
Devil's Daughter Rules the World.

Having passed in a clue life, on her last breath she prayed to God even though she never believed in him. "God, can you hear me? . Let me rest and don't ever make me reincarnate I hate everything here since the day I was born so, please.... but if you do, I am not sure what I will do in that life. I have taken the insults and abuse in this life I am not sure if I will be doing that anymore." Qu Fei said tears rolling down her snow face. She closed her eyes ready to leave this disgusting place, the betrayal and the loneliness. She was smiling even though swords where slicing her body. Li Wei Zian shouted when he saw this, he was fighting beside her and he heard her last prayer which broke his heart and he promised him self. " I have failed you in this life, but I will make it up for you in our next life" With that he stabbed his own heart because no one was willing to fight him. With a smile, he looked at Qu Fei and closed his eyes.

Shantal_Kob · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Angry Villagers

Qu Su walked back to her village and she was not surprised to see more people in her home.

When they saw her small belly all of them were surprised. "Qu Su don't even think about hiding that witch of yours," said a middle-aged woman called lady Zhang. She was so jealous of Qu Su, every man in the village liked her because of her vixen face.

" Right, she has to die for us to be at peace," Said another woman.

Qu Su walked to them with a blank face and said to them " You don't have to worry about that as I have already killed her with my own hands" She then walked past them.

Old Ma was shocked and looked at her granddaughter in pain she asked. " Is it true? Why would you do that" She was shaking.

Qu Su went and hugged her to comfort her, as they were at it Lady Zhang spoke.

"Why would we believe you, show us the prof then," She said in an amusing tone and all the villagers nodded.

Qu Su let old Ma and turned to face lady Zhang with a cold face and asked. " You want the prof? then go ahead and search for it as I will not accompany you." lady Zhang shivered with her gaze she felt pressure and that scared her.

She then looked at all villagers with disappointment and smirked with pain visible in her eyes.

Some felt guilty and avoided her eyes while others smiled seeing her in pain mostly women.

"You are all here to kill my baby, but sorry for disappointing you all as I already did it. If you don't believe me then where is she? It's such a small village where can I keep her and its impossible for me to walk from this village to another in just one rainy night. If you want, you can keep your eyes on me as I will stay here and go nowhere." With that, she entered her house and shut the door hard.


In a forest, there was an old man and his grandson who was from hunting. " Grandpa, I want to eat fish today let's eat that tomorrow" He was talking about the rabbit they caught.

" Do I it quick as these old bones are getting tired." He said that finding a place to sit.

" Okay grandpa," He said and headed to a nearby river to fish. As he was near the river he saw a basin flooding.

Li Wei was shocked to see a baby in that small basin, and without hesitation, he jumped into the river to save the baby.

Once he reached the baby, she first looked at him for a while, and then she smiled. Li Wei felt happy seeing that and he grabbed the basin and took it to the shore.

Instead of fishing he just turned back to find his grandpa. When Old Li saw him come back within a minute he stood up ready to go but halted the next minute.

Li Wei, what's that you're holding?" He asked and waited for him to come near.

" I have got a precious thing instead of fish" He replied with a smile.

Old master Li hurried to his side when he saw a new born baby he was shocked. " Brat, how dare you bring me a great-grandchild in such a manner," He said with an angry voice.

Exasperated Li Wei glared at his grandpa and said " What do you mean great-grandchild I am only 5 " He said ready to swallow a person in front.

" Then who's baby is this," He asked puzzled.

" I found it in the river maybe it was abandoned by its mother" He said and place the smiling baby down.

" What who has the heart to do that to this innocent thing," He said and picked it up from the basin.

" Looking at the blood on it, it was born a few hours ago let's check the gender " He then started taking off the cloth.

After taking off all the clothes he then lifted its legs and saw that it was a girl and kept

it back.

Li Wei waited impatiently and asked " What's the gender"

Old Li looked at him and teased " What do you want it to be?"

" Anything just tell me" he replied

" Okay calm down it's a girl," He said and saw a frown on his small face.

"What, are you not happy?"

" No, it's just that girls are troublesome," He said.

" Okay if so let's take it back to where you picked it from" He then turned to go back to the river.

" Wait, how can you bear to do such a thing, let's take it back with us," He said ready to get the baby from his grandpa.

" But you said girls are annoying," said the old man

"Maybe she's not looking at her smiling, and her blue eyes are like water, never seen something more beautiful than this," He said smiling

"Hey, looks like you have picked yourself a wife" Old Li teased.

"Nonsense, she is more like a sister I want to take of her and protect her always." Li We said in a serious voice.

Master Li looked at the girl and saw a white cloth on her wrist. He untied it and read it.

After a while, he said " looks like she's a special child"

" Of course, she's special " Said Li Wei with a proud look.

" She's Qu" Said old Li

" Only Qu?" Li Wei asked

"Yes, how about we name her the last name?" He suggested.


" Hmmm. Qu Wan" Old Li said with a smile

"Hey, how about Fei fei" Li Wei suggested and old Li was displeased.

" You only removed W and named her the rest of your name," He said in a small voice. " What did you say, grandpa?"

"Nothing, that will do so let's go it's so cold outside" He was ready to hold a baby but was stopped, he then grabbed a rabbit and they left the place.

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