
Devil's Eye Reborn - Shadow Angel Awakens

At the dawn of time, God created the earth in six days and rested on the seventh. During this period, the archangel Lucifer led a rebellion of one-third of heaven's angels against God, but they were ultimately defeated. As a result, these angels were subdued by God's immense power, had their wings broken, were stripped of their right to "eternal life," and were cast down to the mortal realm, becoming demons that feed on human desires and negative emotions. 'Devil's Eye' means the eyes of demons, and every demon must have at least one or more 'Devil's Eyes' on their body. Normally, the 'Devil's Eye' looks just like an ordinary eyeball, but when a demon activates its supernatural powers, the pupil of the 'Devil's Eye' is stimulated by demonic energy, turning crimson. The brighter the red of the pupil, the purer the demonic energy within the demon. The protagonist, Bi Yongnuo, was naturally reclusive from a young age. One day, at the age of sixteen, a stranger forcibly implanted a 'Devil's Eye' in him, turning him into a demon. Over time, he gradually comes to realize that his destiny is inherently connected with all the demons in the world and the secret of the apocalypse...

Johnson_Sam_1992 · Fantasy
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112 Chs

Chapter 17: The Battle of Angels

Zicheng seemed to shake his head to show that he didn't know, and only heard Rahab continue: "Then I will tell you in detail. The war between angels is the war between angels and devils. Since the creation of the world, there have been two angelic wars in heaven. The first war occurred shortly after the creation of mankind. The archangel Satan ignored God's orders and tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. After God was discovered, she was expelled from heaven. "

Zicheng said "Oh" and said, "I know this."

"Yes, but what follows is not recorded in the book. Satan's identity is unusual. In addition to being the highest-ranking archangel, he is also known as the 'person closest to God.'" Rahab was saying. Rong said: "But for some reason, he suddenly rebelled against God's order and tempted the two humans to eat the forbidden fruit, and ultimately ended up being punished. Satan was deeply angry, and with his personal charm and reputation in heaven, he attracted Taipan to follow him. Then he led one-third of the angels to take advantage of the fact that God was severely weakened after the creation of the world and launched a preemptive strike with the remaining two-thirds of the angels in a fierce battle that lasted for three days."

"Because the average strength of the angels recruited by Satan was higher, they had the upper hand in the war and won a complete victory. However, when the war was about to end, God had rested for three days, and after regaining his energy, he immediately took action to defeat Satan. The attack was serious. The demons in the Satan army were leaderless, and their morale was immediately reduced. The angel army took advantage of the situation and captured the rest of the Satan army and handed them over to God." Rahab sighed and said, "Then God will take action. All the wings of Satan's followers were broken. The angels without wings could no longer stay in heaven, but God could not bear to kill them, so he caused them to fall to the mortal world, not only abolishing their qualifications for "eternal life", but also giving them the opportunity to have eternal life. They lost their lifespan and took away their title of angels. From then on, these fallen angels had a new name, 'Devils'."

After Rahab finished speaking, he suddenly stopped talking and sighed quietly. I think he became emotional because he recalled the scene at that time.

I still remember that when he told me about this period of history in the past, whenever he talked about this part, he would always remain silent for a long time before he could continue.

It seems that the sadness of being abandoned is still felt deeply after thousands of years.

So, I opened my eyes, sat upright, and said to Zicheng, "Let me tell you what's next."

Zicheng nodded. I saw that his expression seemed to be sympathetic, and he seemed to be aware of Rahab's sadness.

I patted his shoulder and smiled at him not to worry.

"Actually, no one knows why Satan became rebellious, but other angels trusted him very much and didn't interfere too much. Later, the demons were demoted to the earth, and Satan suddenly disappeared when he came to the human world. This group of abandoned fallen angels were in the human world. Wreaking havoc, tempting humans to sin, and causing countless wars and diseases in order to feed on their negative emotions. This situation was not broken until the coming of Jesus Christ, the Son of Light." I continued: "Actually, Jesus came to the world. In addition to preaching the gospel, another purpose of Jesus is to lead angels and respect their masters. And Jesus did not kill demons when they encountered them. He persuaded demons to change their ways and stay on earth as his followers. The devils have long been tired of seducing the world and regretted it. Although Jesus could not let them immediately regain their wings and leave the world, many devils have turned their backs and turned to the angelic army."

"What about Satan? Is he still missing?" Zicheng asked.

