
Devil's Cold-Hearted Love

//Participating in WPC Contest - 147 A divine cultivator, who was cursed at the time of his birth to spend his second life as an Asur until he turns thirty. Unable to finish his cultivation to achieve immortality, he had died and took birth into an Asur clan in his second life. As an Asur, until and unless, his soul and body unites with a stronger witch, only then his curse will be triggered. However, the witch whom he abducts to torture and make her suffer, has actually been sent by the divines to help him out in cultivation as she is one of the stronger cultivator among the divines- the only female to have high cultivating strength. But ever since, she was under Bennett clan’s, her powers were blocked. She slowly starts to fall in love with the cold-hearted devil. He himself did not realize that a love seedling had sprouted in his heart until one day while he was forcing himself on her and torturing, she cried out. “I already gave you my heart and soul, do you still have to torture me?”

Tangent34 · Urban
Not enough ratings
188 Chs

Vampire or werewolf world

Placing her on the fur sheet of Yak's skin, Yama looked at her face which was full of injuries. He wanted to call out for a female servant to help her out but thinking about how they were going to treat her, he stopped. It was not very hidden that females from this world always considered each other as opponents. For the time when the queen's position was not decided, everybody felt that they could be crowned so nobody wanted to give one another any chance to stand out.

Yama pondered for a brief of seconds, before just covering the girl in another two three sheets of warm fur. With the red ruby stone, which could be obtained from the depth of the volcano after eruption, he took it in his hands as he started moving the stone from her head to her toe. He did it for five six times before taking a look at the girl lying unconscious. It seemed that slight color must have returned to her face as her lips were no longer blue. Sighing to himself he suddenly frowned.

What was he doing? Did he just take care of somebody, that too a girl?

Yama could not believe his own actions, however at that very moment the girl lying unconscious in front of him seemed to have regained her consciousness as she stirred a little bit. The tiniest movement from the girl lying in front of his eyes, made him anxious. Again, he creased his forehead in confusion. He could not understand what was wrong with him? Every time around this girl, there will be a sudden stir of emotions inside him.

Sylia tried to open her heavy eyelids as she rubbed her eyes with her hand. However, a sudden pain made her whine in pain. The back side of her palm was injured. It looked that somebody had placed a hot iron rod there to intentionally erase some mark from her hand, however they did not succeed. As soon as Yama's eyes fell on the back side of her hand, he was shocked. This sign… the sign on the back side of her hand did neither belong to the serpent clan nor the Bennett witches. Then she…

'Who is she actually?' The Yama thought to himself inwardly. He stared at her face then back to the back side of her hand which made him to deepen his frown every time his eyes would land on the sign at the back of her hand.

No matter how many questions were there inside his head, the answers for all of them could only be answered if she was to wake up. And for the part that when she was going to wake up, he was not sure when she would.

Pressing his lips together, his face returned back to his usual cold expression Turning his back he started to move back. Just as he stepped out, he stopped and turned to look at the girl. Somehow, he could not bring himself to go away.

'What if she wakes up at night?'

He thought to himself as he returned back inside the big and enormous room. On the large bed where Sylia was sitting, he first sat near the edge of the bed however, not being able to get a clear look of her face, he stood up and sat on the big fur seat.

His mind was still pondering over the fact about her identity when all of a sudden there was a knock on the divider curtain on the main entrance towards his room.

Yama looked at Sylia before standing up from the sea and moving towards the divider.

In a lowered voice he asked.

"What's the matter? Any more information?"

As soon as the person standing on the other side heard Yama, the minister kneeled on one leg and bowed down his head as he started speaking.

"Yes, King."

"As per our sources, the girl does not belong to either witches or Serpents. Also, she had been sent here as a prey but as for how they were planning to use her it is not sure. Because those people left her behind. She was dragged by hair and tortured all the way while she was being taken away."

Even though the minister could not see the expression on Yama's face, to everyone's surprise, even to his surprise, a light of anger flashed inside his eyes as he clenched his jaws.

"What else?"

The minister remained silent for a brief moment before he added, however, his tone was laced with confusion.

"It is said that the Bennetts had adopted her. But as for why they did and who she is… She doesn't have that memory."

On hearing a shocking yet unbelievable news, the Yama could not help but feel his brain turning blank. No matter what, if she does not recall her origin then that only means one thing that she is neither from the vampire or werewolf world.

The vampires and werewolf were separated a long time back when both of them had started to hunt each other down, so a small partition was done between the races. It was just like devils and demons, however, the latter ones were not like vampires and werewolves who were always turned up against each other.

Yama did not react much. Even he did not let any emotion surface on his face.


"What is it?"

When he heard the change of tone from the minister, he could not help but knit his brows immediately into a knot. The minister felt a slight shiver on hearing the cold voice before he added.

"It seems she was not being treated well. It is said that even though everyone there showed that she was precious to the Bennetts but looking at her injuries and the way the Bennetts allowed her to be a part of their planning it looks they were not really very fond of her."

This was something that the Yama had already expected so he was not that surprised. However, all of a sudden he asked.

"Go and enquire about the Bennett witches from the other port. Ask them to provide information and in return whoever answers, tell them their any wish will be granted…" He paused as he added with a sinister smile on his face.

"Freedom included as well."

When the minister heard the last part, he could feel the sinister gaze of the Yama piercing through him. His whole body trembled in fear as he stuttered while nodding his head in agreement.

"Yes… yes… King."


"Wait." Yama was about to turn back as he said.

"I don't want anybody to know about her being here. Do you understand? And if the news gets out… then I'm sure what might happen."

The minister could not help but shiver in fright. Pressing his lips together in fear the minister quickly nodded his head and left before agreeing and confirming the Yama.

"Yes… King. I understand."


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