eyebrow, a magic prop of how the knife handle was inserted, but the most glaring difference...was her eyes.

They say that the eyes were the windows of the soul, and Medaka's eyes were always warm and inviting, giving off a sense of kindness and empathy. But Naze's eyes...they were cold and calculating, devoid of any emotion.

'H-How is this possible?' Zenkichi's eyes were wide, he knew that people could look alike sometimes but not to this extent. Was there a connection between Naze and Medaka that he didn't know of?

Then something clicked in his head.

There was also another possibility. He quietly gulped, 'Naze Youka, is Medaka-chan's missing older sister!' Her face, her age, it was a high possibility!

"Does my face meet your expectations?" Naze's voice broke through his thoughts, her expression still blank.

Zenkichi quickly snapped out of his daze, activating his Super Charisma ability and putting on his most charming smile. He could deal with the Kurokami family drama later on.

"It exceeds my expectations, Naze-san," he said smoothly, his voice filled with warmth and sincerity. "But more importantly, let's talk about my conditions. The first is that you release me from these restraints."

Naze considered his words for a moment before nodding, walking over to a nearby panel and typing in a few commands. The restraints around Zenkichi's body released, allowing him to move freely again.

He looked down at himself and his restraints and realized that, with wide eyes, he was naked and the metal cuffs used to restrain him were entirely made out of diamonds!

'Holy fuck! Just how rich is this organization?!' He blinked his eyes, noticing something was off. 'My body is...'

He remembered it now, didn't he get thrown off out of the window after his body started experiencing the side effects of using The Iron?

Actually, now that he thought about it, didn't his system tell him about something concerning his Quincy status?

"The second condition?" Naze asked, snapping him back to reality, facing him with her usual apathetic expression.

Zenkichi took a deep breath, knowing this was the most important one.

'Skills, don't fail me now!'

"The second condition is that you become my subordinate, Naze-san," he said, his voice firm. "I don't want to become your lab rat or experiment, I frankly don't want anything to do with whatever organization you're in, and I honestly want to dismantle it, but what I want right now...is you to be by my side."

Naze stared at him for a long moment, her expression unreadable. Zenkichi sweatdropped, hoping

But finally, she said.

"I refuse."

Zenkichi's heart sank, and just as he was about to charge at her and knock her out, Naze had thrown her arms around his neck, pressing her toes against the ground, and her mouth started pressing onto his!

"Mm?!" Zenkichi gasped in surprise, his eyes widening as he felt her lips on his own, her hands pulling him closer to her body. Her tongue licking his lips, begging to be let in.

Subconsciously, he opened his mouth and they started making out like reunited lovers that had been separated from each other for too long.


But then he felt a weird sensation coming from his system.

[Quest Completed: Bitches got no hold of me!]

Reward: 1 Free Spin

[New Skill Acquired: Femme Fatale Charisma(Abnormal)]

Femme Fatale Charisma(Abnormal): A sub-skill of the Super Charisma that does what the original skill does but is highly effective against certain women. It involves the ability to project confidence and allure, read people's desires and respond accordingly, and communicate with seduction and conviction. Works well against dommy mommies, female sadists, female nobles, female spies, etc.

And then it hit him.

Naze had fallen prey to his abilities, his natural charms, passive ability of his title and Super Charisma ability amplifying his desires!

'Still, isn't this way too effective?!' Zenkichi groaned as he sucked her tongue, separating from her lips, he quietly chuckled, '...Best ability ever,' he thought, realizing that he had just seduced the psycho scientist and avoided being her experiment.

"What are you laughing at?" Naze asked, her previous emotionless expression replaced by a flushed and flustered one. Her eyes momentarily glanced down, feeling something hot and long pressing against her stomach, and gulped.


Zenkichi grinned mischievously, "Nothing, Naze-san," he said. "But I believe we should leave this place now."


2nd chapter of the day!

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Goal: 16/35