
Devil's Adcocates

Three years after the dissaperence of Rose's father and the loss of her voice and memories she had stapled together something resembling her old life until she was introduced to a world of actual magic existing between the cracks of her city. Forced to come to terms quickly with her new reality or risk losing the only lead she may have to find her father she joins the Devil's Advocates a team of young adults fumbling through life. All led by an ambiguous old man who goes by the moniker Joker. Follow Rose, Kairo, Lonan, Benni, Lobo, and Ermellia as they survive the twisted games the city has in store playing their roles as the Devil's Advocates. *Blurb* I felt myself begin to sway the thirst grew stronger matching the intensity of the music. When I couldn't take much more a set of drums joined the symphony. I felt each bang vibrate through my skull I knew I had to drink. Greedily I tip the cup back swallowing what I thought would be warm but to my surprise, the thick liquid was chilled. I shut my eyes tight it seemed the music stopped the moment the last drop passed my lips. The thirst was gone and my head felt steady if anything I had a light buzz.

Bubblegumgabber · Urban
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

The R Word

"Where did you find this one?" he asked not breaking eye contact with me as I pulled at the bars that fangs tore deeper into my hands.

"Not too far from here during the blood festival sire..." he said shivering as he spoke.

"A name boy I need to know what family she's from!" the boy flinched at his master's bark.

"Emily I believe I heard the mother scream after I grabbed her!" he said as if the information was life-saving for him.

"Hmm well done leave us." Emily was struggling harder and harder against him but she could barely budge him.

"Emily Dyavolessa a Daughter of Alucard within my grasp the boy seems to not be as useless as I thought." Emily stopped struggling against him tears poured from her face something she had realized had taken the fight within her.

"Don't fret child my family will treat you with the utmost respect." I watched in horror as his fang elongated as he readied to sink his teeth into Emily. time slowed to a stop my body was frozen only my eyes moved freely. Rose walked into my frame of vision she stood as the only free-moving entity.

"This will be twice now you rely on a demon to save you..." her tone was morose instead of prodding.

"I'm sorry Rose I didn't mean to think of you like that it's just... Seeing my face with hor-

-That's just it! It's not just your face with a horn! I didn't pick this face or to be this way I know as much as you do and I'm stuck learning it through you! And you're weak impulsive and reckless behavior!" Rose berated me as time stood still it was odd she seemed to be growing in personality.

"What do you feel about Emily?" The question was confusing and frustrating but I couldn't say we didn't have time for this.

"I have to save her!" I screamed back at her hoping she would just help me.

"Like you forced me to save Kairo?" She asked snidely.

"Yes because he's our friend Rose! Just like Emily!" I pleaded, but Rose's expression didn't change.

"I asked you how you feel about Emily Willow not to tell me the responsibility you feel burdened with." her tone turned cold.

"what are you getting at?" I demanded

"you're human very human you see suffering and you make a decision to ignore it or to end it that's simple those who ignore it tend to fear being subjected to it themselves while others choose to live an apathetic life but both are understandably branching from the need to survive... While you? I know you... the reason why you run headlong into danger isn't altruism." She said while approaching the gnawing cage.

"The real reason-


"The only two things that get you out of bed every day-

-Shut up!" I scream shutting my eyes tight hoping she would just disappear. I waited for I'm not sure what before slowly opening my eyes to see Rose standing inches from the bars.

"The truth gives you strength and you are weak Willow if you weren't you would see through these bars and be able to summon my teeth or even an ounce of my strength." Her eyes locked with mine I could feel her seriousness.

"I will ask you again Willow what are you feeling?" her gaze never broke I couldn't stand it anymore the truth was I had felt nothing and had been feeling that since my father's disappearance, I learned to smile, and I learned how to make my way through a day, but honestly it was hollowing to do so. Even regaining my voice didn't illicit anything more than excitement for what magic could do for me and finding my father and forcing Rose to keep Kairo alive was just for the sake of learning what I could from him later...

"I don't know..." I replied defeatedly Rose looked me over with disappointment before evaporating. Time seemed to begin its slow descent into movement.

"Rose!?" I screamed wondering what was happening.

"A consequence for ignorance feigned or otherwise." was all I heard in reply before time sped up again I watched in terror as his fangs grew closer to Emily's neck but before he could sink them in a burst of bullets impact the center of his back causing him to stumble. Kairo and Radney burst into the room finally entering the confrontation. The Vampyre turns on his heels to face his attackers.

"Polidori!" Radney screamed rage filling his face.

"Lonan Radney! How are ya!?" Polidori replied with enthusiasm. Emily hearing this name began to struggle to break free.

"you're a Grando!? He's part of the Grando Familia! Radney he-" Polidori quickly covers her mouth.

"Ah ah ah I can't have you blabbing any of my family secrets even though Lonan will be part of the Grando family himself fairly soon..." Polidori lets slip while watching Kairo.

"what's he talking about Radney? Why would you be joining a Fang familial?" Radney ignored the question as fury engulfed him.

"Ohh it seems there are more secrets between you and your little friends isn't that what devastated your last group?" Polidori asks mockingly.

"Shut the hell up! I should have stuffed you in that casket and left it six feet deep!" Radney screamed jarring Kario who was now focused on Radney more than Polidori.

"Now, now what would my dear sister Orora think if you killed her only family left?" Even though the snide remark was meant to jab at Radney Polidori's smug smirk was melted by a feeling of hate seeping from the opposite side of the room. My throat began to dry and I felt my hands begin to shake I realized I was struggling to breathe and I had been looking at the floor. A pressure was crushing me from the other side of the room I struggle to meet the source with my gaze. It was Radney's magic and rage poured from his very being I had to look away.