
Devil's Bargain (by kirito)

In "Devil's Bargain," Cassandra Lee, a CEO ousted from her family and company, forms a contract marriage with enigmatic Damien Blackwood to seek revenge. As they navigate their arrangement, sparks fly, blurring lines between business and pleasure. But as they plot their vengeance, they confront secrets and desires that threaten to unravel everything they've built.

kirito701 · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: The Fall from Grace


Cassandra Lee was the epitome of elegance and power as she strode through the polished corridors of AetherTech, the tech empire she had single-handedly transformed from a struggling startup into a leading giant. Her tailored suit and sleek ponytail, paired with her signature glasses, made her a striking figure of authority and efficiency. But beneath her composed exterior lay a turbulent sea of emotions, fueled by a family that never truly accepted her.


Raised by her mother who died tragically young, Cassandra had fought tooth and nail to earn her place in the company under her grandfather's stern yet fair guidance. It was her relentless drive and innovative ideas that propelled AetherTech to the forefront of the tech industry. Yet, despite her success, her stepmother and pink-haired younger stepsister, Lila, always seemed to receive more affection and attention from her grandfather.


As Cassandra reviewed the quarterly reports in her office, her phone buzzed with an incoming call from her grandfather's secretary. Her heart sank at the tone in the secretary's voice, summoning her to an urgent board meeting. She could sense something was terribly wrong.


Bursting into the boardroom, she found the members silent, their eyes avoiding hers. Her grandfather stood at the head of the table, his face a mask of cold resolve.


"What's going on?" Cassandra demanded, her voice steady despite the dread gnawing at her insides.


Her grandfather held up an envelope. "This DNA test proves you are not my biological granddaughter. Effective immediately, you are removed from your position as CEO."


The room spun. "That's impossible! I am your granddaughter. I've given my life to this company!"


Unmoved, he handed the envelope to her. "The results are conclusive. You are no longer a part of this family or this company."


Security escorted her out, her protests falling on deaf ears. Disoriented and humiliated, Cassandra drove to her penthouse, seeking solace in her fiancé, Daniel. But her world shattered further when she found him in an intimate embrace with Lila.


"What's this?" she demanded, her voice breaking.


Daniel turned to her, a look of pity in his eyes. "Cassandra, you need to leave. It's over between us."


Heartbroken and betrayed, Cassandra stumbled out into the night, seeking refuge in a bar. She drank heavily, trying to drown her sorrows. As she sat at the bar, tears blurring her vision, a tall, handsome stranger approached and sat beside her.


"Are you a devil?" she slurred, staring at him through a haze of alcohol.


The man smiled. "Yes, I am. And I'm here to help you because you asked for the devil's help."