
Devil's Adcocates

Three years after the dissaperence of Rose's father and the loss of her voice and memories she had stapled together something resembling her old life until she was introduced to a world of actual magic existing between the cracks of her city. Forced to come to terms quickly with her new reality or risk losing the only lead she may have to find her father she joins the Devil's Advocates a team of young adults fumbling through life. All led by an ambiguous old man who goes by the moniker Joker. Follow Rose, Kairo, Lonan, Benni, Lobo, and Ermellia as they survive the twisted games the city has in store playing their roles as the Devil's Advocates. *Blurb* I felt myself begin to sway the thirst grew stronger matching the intensity of the music. When I couldn't take much more a set of drums joined the symphony. I felt each bang vibrate through my skull I knew I had to drink. Greedily I tip the cup back swallowing what I thought would be warm but to my surprise, the thick liquid was chilled. I shut my eyes tight it seemed the music stopped the moment the last drop passed my lips. The thirst was gone and my head felt steady if anything I had a light buzz.

Bubblegumgabber · Urban
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42 Chs

The Dwindling Hour's

The earliest being the fifties and working its way up to the early two thousand all mingling joyfully that is until our presence was acknowledged. Everyone stopped to turn and stared at us, an eerie mile-long stare that didn't feel like it was on us, but through.

"Another round on me!" A voice from behind the bar breaks the tension, causing cheers throughout the patrons.

Kairo leads me to the bar where there's an open stool. The voice belonged to a tall man with golden tattoos running like threads across his dark skin.

"Sit stay." Kairo barks, and I oblige more intrigued by the magic oozing from the bartender.

"Can you babysit her for me?" He directs the question towards the bartender who smiles and affirms with a shake of his head. Kairo leaves me to weave through the crowd, searching for someone.

"What will it be, little one?" The bartender asked with a silky accented voice. The gold veins on his body seemed to pulse with light that tugged at my attention.

"I don't have any money." I sighed, checking Willow's pockets.

"Not necessary here. We only require loyalty as payment. You become a patron here and nowhere else in the lower fae district." His voice was enchanting, and I was pretty sure he told me everything was free, which elicited an excited growl from Willows' stomach.

"I'll take your best drink and meal then." I answered enthusiastically. This made the barkeep smile ear to ear.

"All I need is a name." He gestures to the wall behind him where names were carved into a wood-framed shelf that held all the assortments of bubbling bottles.

"Rose." I say without hesitation, I watch as my name slowly carves itself into a free space on the wood.

"Welcome to the lost boys, Rose. I'm V, your server and bartender here to satiate your desire." The lilt in his voice made sparks run down my spine. With less than an hour and a half left, I had to ignore one hunger for another. V sits a glass down in front of me that begins filling itself to the brim. Once it's finished, he gestures for me to try it. I grab the filled glass, feeling the chill of the amber liquid while taking a sip. Sweetness with a slight twinge of a bitter aftertaste flushed my mouth. I drank greedily, guzzling until the cup was empty. As I sat it back down, it began filling itself to the brim again.

"House special!" V yells, prompting a small door behind the bar to swing open and a woman to appear she held a plate in one hand filled with food and the other a violin she places the plate down in front of me before leaning against V.

"Rose, this is Pan, and she's our cook." Pan does a small curtsey, which I return with a quick nod because my attention was gripped by the smell wafting off the plate. Mashed potatoes smothered in a dark gravy that pooled around a slice of meat that I couldn't make out but made my mouth water nonetheless. With no reservations, I grab the utensils and dig into the potatoes and mystery meat, which all equally melted in my mouth. Before I knew it, the plate was clean, and I was stuffed. Pan with her hands made a couple of gestures and waited.

"She asked if you like it?" V added.

"I know, Willow lost her voice and had to learn American sign language, but that was BSL right, Pan?" Pan's face switched to surprise and then joy before she started to sign again.

"That is right! Is Willow a friend or sister?" She asks gleefully excited to have a conversation not translated by V.

"Hmm, I'm not sure if Willow thinks we're friends... I guess we share this body, so we definitely aren't sisters." My answer made Pan and V exchange a look.

"You and Willow share this body?" V asked as he leaned on the counter. I finish another cup of the amber elixir before answering.

"Yeah, we have an agreement today. I get to be a front seat for the next..." I quickly pulled her phone out and checked the time. What was an hour, and thirty was now just thirty minutes.

"Shit, I only have thirty minutes left!? Hey, has it really been an hour?" I frantically ask V and Pan, who worriedly exchange another glance before Pan replies

"Sorry, love time ebbs differently in here..." She signed with a frown. Before the realization could hit me, something else solid had knocked me from my stool. As I gained my barring I realized it was a person a bar-wide brawl had begun while I was eating and chatting at the center of it was Kairo and a familiar face who seemed to be enjoying the carnage. I make it to my feet, and so does the tossed individual who locks on to me as his next target. With a hiss through a row of sharp teeth and long fangs, he charges me, but before he can make contact, he's stopped in his track by the sound of a violin.

No longer behind the bar, but on it, Pan began playing her violin. The melodic tune seemed to enthrall all the brawling patrons holding them in place, and then V began to sing. His singing voice was silk, and even though it demanded attention, the patrons began cleaning the bar and returning to their seats, starting up an earlier conversation and dawning previous smiles. Except for Kairo and the familiar stranger that was still beating on one of the fanged individuals.

"Thank you." I direct to Pan and V before crossing the bar to Kairo.

"I only have thirty minutes left, Kairo, and I want ice cream." I demanded. Kairo ignored me, of course, watching the other man still beat the already defeated and fangless now vamp on the ground.

"Alright mate, you keep it up, and you'll kill 'em." Kairo sighed annoyedly.

"Not true everyone knows you can't kill these fuckers without a wooden stake." The Stanger replied through a flurry of punches.

"Not true! That's not true! That's a lie we spread!" The poor vampire spat through broken fangs and punches.

"Enough Radney, we aren't allowed to kill 'em especially not in here." Kairo said, grabbing his arm.

"Lucky bastard if I catch you bragging about snatching teens off the streets again, I'll do more than just bang you up. I'll test all the ways a vampire really can die." Radney dismounted the vampire and then ran his bloody hands through his already thick red hair, slicking it back.

"Did someone say ice cream?" Radney asked enthusiastically.

"I did!" I said, raising my arm high as it could go.

"We don't have time for ice cream, Radney! We have to find Clown and the missing children Radney! You half an arse." Kairo growled while crossing his arms and putting on a stern expression.

"Ach, but the We lass said she only had thirty minutes it wouldn't be a bother." Radney finally makes eye contact with me, and that's when I realized why he was so familiar.

"Elevator hottie!" I blurted.

"Elevator hottie... oh! I remember you, Rose, was it?" I blushed. He remembered my name, and for a moment, that spark ran up my back again until I remembered he had met Willow.

"Right but wrong, I'm Rose, but you met Willow." I replied, and even though I expected the confused look, I still felt frustrated.

"Anyhow, I only have thirty minutes until I'm not Rose, and I'm Willow, and I want ice cream." I repeat, now staring down Kairo so he couldn't ignore me.

"Sorry love more like a couple of minutes." I turned to find the source of the French tone V was leaning on the bar listening in while Pan sat on top of it doing the same. I felt the weight of drowsiness grip me and my legs buckle. Radney stepped quickly to steady me.

"Fine, this'll have to do." I lean quickly, kissing Radney on the lips lingering long enough to remember the way he smelled and the amber sweet, and bitter taste of his lips before my vision fades to black.

~End of Chapter 5