

Be it that you are the ensemble of sinister darkness or the embodiment of a cruel bottomless abyss , my heart still remains with you till eternal end __________________________________________ Was he a miracle in guise of a ferocious monster or destruction in definition of erring man ??? ; Annie knew not but all she knew was that this sinister, dark , mysterious and audacious man she had just met days ago was the solution to her problem and a way to bring it to life was to strike a deal _ A deal that involved a deep connection with her associating being . An immensly pleasurable deal that was going to plunge her life into a destructive path of difficulties and hell. All she had to do was to convince the stone hearted and adamant Hadean to have a dating contract with her and she was good to go.. Follow the intriguing story of the timid, shy and innocent Annabelle and the devilish and mysterious Hadean as they journey their way through a dangerous yet beautiful love story.. Will Annabelle turn out to be the light that Hadean desperately needed or will Hadean engulf her in his own world of darkness __________________________________________ Sneak peek Excerpts voices " Then take me to the doomed inferno , I have got nothing to fear as long as you support me!!!" " I want us to be boyfriend and girlfriend , I want you to be with me and I would be yours " " Whether a lover boy, bad boy or tough boy I am available , but you know when I am available the most ?. When I get to be your fuck buddy ravaging your insides until your voice turns hoarse due to your uncontrollable moans " " As long as you are with me you have no right to nobody else, you will be mine completely . Your body, soul, mind and your breath isn't left out too "

Aesthetic_Lvr · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Sinful pleasure

Anthony stared at Annabelle with disbelief, His daughter whom he had treated like a convict had the guts to keep a boyfriend.

" If you're lying_"

" hhe--i-s trul--y my b-boyfriend" Annabelle stuttered.

Anthony couldn't believe his own eyes, his mind started racing suspiciously as to whether they had done the deed or not and the atmosphere became incredulously tense with Hadean's ambience adding more fuel to it

Sensing what the foolish man was thinking ; Hadean scoffed, Annabelle blinked and Anthony grimaced.

" You don't earn for remaining a virgin" Hadean broke the silence his face bearing a mocking expression ..

Anthony stared at the man in front of him and his hands itched to beat the hell out of him but he knew better not to do that as the stranger in front of him was calm and terrifying at the same time. Did he come with the intention of taking his possession away from him ?

" Yes, she would be staying with me from now onwards" Hadean said in a grievous tone plunging Annie into a total state of confusion and anxiety as to where this was going.. She could very much see that only ethics and manners kept both of them in their lane without having to fight each other

" She's working" Anthony said convincingly

" Well fuck work , she could start from my place"

" She won't leave " Anthony said frustratingly

"would very much without hesitation"

" I won't allow her "

" Doesn't sound to me like you could do anything"

" I would call the police" Anthony almost yelled

" I'm not stopping you"

Annie stared at the two men confused, On the right hand was her father who was trying her utmost best to ensure that she stayed under his roof and in the left hand was the cold breathtaking stranger who seemed unfazed about her father's flimsy excuses

" Father I think I should leave" Annie said with the last courage left in her being and hurriedly went upstairs avoiding contact with both men.

Anthony let out string of curses ,his eyes shooting daggers at the beauty in front of him. Oh! he was never going to let his daughter off like that. If it would take him days weeks or months he would ensure that he gets back his daughter from the man whose looks only promised sinful things and frightening terror..

Annabelle got down with her luggage trying to fight back the tears that threatened to fall down her cheeks.For goodness sake this house contained the good memories of her and her beloved mum and it was definitely going to be tough leaving it behind. She stared at her father who held a defeated look on his face . But she knew it wasn't going to last that long as his very aim was to make life very unbearable for her..

With shaking hands she stood right beside the ethereal creature that she was about to be off with, her heart hammering against her ribcage as his addicting scent calmed her nerves and she was about to take a deep breath when she sighted her father's murderous glance and her heart beat quickened..

She gasped when he held her hand and squeezed it . Goosebumps trailing her skin as at how cold his hands was ; an uncertain feeling embracing her fragile heart and beautiful butterflies dancing in her stomach..


