
Devil's advocate

The howling of the wind was telling of the threats hidden beneath the surface. he looked up,dark hair swaying along the wind. He saw nothing but the misery of his descendents,pride of the trampled,and anguish of the rich. Nothing was going the way it was supposed to go. World plunging into chaos. flesh of the kin eaten. Forsaken by the gods themselves. It was all gone,hope of ever seeing the green nature and harmony again, all turned to dust as the last rays of sun bid his eyes farewell. what will become of the world? of the remaining humans?

Daoist_of_the_norm · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: scourge

It all started with a cold, dreadful rainy night.

Wind howling and trees bending, matching the horrific weather.

In a dark alley where eyes couldn't see farther than the hands reach and darkness consumed all.

Faint crying of a newborn could be heard, desperation clear in his voice.

Moving closer you could see a beautiful chubby face adorned with emerald eyes flaying his hands around on a old mattress darkened with the passage of time and festered with various kind of insects.

The confused look on his face wasn't because of the darkness nor the inability to move despite wanting to, no, instead it was the fact that he was supposed to be in hell,for all the atrocities he committed, all the innocent murdered by his hands.

Why was he alive?

It was repulsive, taking into account that he was a blood loving maniac , perishing at the hands of his victims family coming for revenge brought him endless satisfaction.

But now? Uncertainty clouded his mind.

His eyes regaining clarity looked up at the sky,empty and hallowed out,it was a dreadful sight,of course what he could see was nothing but a messy and blurry picture.

His inner monologue was cut short,when footsteps clanking on the pavement made their way towards him.

(3rd person pov)

Soon a silhouette of a tall man possibly in his fifties came into view.

Hung over his shoulders was a long coat,gray in colour and full of pockets worn down with the passing of time.

Tap tap tap…

until he was looming over the small infant.

A gloomy look in his eyes.

He opened his mouth and heaved a sigh muttering "?"

Of course for the infant clarity of the man was still not possible as his eyesight had yet to develop hence hearing the distorted voice of the man was all he could do for now.

He couldn't understand a word that was said. by his assumption, that came from the gruff sounding voice, however, he concluded that it was a middle aged man.

The man picked up the infant roughly and held him by the scruff without regards for safety.

Because of the sudden move the infant cried louder which in turn ticked the man off.

his eyes squinted "tch", he seemed to see no choice than to calm the annoyingly vocal baby that was bowling his eyes out.

With a simple motion of his hands he draw a circle in air filled with different symbols and shapes and spoke the incantation loud and clear all the while not missing a single second: ""

A purple shine pulsed from his wrists then around the circle, seemingly marking it and making it to come alive as unknown power was poured in it.

A thin tread of energy shaped by the spell flew out at incredible speeds reaching the crying baby in barely half a second.

As it hit the forehead,the dark alley was then again,completely swallowed by the darkness as the sound of crying completely stopped.

The man took a deep breath as to calm the raging passive energy swarming inside of his body. Channeling the power was always a hassle.

He then proceeded to look at the cloudy sky, seeing as it had begun pouring lightly,he adjusted his hat slightly and the proceed to hold his hand high, fingers completely spread out, and while muttering beneath his breath, he pulled.

Strings of light began to condense as a small door shaped thing began to shape, looking around for any possible threats he firmed his hold on the baby as he began to walk through the door, resolved as he may have been but still hesitant.

As soon as the man walked through, the door shape begun to crumble, effectively erasing any changes in the surrounding area and any and all possible traces of their presence.