
Devil's Downfall

What does it truly mean to be a martial artist, what is hidden in the world, what course should he take. Nameless and forgotten life has taught him little more than how to lift his fists. He resigned himself to the undesired work. However luck began to smile, as a upheaval took him away to begin a new life. Yet one should never forget the treacherousness of the world.

kingsdog · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Broken sword.

Raising my fists I watch her with an eager eye. She stares back at me doing much the same. If I aim to win this I need to surprise her with one blow. She inches towards me, her toes pointed towards the sky like a swooping hawk. She performs a quick back kick, colliding with my prereadyed arm. Crack. The blow blocked by my unflinching arm, created a sound so thunderous that it sent the birds running. Be it me or her, I am unable to tell but the loud crack could only Signify one thing. She seemed not to care however, pushing closer, flicking her wrists and performing a heavenly or more accurately monastery palm slap. Even though it hit my arms in defense I could feel the shock wave rush through my whole body. For just a second my heart stopped, that's when I realized if she desired it I would be dead, but that doesn't change the fact that this is a duel and she left her guard open. From my legs tensed each muscle speedily slithering up to my arm, each muscle knew its purpose, each tiny movement oozed strength, all accumulating into a dangerous punch, that could match the power of a captain tier one. For just a moment Cassandra eyes tensed, her body looked for escape, but with the distants she had to be to perform her finishing attack made it impossible. Thud. She managed to put her arms up, but that didn't matter, it was like trying to stop a car on the highway. Crack. This time I knew where the sound came from. The sound of her ribs/arms breaking makes me sick. With that my arm fell limp by my side. 


In a distant land, witch really isn't that distant at all, a legend of a monster is about to be born, right now it is nothing, but for those in the know, which is only the dead, they would know it's an evolving monster, it's name known by few is the ghostly hexwolf. To this beast it's name meant nothing for he took himself a human name Kenneth. He chose to become strong, so strong that no one will be able to defeat him. 

The monster looks off into the air, appealingly at nothing, but to him sits a translucent window, that may be familiar if you've played video games, in it states his stats, and an evolution tree. For ancient mages it wouldn't be too much of a shock, it's not so much magic, but someone's outside influence. What this figure intends to influence, is beyond one's imagination. Currently, there's a man hunting Kenneth, but he won't be named because he will soon be found dead. However, what events that come from this influential man dying is yet to be seen. 


Back in Grant's house.

I sit before his bed, my legs weak. Grant opens his eyes, or was it Markess, he stumbled out a word before falling fastly back into his ghastly sleep. 


Within his slumber, feats of rage fills his being, with in sequenced intervals magic is released from him, each witch's strength is less than the last. He whispers another word.


His face scrunches like a beanbag, as if to hold back all the pain of the world. He whispers again.


It was obvious what was gonna come out of his mouth next. He whispered the final word completing the puzzle.