Annie stared at the expensive car that stood before her and her eyes widened in surprise.

It was all black with a logo that she was familiar with before.. She almost frowned when he withdrew his hand immediately before getting into the car and she quickly followed him, her small hands dragging the luggage with her . She halted abruptly when two hefty men came out and opened the boot.

These hefty men won't leave her alone would they?

Annie struggled to breath despite the AC that was on, She kept staring at him from time to time as he sat motionless like a wall his chest moving upwards and downwards to indicate he was breathing. If not for that she would have mistaked him for a corpse.

" Breathe" She heard him say

" Uhmm what would I do at your house" Annie asked her brows knitted into knots

Suddenly, he faced her. A heinous smile that always made her heart flutter everytime adored his ethereal face.

" It shouldn't be what you would do , it should be what I would do to you" Hadean said ever so lazily yet slowly and unbeknownst to him Annie found it so appealing and seductive

" Excuse me " Annie had already blurted out before she covered her pouty lips with her frail hands

" Judging from a little research I know that your father is a slurpy ass and you were homeschooled up until college , lived the life of a prisoner and most importantly you are naive, innocent little fawn who needs training from someone who is experienced like me" Hadean explained like a teacher who is tutoring a little child

Annie stared in disbelief at the man that sat in front of her, here she was sitting in his expensive car like a blatant fool without knowing anything about his life and yet he could write a whole history about her and her past.

" I still don't understand" Annie said

Hadean stared at her for a long time and he smirked as he saw her cheek reddening with every second that passed by __ his heating gaze not helping matters

" It means I am going to teach you pleasure and it's accomplices" He said

Hadean clicked his tongue in annoyance when he saw her puzzled look

" Fawn, it means that I am going to indulge you in absolute lust, excite and make your body hum in different unimaginable ways and in short, make you a dutiful girlfriend" Hadean said huskily his lips curling upwards when he felt the heat that was radiating from her body and her ears that were now the colours of red cherries

Annabelle stared wide-eyed at the manipulative and mysterious man that turned out to be her a boyfriend; a fake one for now . But she couldn't blame him, she had pressured him into this contract and only she would be able to save herself from the wickedly sinful things he was talking about

" My necklace" Annie asked after a quick remembrance

" In a safe place" Hadean replied curtly.

She really felt guilty and wondered how her mother would feel if she were to be watching her from above..

" Since I am your fake girlfriend what did you do to that blonde woman from the other---" Annie paused hoping he would get the memo

" Fawn, this is something you should never do when you are with me , what I do with people like her is none of your business" Hadean stated so harshly that Annie quailed back. Annie watched as the large glaciers in his enthralling eyes resumed their position. Earlier he was the sly fox that won't let the idiots be and now he was back to being the arctic region that would frost one to death if care was not taken.

He always switched moods and it made her uncertain as to which side she would always meet, was it the mischievously sinister one or the mysteriously cold one??

But now that she was going to be staying with him depending on when the contract would be terminated she would have to get used to it..

" I still haven't figured out your name" Annie asked out of sheer curiosity

" Annabelle Lawson , you really want to know my name" Hadean asked inching closer his cashire smile broadening when the pulsating sound of her quickening heartbeat filled his labryinth.

Annabelle moved backwards until her back touched something solid. She gasped when their nose were almost touching. His minty breath wafting on her face and she felt low heat recoil in her lower belly which she didn't get the feel of ..

" You really want to know my name " Hadean said breathlessly his mouth only centimeters away from her plumpy lips and Annie nodded like an idiot unable to rebuke herself much further..

" How about fuck mate" Hadean purposely teased as he laid back and he watched as she immediately gave him a ' don't joke with me 'look, a blush spreading across her cheeks.

" Please I am serious" Annie whined pouting her lips like a toddler

Hadean relaxed as usual a smirk tainting his perfect lips that overseed a sharp angular jaw.

" Hadean" He said breaking the silence that had enveloped them..