
Devil's Eyes

[Mature content] He was DANGER and she loved to chase danger as she was the TROUBLE MAKER after all. >VOLUME 1 He was known as the Devil, she was just another ordinary girl who shifted in the town. There were dark rumors about him, it was advised to stay as far away from his shadow as possible but she was the only one who had the courage to chase not only his shadow but him as well, unaware of the consequences. They had opposite lives and never crossing pathways but fate had other plans... >VOLUME 2 Devastated by the bewildering truth about their real identities, an unseen curse, pain and the weird events around them, they were hellbound to find out about what has been hidden from them years ago. But their sufferings weren't limited to just that...there was a bigger danger...a much more threatening conspiracy being knitted against them... >VOLUME 3 Defeated by the dark but illuminated by the light within, she was ready to reappear in the search of her Love lost amongst the fog of time and to claim back what was hers. She was the one who had been said to be the beholder of the four most powerful abilities to ever exist, in a prophecy long ago but she has to discover that very fact about herself, yet. They used black magic to break their bond and to snatch her away from his soul but what they forgot was that Love is the biggest magic to ever exist, capable of defeating all! ~~~~~~~~ AN/ Don't forget to show your support and encouragement through stones. No! Don't throw them at me, pass them on through that vote thingy ;)

QUEEN_ · Fantasy
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231 Chs

I missed you

"Werewolves," he roared as soon as a certain stench of blood got carried up his nostrils. 

The particular scent of every werewolf is unique and can be masked but every community of creatures carry a specific stench of their blood that Vampires have a very high sensitivity towards as they are the primary consumers of blood. 

He informed his companions telepathically and in a few moments, they were surrounding the intruders. 

"Who are you?" One questioned, his gun loaded with silver bullets aimed at Callihon. 

"Who sent you?" Another inquired, approaching closer, his fangs bare.

If it was just him, Callihon would have happily fought to death for his land but now he had the responsibility of protecting the Princess, the rightful Queen of Dernas. Being one against many, he thought of tackling it another way. 

"I am old and harmless, trust me." He tried his best to fake a scared expression. "My daughter is sick, let me go."