
Devil's Aura

A devil? A demon? A man that has death on his side? A man that should be feared? No he's not! He is just a teenage boy who can't cast even a single magic spell.

Anpla · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 001-The puple devil

18 years ago the world is full of chaos and destruction caused by the demon lord.

One day the two great heroes fought the demon lord. Due to unknown cause the demon lord and the two great heroes suddenly disappeared.

After the demon lord disappeared, the world became more peaceful and the people began to rebuild the kingdom and cities.

" 17 year old boy " Zhui

Despite his young age,  All of the people in the city is affraid of him, it's not because he's a bad guy but because of the scary atmosphere around him .

" Mommy... is he a monster? "

" Arghhh  don't look cover your eyes ! "

" Sigh... they always do this because of this scary aura that they see when they look at my eyes"

" The "purple devil" is here close your eyes !! 

" Hey boy cover your eyes! they say that when you look at his eyes you will see the devil that brings death"

All of the people covered there eyes.

" Sigh... Why does Lin takes so long when buying things? I feel that im the bad person here, I hope that she come back right now "

" Give me all your money if you don't wanna die ! "

" What is that noise ? "

A boy is being robbed .

" Mister I need this money to cure my sick older sister , please.. don't take this from me . "

" I don't care about your sister ! Give me the money ! " Punched the boy in his face

" What's going on there ? "

The robber felt the terrifying presence of Zhui .

" What is this feeling it feel so heavy ! "

The robber slowly turn his head to look at Zhui.

" Arghhh... a MONSTER ! "

The robber ran as fast as he can .

The boy is trembling with fear because of Zhui's presence .

" Are you okay ? "

" Ye... yes dev.. I mean mister I'm okay, please mister don't hurt me "

The boy is trembling with fear.

" Don't be affraid I won't hurt you im not a bad person "

" O... okay, thank you mister ?? "

" Zhui, just call me Zhui "

" Thank you for saving me Mister Zhui, by the way my name is Zumorito "

"Stop calling me mister!"

"Ok big brother Zhui"

" Just call me.. sigh~.. nevermind "

The boy is still trembling because he can feel the pressure of Zhui's aura

" Zhui !! What are you doing to that boy ! "

Lin wrapped Zhui's neck choking him  in her arms .

" huhh ?? I just help him because his being robbed "

" Is that true ? "

" Yes miss, I almost lost the money that I will use to buy medicine for my older sister thanks to him the robber didn't take it "

" Yes yes yes that's true now let go of me ! "

Lin removes her hand around Zhui's neck .

" that hurts "

" Goodbye Zhui-san I need to buy now the medicine for my sister "

" Ok bye take care ! Make sure not let anyone get that from you "

" Hey ! you think you can escape ? Why did you keep me waiting ? "

" I saw cute cat in the road hehe "

" Youuu !!! "

" Ahhh I'm sorry i can't stop myself his so cute "

" Sigh... Let's go we shouldn't keep Rin waiting "

Lin smiled and they went home .

" Rin were home ! "

" Welcome home ! Put it in the kitchen I'll cook it "

Rin finished cooking .

" Rin, Zhui, Food is ready let's eat "

" Wow it looks so delicious "

" Thanks for the food "

" Ummm so delicious "

" So what happen at the market? What took you both so long? "

" Lin said that she met a cat in the road I don't know how she pet it for almost an hour , and I helped a boy because his being robbed "

Lin looks so embarrassed .

" Wow you helped a boy ? "

" Yes but actually no, the robber just ran when he saw me "

" Hahahaha the robber ran ? Hahaha if he only knew that you can't even cast a basic magic spell hahaha "

Zhui is so embarrassed .

" You two look the same hahaha "

" You've been like that since you got that power "

" Yes and uncle died because of me.. "

"  Zhui it's not your fault "

( Zhui 5-years old )

" Zhui want to join me hunt some wild boars ? this will be also your first hunt after learning basics of martial arts. "

" Really uncle Allen ? I can go with you ? "

" Why you don't want to ? "

" Of course I want ! "

" Let's go get some fresh meat "

Zhui and Allen goes to the mountains and hunt some wild boars .

3 hours later .

" When hunting I would have killed 3 wild boars by now but why can't I see a single bird ? There's something wrong here ! "

" Uncle Allen why are there no animals here ? "

" I don't know Zhui I think we should go home now I feel something bad is happening "

On the path home they saw a lone wolf ready to be hunted.

" There's a wolf ! Maybe we shouldn't get home without anything, I'll kill it Zhui get behind my back "

Allen magic punch to the wolf with magic casted in his fist but it's fast. The wolf dodged the attack and counters it.

" It's so fast but ! "

" Hyaaaghh..."heavy strike" Dieee ! "

The wolf got hit.


Allen killed the wolf.

" Wow uncle when will you teach me that magic spell you just did? "

" You can learn it on your own you already know the basics of using martial arts "

" Phew I thought I will die that wolf is fast"

" Whoah this wolf is heavy even it's not big ! "

Allen accedentaly flipped the wolf and saw a amethyst like crystals in its body.

" What is this purple thing ? "

" Uncle Allen what is that thing ? "

" I dont know i think its some kind of magic stone "

" this thing's heavy i think it has some good meat hahaha "

Allen suddenly felt something  strange .

Evil glare¬.

" Zhui run !! "

A giant bear embedded with crystals appeared suddenly.

" Why is that bear so big ? "

The bear attacked them .

Allen jumps and protects Zhui .

" Its the same as the wolf it is fast too "

" Zhui stay away, i'll fight this this bear "

"  stay safe uncle Allen.. "

" This is your first hunt and you're already such a mess "

Allen fought the bear .

Allen punched the bear with "heavy strike" but it remained unaffected.

" This bear is taught "

Bear slashed Allen in his chest .

" Kuwaagghhckk! "

Allen started puking blood .

" Uncle allen ! "

The bear saw Zhui and aimed his attack at him .

Bear slashed Zhui, Allen then jumps and recieved the bears attack .

Allen's hand is cut off and Zhui's hand is wounded .

"Zhui are you okay?"

Magic is leaking from Zhui's wound.


The magic is too powerful .

" Kuwuakk wh...at is th...is power...ful thing i feel? "

The bear sensed it and then the bear trembled in fear and immediately ran away .

Zhui lost his consciousness after the bear left .

Ch. 001 end