
Devil's Downfall

What does it truly mean to be a martial artist, what is hidden in the world, what course should he take. Nameless and forgotten life has taught him little more than how to lift his fists. He resigned himself to the undesired work. However luck began to smile, as a upheaval took him away to begin a new life. Yet one should never forget the treacherousness of the world.

kingsdog · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

A mistake.

Alexander's glare turns as cold as ice. 


'Nothing seems to change there laughing, all of them, no matter how much I try, no matter the effort, I'm a waste, I'm worthless. Moms coma, dads hatred, the mockaly from these kids, I hate myself, my existence.'

"I'll be a hero." I could hear myself muter.

Full instinct combo, white nova.

The spear that was snug completely in my hand vanished, shooting as fast as a bullet piercing Teach's lower stomach, hurtling through the other side of his body till it slammed into the wall.


The sturdy walls designed to stop the magic of masters, easily withstood his spear, but teach could not say the same. Sitting there on his knees he pears into the sky, like a godly revelation was gifted. His eyes don't shake, they don't even pause to waver, not qrite the eye of a fish nor the eyes of an enlightened, his eyes, now his eyes could only be described as mad. They make ones soul shuttler, even the bravest of kids, even those wanting to help with there teacher's injury, hell even those who were glaring at Alexander, couldn't help but take a step back. Their teacher's eyes moved, eyeing down each of them one by one, and with that those who saw it froze, until his eyes landed on Alexander. 

Alexander shreached, and his face turned pale as if he was looking at a ghost. Before his very eyes his teacher raised to his feet, like a vampire rising from its coffin. The man before him didn't speak, he didn't scold him like he expected, he didn't scream for help. From the hole leaked blood, atestents hang out like loose noodles. In just an instant, not fitting of a man in his condition, he appeared before him, the boys eyes couldn't help but tremble, his cocky bravado disappeared in an instant, he willed his spear to return but it was to late, his legs dangled as he hung by the neck with in the man's hands.

"Where is this?" He asked. 

"Let go."

Apparently that was not the answer he was searching for, he let the boy go, a small smirk appeared on Alexander's face, but with in just one second a hundred thuds resounded through the whole building, its varsity shook the earth, it sent Alexander into the wall, no more than tenderized beef. When the man turned around the whole room fell to tears, in each of their minds they saw their death. The man took a step forward. The man did what seemed to be impossible without any magic and what appeared to be a light jab shattered the wall in front of him.


This time it was for surly heard by the whole school, as multiple teachers bursted out of their rooms, to see what caused this commotion. When they saw the man in front of them, they couldn't help but gasp.

One muttered. "Monster."

Each are masters at martial arts, it would be hard for them to not sense his strength, none were confident in winning, but they knew at least they wouldn't lose, the lowest ranking of them was low commander, out of the three of them they even had an Apha low General tier, who was supposed to be teaching second years. At most they thought the man in front of them was the strength of a high siren class monster or maybe as strong as a low giga general. However any thought of the man in front of them being human disappeared when they looked at his leaking stomach.

"Perhaps you can tell me, where am I?"

The man had a deadpan expression, still not quite a fish, but disturbing nonetheless.

"Go and get the head teacher." The general rank sent off the low commander.

"So is that your answer, how boring. Why call for reinforcements when we have yet to dance."

In an instant, perhaps invisible to the normal eye, A fight broke out.