
Devil's Downfall

What does it truly mean to be a martial artist, what is hidden in the world, what course should he take. Nameless and forgotten life has taught him little more than how to lift his fists. He resigned himself to the undesired work. However luck began to smile, as a upheaval took him away to begin a new life. Yet one should never forget the treacherousness of the world.

kingsdog · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Markess and Grant

I awaken, before me sits the boy from years ago. His face hasn't changed one bit, It surprised me that I was able to recognize him at all. 

The memory of the battle replayed through my head, however for my sanity sake I have to forget. 

The boys eyes opened. 

"I was killed, I was sure he cut my head off." The boy looked a bit confused. "He killed me, and all the iron company." I touch my face to make sure my head still on my body. "How am I alive, I was sure he cut off my head? You boy, where's everyone, wheres the king, where's James?" I ask hoping for some answers. 

"You Markess, have been saved by me, I just need to talk to Grant real quick, and then I can tell you all what happened."

My brain turned, and as soon as thought of Grants name, my head began to spin, and with it came unimaginable pain.

"Grant, who is this?" I managed to get out.

"Fine, let me tell you then, you have died, and now you're in another world. That's the facts and if you want to see for yourself, just go outside."

In all honesty at that moment I wished to jump to my feet, but I know if I did my face would become one hard cushion. 

The boy knew something was up and offered his arm. Taking it, I

I awaken, before me sits the boy from years ago. His face hasn't changed one bit, It surprised me that I was able to recognize him at all. 

The memory of the battle replayed through my head, however for my sanity sake I have to forget. 

The boys eyes opened. 

"I was killed, I was sure he cut my head off." The boy looked a bit confused. "He killed me, and all the iron company." I touch my face to make sure my head still on my body. "How am I alive, I was sure he cut off my head? You boy, where's everyone, wheres the king, where's James?" I ask hoping for some answers. 

"You Markess have been saved by me, I just need to talk to Grant real quick, and then I can tell you all what happened."

My brain turned, and as soon as thought of Grants name, my head began to spin, and with it came unimaginable pain.

"Grant, who is this?" I managed to get out.

"Fine, let me tell you then, you have died, and now you're in another world. That's the facts and if you want to see for yourself, just go outside."

In all honesty at that moment I wished to jump to my feet, but I know if I did my face would become one hard cushion. 

The boy knew something was up and offered his arm. Taking it, I hobble outside. The door opened to the sun. I couldn't help but find that odd, why was there only one sun? The grass outside is the same old, but yellow weeds that give off the vibe of flower blossom everywhere, within these forests of flowers, lie beautiful beard like weeds, scattering its gorgeous seeds into the winds. Beyond this splendor, comes massive pillars that shoot into the sky, on second thought those pillars are walls, massive monster like walls. Not to far from here is buildings, a whole city of buildings, each looks odd, more odd than a black lion. I lightly push the boy away, and he willingly lets me go. Limping towards a rock, a shutter rows its way down my spine, the border. Or perhaps more accurately what was a border, is still covered in traces of magic, my magic. 

"What happened here, Boy?"

He answered with a quick reply.

"You killed It."

I feel my eyes twitch, somehow even though I have never seen this border before, I have regret that it's gone.

Under where the stone should be sits a freshly covered whole, Its shape told you exactly what it was, A Grave.

Amusingly A lonely tear falls from my eye. I couldn't help but look away, and then a name came to mind slipping off my tongue. 


The boy said nothing, though he had a thoughtful look on his face.

The name meant nothing to me, yet it meant everything. 

Far off into the distance I could see what's obviously supposed to be an arena, it gave off the vibe of battle. 

What could be done, I'm left with nothing but to accept that this is a new world.

"Boy." I sigh, "would you, perhaps, maybe, like to join the Iron company?" I ask, in some strange effort to bring familiarity to this world. 

"No, or more accurately not now. I have a job to do, and so do you Grant."

Grant, Grant, Grant. His name echoed through my head, a splitting headache came with it. 

I can feel it there, someone else in me, is it a soul I can't tell. It, It feels more like a memory. It's fighting to reach the suffice, it wishes to conquer me, to devour me. Best to just let It take over for now, so at least I can live.

outside. The door opened to the sun. I couldn't help but find that odd, why was there only one sun? The grass outside is the same old, but yellow weeds that give off the vibe of flower blossom everywhere, within these forests of flowers, lie beautiful beard like weeds, scattering its gorgeous seeds into the winds. Beyond this splendor, comes massive pillars that shoot into the sky, on second thought those pillars are walls, massive monster like walls. Not to far from here is buildings, a whole city of buildings, each looks odd, more odd than a black lion. I lightly push the boy away, and he willingly lets me go. Limping towards a rock, a shutter rows its way down my spine, the border. Or perhaps more accurately what was a border, is still covered in traces of magic, my magic. 

"What happened here, Boy?"

He answered with a quick reply.

"You killed It."

I feel my eyes twitch, somehow even though I have never seen this border before, I have regret that it's gone.

Under where the stone should be sits a freshly covered whole, Its shape told you exactly what it was, A Grave.

Amusingly A lonely tear falls from my eye. I couldn't help but look away, and then a name came to mind slipping off my tongue. 


The boy said nothing, though he had a thoughtful look on his face.

The name meant nothing to me, yet it meant everything. 

Far off into the distance I could see what's obviously supposed to be an arena, it gave off the vibe of battle. 

What could be done, I'm left with nothing but to accept that this is a new world.

"Boy." I sigh, "would you, perhaps, maybe, like to join the Iron company?" I ask, in some strange effort to bring familiarity to this world. 

"No, or more accurately not now. I have a job to do, and so do you Grant."

Grant, Grant, Grant. His name echoed through my head, a splitting headache came with it. 

I can feel it there, someone else in me, is it a soul I can't tell. It, It feels more like a memory. It's fighting to reach the suffice, it wishes to conquer me, to devour me. Best to just let It take over for now, so at least I can live.