"No, when Jesus came, Satan came out again and led the remaining devils to fight back against the angel army." I shook my head and said, "Although many devils joined the angel army, making them suddenly outnumber the devil army, but some After the reformed devil arrived on the battlefield, he was tempted by his old partner and turned against him again, so the situation between the two sides was very confusing. "

"At that time, the human world was no longer the paradise it once was. The devils had been living on earth in a harsh environment for a long time. The hardships they experienced were not comparable to the angels who were pampered and favored in heaven. Those devils who were originally high-ranking angels in heaven , their own strength has already been relatively high, and they have lived in the mortal world for thousands of years. In terms of combat effectiveness, the devil army is actually far behind the angel army." I said solemnly: "But the most critical point this time is that God somehow, There was no intervention. As a result, even though the angel army was larger in number, the devil army was more powerful and both sides suffered heavy losses in the battle."

"Just by imagining, I can already feel the tragedy." Zicheng sighed.

"That's right. This war lasted for twenty-five years, which was the time when Jesus lived on earth as an adult." I said, "The second war between angels was more intense than the first, and both angels and demon armies were bloody. The flow became a river, and the vitality was greatly depleted. The second angel war ended only when one of the generals on both sides was killed and one wounded."

"So... who will die and who will live in the end?" Zicheng asked quickly.

The book originally said that Jesus needed to die, but was resurrected three days later. But now Zicheng has understood that the truth is contrary to the book, and it is not a surprise.

"Don't worry, Jesus is not dead." I guessed his thoughts and said with a smile: "Satan, the emperor of hell, died in this war, and Jesus was also seriously injured and could no longer stay in the world and needed to return to heaven for treatment. "

"The Kingdom of Heaven? Didn't you say that the Kingdom of Heaven does not exist?" Zicheng suddenly became suspicious.

"Heaven is different from heaven. Heaven is where God and angels live. Human souls cannot go there after death." I explained.

It is also true that heaven is a physical place, and almost all the devils have been there, but heaven is just a soul container, and it is a legend that no one can confirm.

Zicheng nodded, accepting the explanation, but still thought about it silently.

Obviously, this fact was so different from what he knew that it was difficult to accept it for a while.

At this time, I said to Rahab who was lost in thought: "Okay old cat, I have told him everything he needs to know. You should also tell us about Satanism, right?"

After saying that, he stretched out his hand to push Rahab.

Before my hand touched him, Rahab had already waved his tail to ward it off and cursed, "Okay, no need to move your hands or feet."

I smiled and didn't refute.

After thinking for a while, Rahab said, "Actually, Satanism appeared after the Second World War."

After hearing this, Zicheng was surprised and said, "Wasn't Satan dead at that time?"

"Yes, Satan was indeed dead at that time, but because of his death, a devil with selfish motives took the opportunity to take his name, called himself Satan, established the Satanic Cult, recruited other devils and lured the world to join. Then The pseudo-Satan has a grudge against human beings and believes that if he were not human beings, he would not be broken and fall into the mortal world." Rahab said bitterly: "He only absorbs human followers as food. This Satanism. They do all kinds of evil, and many wars and massacres in history were caused by them, because the pseudo-Satan believed that humans are inferior animals and can be killed at will. This Satanism has been developing for two thousand years and has penetrated into every place."

"Who is that devil? Is he from Seven Lords?" I asked.

Rahab nodded and said, "Yes, that devil's name is Samael."

"I know this!" Zicheng suddenly asked: "Samael, is he a fallen angel with twelve poisonous wings?"

Rahab said, "Well, he originally had twelve wings and was the fastest in the angel world, but later they were all broken by God."

"No wonder he has a grudge against humans." Zicheng sighed.

"Well, this Samael should still be the leader of Satanism, but I can't figure out the reason why he killed you and your wife," Rahab said.

Zicheng sighed helplessly: "I don't understand this either. It's a pity that Ruoru said that she just died not long ago and her memory is still vague, otherwise we could have caught the murderer."

The vague memory was just an excuse for me to let the illusion tell Zicheng, so I took the opportunity to smile and said: "Originally, we had to wait until your wife's memory recovered before we could know the appearance of the murderer. But now there is a more the quickest way is to look at your wife's memories before she died."

Zicheng jumped up immediately and asked nervously: "What method?"

I pointed at his left eye and said with a smile, "That's your Devil eye."