
Devil's Luck[Arc 5: Worlds Apart]

Zenkichi Hitoyoshi is a young man, destined to be chained by fate in the early story of canon. He was a man without ambition, drive, will and talent to become something great. Well, that'll soon change. For better, or for worse. .... AN: Alright, let's do this one last time. Here's another Medaka Box fanfic that I hope it'll get to a hundred chapters before I drop it, or not? It depends on life really. And positive comments and reviews, I don't really care much of power stones(tho, that doesn't mean you can't...) but positive feedback on my work really inspires me more to write. Want to check out my pa-treon and be ahead of your fellow WN kin? Well here's the link: pa–treon.com/FroztDouluo *Just get rid of the dash. Edit: I just couldn't find any good art for the cover.... Is this fine? Schedule and the amount of chapters I'd be popping out? Tuesday and Thursday(UTC +8), 2–3 chapters a week(it's usually just 2 chapters because I'm slow at making anime related stories).

FroztDouluo · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Chapter 107: New Servants

"This is truly weird."

"What is?" Zenkichi turned towards Brunhilde, the wind blowing against his majestic blond hair. "First time riding a Sphinx?"

"Yes, but this isn't the weirdest thing I've rode on." Brunhilde'd eyes flashed with amusement and reminisce, she then looked up at the sky. "No, what I feel weird about is the lack of Deities and Asgard in the sky."

"Well that's to be expected. The Age of Gods at this point has ended, all Gods, Phantasmal Beasts and the overall supernatural has retreated into the Reverse World."

"The Reverse World?"

"Well, it's not much of a world but like a separate dimension in the world that retains the laws of the Age of Gods, housing surviving Phantasmal Species instead of people." Zenkichi replied, having read the guide of the Moonlit World that Last Master had sent him weeks ago, as he explained, "Completely oversimplified but it takes way too long to explain everything. But anyways, the Reverse Side of the World, also known as the Inner Sea of the Planet; it is the place where the soul of the World is kept. It is a legendary, otherworldly paradise that cannot be reached by normal ways, spoken of in many cultures around the world as a land of immortality. It has had many names throughout history, including Utopia, the Garden of Eden, and Avalon."

"Wait, so all of the beings that are labelled as 'supernatural' in this world are forced to go into a singular place? That's... impossible. Leaving aside the sheer amount of space it has to house all of the cosmologies of the world into a dimension in the world, because magic obviously, but there is no way the Gods would just leave this world of entertainment. With their long lifespan and power, Gods have only found a common ground in the mortal world, as much as they hate to admit it: humans. Without them, the Gods would annihilate each other!"

Zenkichi raised an eyebrow at her agitated tone, "Well, ain't that a good thing for you? Sure this ain't your world but didn't you want to see the defeat of the Gods?"

Brunhilde snapped out of her daze, shaking her head. "Y-Yes, you're right. I want to see the Gods fall from their grace. To see their faces contort into despair and terror! Still, these deities might not be the same ones from my world, but they are still Gods. Prideful, arrogant and... powerful. It just sounds so weird for them to get forced into some realm not their own and not toying with the mortal realm."

"Well, isn't that normal at my world? I mean, doesn't Japan have hundreds of deities? With Amaterasu's Authority in me, a God should or the Goddess Amaterasu herself would bother me the moment I stepped back into my homeworld?" He rubbed his chin in deep thought. It really has bothered him that no God had bothered him, except for that 'Goddess' Anshin'in.

"Um, actually, I have noticed the presence of some Divine Beings outside of the city before."

Zenkichi turned to her surprise, "What? When?!"

"About a couple of days after I arrived in your home. I was planning on telling you, but since they weren't causing you any trouble and might just be passing by, I held back. But for safety, I sent out some familiars to monitor them."

Zenkichi nodded in agreement, if it were him he would have also done the same. "I understand. Did you find anything about them? Recognize any of them?"

Brunhilde shook her head. "They all looked like low-ranked Japanese Deities but I don't recognize them."

"Hmm." Zenkichi narrowed his eyes, feeling that something wasn't right. Why would deities not enter the city? Or... they simply can't enter the city?

Just as he was pondering, his stomach began to churn.


"Zenkichi, you okay?" Brunhilde asked.

Zenkichi slowly nodded. "Y-Yeah. I'm fine just, a little hungry is all." He clenched his butt tight.

Brunhilde blinked. "If you say so... By the way, why are we heading to a Pharoah's kingdom? What about meeting Last Master?"

"... Although meeting up with them is good, setting up a base of operation is more important right now." He said with a straight face.




They remained silent as they rode their Sphinx through the desert.

Nitocris glanced at them curiously from the front. Out of fear, she didn't dare eavesdrop on them but she still heard about the woman's name being Brunhilde.

Was she the same Brunhilde from Norse Mythology? The Valkyrie? If she is and with them together, is Zen a Norse God then? But she hadn't heard of a Norse God of the Sun called Zen!

'Guess I'll just find out when we reach the ‎Ramesseum Tentyris.'


"What the heck happened here...?"

