
Devil's Hand: System of New World Order

Do you like an MC who commits crime in shadows to change the world? What if he also creates a secret organization? Have you heard of Annonymous and Illuminati? If yes, then this novel is for you! .... [ Immense hatred has been detencted in the host, The New World Order System Activation Initiated ] *** [ Welcome to The New World Order System, From now on... You have the choice and power to make a difference! ] With those words, everything changed. The life of an ordinary eighteen-year-old who wanted to change the world for the better—motivated by hate and disgust. The rotten world is run by money and politics. Those outcasted by society and those occupying the highest of pedestals. With those words... Everything began to change .... Asher Hale was sick of Injustice and the rotten world he was living in. His hatred was immense and it exploded with a bang when he was transmigrated into an alternate parallel world with a System. And thus his journey began on a path to become Justice and cleanse the world himself. As he often said, "I Am The Righteous Hand of The Devil, The Justice That You Desire, The Law That You Deserve!"

Devesh_Kulkarni · Urban
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4 Chs

Arun Murthy

It was silent as the beeping of the Health Monitor along with the ticking of the clock rang in the room as the scent of medicine reeked. 

Asher once again opened his eyes in the hospital room but this time he was much calmer. 

"A new world, or perhaps a parallel world… A completely random person called Asher Hale, the same name just like mine and now I happened to be possessing his body. How is this possible?" Asher thought inwardly as he mindlessly stared at the ceiling fan above. 

Yes, after his death… Asher's soul was transported into a parallel world that was almost the same as the one he lived in. It was the most mind-boggling phenomenon but it was true. 

"Is this what happens after death?" He thought but then quickly rejected the conjecture thinking, "What was that about a System and The New World Order?... I swear I heard the voice in my head! Or now I'm also going crazy?" 

Asher moved his hand in front of his face as he pondered, "Darn it, I can't even die in peace…" 

He closed his eyes lightly, recalling the memories of Ash. Asher felt strange that the one whose body he was possessing had the same name as him so he decided to just call him 'Ash'.

Speaking of Ash, he was a genius in the true sense. Originally, he lived in Romania but after getting a scholarship from the most prestigious University in the world; he moved to the US to pursue his studies. 

His expertise lay in Information Technologies, Computer Sciences, and Coding although he also excelled in other subjects. 

One thing that utterly baffled Asher was the fact that along with Ash's memories, he had also inherited all his knowledge and intellect. Which actually broadened his mind further as he himself had some knowledge of IT due to his Father. 

Asher once again opened his eyes after sorting out his thoughts. However, he felt lost. He did not know what he was supposed to do. He had no one in the 'Parallel World' that he could call his family. 

He did not know what was even the point of everything after he committed suicide in his world. The reason why he did what he did was the unbearable loneliness and the injustice of the rotten world he was living in. 

"Shit! I can't even die in peace… Should I… Again?" He pondered silently. 

Suddenly a thought came to his mind as he wondered how did his body get in such a bad condition in the first place? That was the only thing he could not remember. The whole incident was blank. 

Suddenly the door of the room opened, jolting Asher awake from his reverie. 

A young fellow who looked to be similar age as him, brown-skinned, black hair, handsome face with a dense beard and Indian features entered the room. 

"Hey! Asher my dude! What the hell happened to you, man?! I came here running as soon as I got the call!" The boy exclaimed dramatically trying to exhibit a cheerful front but concern was written all over his face. 

"Who… ?" Asher blurted absentmindedly not recognizing the new face. 

"What-? Did you hit your head, bro? You don't remember me?! I'm your best buddy!" The boy cried out in a devastated tone. 

Asher pushed all the buttons on his newly-acclaimed memory as a Saga of Images flashed through his mind along with some information. 

"Oh! I remember… Arun Murthy, right?" Asher said awkwardly. 

"Yeah! So you do remember! Don't forget that you owe me those 30 bucks for that day!" Arun said with a wink as he moved closer to the bed. 

"... Right…" Asher answered having no idea what that was all about. 

Although he did have all of Ash's memories however it was all in a fuzzy state. 

"Oh man, I thought I had almost lost you when they told me that you were involved in an accident. Glad to see you're okay bro." Arun said with a sincerely relieved smile. 

"Accident?" Asher asked raising his eyebrows. 

"Oh… You don't remember? Some fucking asshole was speeding and ran you over when you were returning from the campus." Arun answered with blatant contempt and rage in his voice. 

"Do they know who it was?" Asher asked. 

"Who knows… The police have been waiting for you to wake up. They might ask you some questions and start their investigation." Arun replied as he brought out a tiffin box from his bag. 

"Here! My mom made this for you! It's called Khichdi," Arun said with a smile as he opened the tiffin box and placed it on the side table beside the bed. 

Steam came out of the box as the food item was revealed, it was a bland rice recipe without any spices, mostly liquidy and easy to eat. All in all, a perfect food item for a sickly person. 

Asher was feeling hungry anyways so he did not waste any time, he grabbed the spoon and began eating the rather bland food without a word. 

"You… are acting differently…" Arun muttered in puzzlement. 

"Am I?" Asher asked. 

"Yeah! Usually, you would have nagged a million times before eating something as bland and tasteless as this!" Arun said suspiciously as he looked at Asher strangely. 

"Ohh… It must be the accident." Asher lied through his teeth with a straight face as he continued eating the food despite Arun staring at him intensely. 

A few minutes passed as only the sound of swallowing ensued in the room as Arun silently watched Asher eat his food while he sat on the chair. 

The food from the tiffin box was devoured as Asher burped loudly. 

"Hahaha! I can't believe you can still burp on this kind of food! What the hell man? You still ma' buddy Asher in there right? Or are you an imposter?" Arun chuckled and said jokingly. 

"Fuu!" Asher spat out the water he was drinking almost choking on it as he heard Arun joke about his reality so casually. 

"Hey! You okay? Be careful!" Arun stood up in a panic and said.