
Devil's Enclave

Sal Douglas. A name that sends shivers down the strongest of spines. He was the Strongest Grandmaster of the 3000 World, living a live of bloodshed, wanting nothing besides gaining absolute freedom and destroying the group of people who pushed him down the spiral of despair into an endless pit of agony and torment. However, before his revenge could come true, he was pinned with a crime that turned the entire world against him. All the powerhouses came to kill him. As strong as he was, even he couldn't stand strong against so many. He was destined to fall. However, he was unwilling. Unwilling to let things end just like that. He grasped his only chance at survival, setting into play a ploy that had been on hold for countless decades. This is the journey of a man who strives to carve open a path to the greatest stage once again. This is the journey of a man who aims to obtain everything with his cunning and strength for that's the path of man, that's the path of gods, that's the song of the strong willed soul! Will you accompany this man on his journey? If so, read on!

LeoHoly · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Sal's ruthlessness

"He did it. Big Joe, that bastard, is finally dead. Ann has one less thing to worry about."

The lowest rank anomaly was overjoyed to see that Sal had killed Big Joe. 

It felt like it could move on anytime it wanted. 

However, it didn't act on its instinct, unbelievably choosing to stay behind in a realm where its presence wasn't welcomed. 

At least for now, it couldn't move on.

There was a good reason behind its decision.

If it chose to move on, 16 years' worth of memories of the original owner that its presence was blocking would pour straight into Sal's weakened soul like a hurricane. 

This could lead to two different scenarios depending on Sal's luck.

If his luck was bad, the downpour of information would crush his soul. 

If his luck was good, his soul would be overloaded with so much information that he would be knocked out cold.

The anomaly naturally didn't want either of those things to happen.

Firstly, if Sal perished because of the memory transfer, there would be no one left to take care of Ann. There was no telling if she would be targeted again because of her beauty. She needed a guardian until she could become a spiritual combatant herself and gain the strength to protect herself, and Sal was the best choice for it. As a result, the anomaly dare not let him die.

Secondly, although Sal had assassinated Big Joe and his four guards, the danger was yet to pass. If Sal falls unconscious at this point, he will undoubtedly die. 

So basically the memory transfer had to be delayed, and it could only be delayed if the lowest-ranked anomaly stayed behind. 

The person in question was unaware of the anomaly's difficulties and sacrifices. He was lost in his own thoughts.

'Now, there's only one obstacle left between me and a perfect alibi that would establish that I couldn't have possibly committed the murder. The camp leader and his council will have no grounds to suspect me. Instead of punishing me, they will let me go after a little bit of questioning,' Sal thought. He was certain that he wouldn't only be suspected of being behind the murders but also brought in for questioning as there was bad blood between him and Big Joe and his underlings. However, the perfect alibi he was so close to creating would let him overcome this ordeal without any difficulties.

Feeling confident, he looked toward the only other living person in the tent.

It was Lara. 

She was lying on top of the king-sized bed and tightly clutching a blanket that kept her slender and bountiful body from being exposed to wild and untamed eyes.


Her breath hitched when Sal looked at her.

"Please spare me," Lara begged in a trembling voice as she met Sal's gaze. "If you're here for revenge, it's not necessary to kill me." 

"Oh, why?"

Lara heard the man speak from under the umbrella. Immediately, she replied,

"I am just a prostitute. I have no personal relationship with Big Joe."

To be exact, Lara was an orphan who was sold to a brothel at the tender age of 8 in exchange for three bags of rice by her kidnappers.

In the brothel, she was well-kept.

The brothel manager had noticed at first glance that Lara would grow up to become a bewitching beauty and bring business to her shop, so she didn't needlessly starve or punish her, treating her with more care and love than the other prostitutes under her. The brothel manager only ever laid her hands on Lara to straighten her out when she was being disobedient or did something deserving of punishment.

To sum it up, Lara was a beautiful woman who only knew how to survive by selling her body and being obedient to the brothel manager. She was far removed from any world of combat or violence.

So when a battle to the death erupted before her, she was left too terrified to move. Until now, she didn't even dare to speak, fearing that one reckless move would lead to her death. 

"That reason alone isn't going to be enough." 

While saying these words, Sal lowered his umbrella, revealing a youthful face smeared with dirt. 

Lara estimated him to be around 16 years old, and a thoughtful glint flashed in her eyes.

She thought that someone so young might be susceptible to her charms and that seducing him could be a more effective way to save her life than simply begging. 

With this in mind, she let go of her blanket. 

It slid down her silky smooth skin and fell to the bed, exposing her perfect cleavage in the process.

"You can do anything you want with me if you spare me, and I will happily cooperate." 

Her milky white breasts were like melons: huge, round, and firm. And they were almost comparable to snow-capped mountains in terms of majesty, almost because they looked better than any natural wonder as their perky peaks were rosy, a delicate and wonderful shade of red that invited lustful admiration.

Her waist was slender and curvy, giving her a perfect hourglass shape that was as alluring as a mountain of gold. 

The desire to hold her within one's hands would ignite in any man's heart when they lay their eyes on her.

The most noticeable sight was the glistening entrance to her hidden valley, a sight that could make any man weak in the knees but strong in his pepper. 

It seemed as tempting as the forbidden apple that led Adam, the forefather of humanity, to commit the gravest sin.

The soft, inviting folds of her hidden entrance, shimmering with a tantalizing promise, seemed to beckon with an almost hypnotic allure. The fragrance that emanated from her was intoxicating, a blend of sweetness and musk that drove men to madness. 

All in all, the sheer beauty and perfection of Lara were enough to ensnare anyone, making them willing to do anything for just a taste of the paradise she offered. She was the most sought-after prostitute in a refugee camp with tens of thousands of inhabitants for a reason!

Sal's intense gaze locked onto her, and he asked with a hint of playfulness, "You will go that far to keep your life?" 

Lara nodded eagerly, her fear momentarily forgotten.

"Come closer," Sal commanded, his voice low and husky.

Lara obeyed without offering up any hesitation. Although still pretty much terrified, her desire to survive allowed her to move her stiff body. She crawled across the bed to come closer to Sal.

Just as she neared him, Sal slashed out with his sword, slitting her throat open.