Gudako looked down at the glass land they found, gleaming reflective glass stretching for miles, her eyes wide in shock.

"Whatever happened here must've been intense," Da Vinci said as she stepped out her vehicle, she crouched down and begun analyzing the ground. "High concentration of divinity was here, specifically the fire type to turn the into glass."

"Da Vinci, do you have any idea on who might have done this?" Mash asked, her shield in hand as she looked around their surroundings vigilantly for monsters or bandits.

Da Vinci frowned and shook her head. "No, too many variables here for me to make a definitive assessment. But whatever force caused this destruction, it's clear that we're dealing with something incredibly powerful."

"Do you think it's a Divine Spirit?" Roman chimed in.

"Likely but it could also be servant with some level of divinity connecting to fire." She then turned towards Gudako. "Fujimaru, where is the servant? Can you still feel them through the connection of your command seals?"

Gudako raised her hand with the red markings and closed her eyes, surging her magical energy into her command seals.

The command seals began to throb and Gudako nodded slowly. "Yes, I can still sense their presence. They're nearby, but..." She furrowed her brow in concentration, confusion marring her face. "It feels different, like they're struggling against something."

Mash stepped forward, concern etched on her face. "Should we go help them?"

Gudako nodded firmly. "Yes, let's move out. But be cautious, we don't know what we're up against."

"Hm. I am still confused on how you already contracted with a servant in this singularity. Roman, are all Chaldea servants accounted for?"

"Yes, not a single one missing."

"How strange..." Da Vinci mumbled.

"We'll know what's going on when we meet up with them." Gudako said.

With that, the group set off, their vehicle humming as they drove against the glassy landscape as they followed the signal of Gudako's command seals.


"Sir Tristan has perished." The Lion King muttered, still expressionless.

"...I see." Agravain calmly said, his head down and kneeling, but his eyes widened in surprise. He knew just how powerful the Knights of the Roundtable had become after their King bestowed them their Gifts. The Lion King bestows Gifts upon her Knights of the Lion King upon their formation. The act of receiving a Gift is a contract with the Lion King, similar to the contract formed between Master and Servant; one who turns against her will be burned away, so receiving a Gift means losing the ability to rebel against her. The Gift is that of the Holy Grail of Arthurian legend, a blessing from God, possessing divinity upon the same level as low rank Divine Spirit.

'Even if they are against a Divine Spirit, they should have managed to retreat. This new adversary, just how powerful are they?' Agravain narrowed his eyes, all sorts of plans formed in his head to combat the threat to his king.

Because if they managed to beat the Knights of the Roundtable and killed one of them, then they might...

"So it had came to this."

"My king?" Agravain looked up in confusion. The Lion King stood up from her throne, her bright lime green eyes, with glowing, yellow pupils, and devoid of emotion, looked down at her clenched right hand.

Overwhelming magical energy began surging in her hand, flashing lights of kaleidoscope colors emitted from her fist. As the energy surged, the air around them seemed to vibrate with power, and Agravain could feel the weight of the impending revelation in his bones.

'Will his majesty use the spear once more?' He thought in fear.

"My king, what do you mean?" he asked cautiously.

The Lion King turned her gaze towards Agravain, and for a moment, a flicker of emotion passed through her eyes - a mixture of determination and something akin to... sadness.

"Back when I first called for you all with the Holy Grail, you weren't the only ones who had responded to me." She opened her fist and five balls of light floated atop her palm of variying colors; black, blue, red, orange and silver.

"There were others who answered my call," she continued, her voice echoing through the chamber with an otherworldly resonance. "Servants of a different reality, of another class, from another world of the future and past, drawn to the Grail's call from the far reaches of time and space. But mostly because of myself, as they all hold a connection to me."

"I-If I may ask rudely, my king."

"You may." The Lion King indifferently nodded.

Agravain pursed his lips. "If you had more people to help your endeavor, then why haven't you summoned them out? Why hide them?"

"It is simply because they are difficult to control," the Lion King replied, her voice carrying a weight of solemnity. "Their saint graphs are a bit.. special so to say, making it so that the Gift I bestowed upon them is not as binding as it is with my knights. They have their own wills and desires, and it is not easy to compel them to serve me."

"However, with only some of the best of my knights remaining and the plan coming close to begin, I have no choice but to use them." Her brows furrowed. "If they prove to be a threat, I will not hesitate to deal with them accordingly."

Agravain nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Understood, my king."

Without saying further, the Lion King clenched her fist, the balls of light lit up and hovered above her palm, emitting a faint, ethereal glow.

"My king, what are those lights?" Agravain asked, his eyes fixed on the shimmering orbs.

"These are the Servants who answered my call and couldn't control, I had to seal them like this." the Lion King explained, her voice resonating with a sense of power and authority. The balls began to show cracks and shot up into the air, figures began appearing; three female and two males.

The Lion King was about say something to them when she was dumbstruck to find engulf in a... hug?



❄️Shout-outs to the best Reincarnators of my world of patreon: 

•terrence L mccall





❄️A bigger shout out to the who ascended to become a One Above All!!

•Daniel Reis 


•Adrian Durand

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