
Devil's Daughter Rules the World.

Having passed in a clue life, on her last breath she prayed to God even though she never believed in him. "God, can you hear me? . Let me rest and don't ever make me reincarnate I hate everything here since the day I was born so, please.... but if you do, I am not sure what I will do in that life. I have taken the insults and abuse in this life I am not sure if I will be doing that anymore." Qu Fei said tears rolling down her snow face. She closed her eyes ready to leave this disgusting place, the betrayal and the loneliness. She was smiling even though swords where slicing her body. Li Wei Zian shouted when he saw this, he was fighting beside her and he heard her last prayer which broke his heart and he promised him self. " I have failed you in this life, but I will make it up for you in our next life" With that he stabbed his own heart because no one was willing to fight him. With a smile, he looked at Qu Fei and closed his eyes.

Shantal_Kob · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The birth the of the evil

In a faraway land, the season was winter as if it was not enough that day rain started pouring.

People started whispering, others had worried expressions. " Enough is enough, we can't sit down and pretend everything is okay. Let's do something before it's too late." One lady said.

"What do you want to do? They are both innocent" Said an old lady.

" Old Ma, for now, she's innocent but the thing she's carrying is going to ruin our peace here." Another man chimed . " Right we all know the prophecy said what that baby will do and by looking at the situation, it has already happened since when have you seen rain in the Winter season?" A middle-aged woman said with disdain.

Lighting started shouting as if protesting, In another room sat a lady, she had long black hair, slim in weight, and had perfect features. In reality, she was the most beautiful lady even though her skin looked tanned due to hardworking it didn't hide her gorgeous looks.

She seemed nervous while holding her belly in pain. She then holds her small bag of her necessary ready to leave the place.

She passed through the back door without caring about getting wet she quickened her walking pace.

Things were different even though it was raining that night, the moon was shining so bright making her see where she was going.

She walked for a distance and finally her water broke, she was in the middle of nowhere all alone but had to face this problem alone.

She kneeled her knees and pushed hard, it took only 5 minutes and the baby came out.

What surprised her was that her baby didn't cry, she was only smiling at her.

She even didn't look like a newborn with ugly looks she was like an Angel, Her blue eyes seemed to be already seeing things which again surprised her.

When she gave birth, that night it never stopped raining, and that caused a flood some people lost their property but none lost their lives.

Qu Su looked at her baby which was dry from all the rain and she started to wonder whether that man was a devil as many people claim.

She sat there for hours but the baby never cried or seemed hungry as other babies did.

Not long it became light and the rain stopped, she got up from where she was sitting and realized that she also was dry. She looked at her smiling baby but she seemed sad, she had this wicked idea for so long but now she was scared.

"Look, Mommy is so sorry that she can't protect you, you will never be safe with me," She said tears rolling down her face. The bay looked puzzled as if understanding her words she started crying.

Qu Su cried even more seeing this as her baby didn't cry till now. She covered her in very many thick clothes and placed her in a small wooden basin on one white cloth she wrote Qu on it and tied it on her small wrist.

" I am sorry I don't have the right to name you the last name but with this, one day I will find you and make up for this mistake" She finished and walked carrying the baby but she was crying madly.

She walked for half an hour and finally, she saw what she looking for. She slowly walked to the river and placed the baby on the water, the baby cried pleading but Qu Su was determined until the baby started to flow she crossed her eyes and turned to go leaving a small innocent life struggling.

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