
Devil's Adcocates

Three years after the dissaperence of Rose's father and the loss of her voice and memories she had stapled together something resembling her old life until she was introduced to a world of actual magic existing between the cracks of her city. Forced to come to terms quickly with her new reality or risk losing the only lead she may have to find her father she joins the Devil's Advocates a team of young adults fumbling through life. All led by an ambiguous old man who goes by the moniker Joker. Follow Rose, Kairo, Lonan, Benni, Lobo, and Ermellia as they survive the twisted games the city has in store playing their roles as the Devil's Advocates. *Blurb* I felt myself begin to sway the thirst grew stronger matching the intensity of the music. When I couldn't take much more a set of drums joined the symphony. I felt each bang vibrate through my skull I knew I had to drink. Greedily I tip the cup back swallowing what I thought would be warm but to my surprise, the thick liquid was chilled. I shut my eyes tight it seemed the music stopped the moment the last drop passed my lips. The thirst was gone and my head felt steady if anything I had a light buzz.

Bubblegumgabber · Urban
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42 Chs

Missing Chimeria

Just before they would pounce the bigger wolf who had lept for the vehicle first falls short on the pavement. The leading wolf stood and realized I was left. He slowly made his way toward me until his huge frame towered over mine. Before anything could happen though I felt the effects of Here the world flips and flips back as I land in the back seat of the car.

"You fucking left me!" I scream as I'm swinging wildly at Kario.

"Why didn't you use There to get into the bloody car?" He asked genuinely confused while trying to dodge my hits.

"I don't know how to use magic!" I say before sitting in my seat and angrily crossing my arms.

"I'm sorry I assumed you two would use Arcane Knowledge most none demonic possessions or inhabitants share their Knowledge and abilities like that hellion cat you have." The anger I had lessened as curiosity took its place.

"Acrane Knowledge?" Kairo noticing another chance to teach perked up.

"There is Magical Knowledge that everyone who experiences magical saturation will gain this consists of the body acknowledging magic in general sensing spells or the weaving of magic is its basics but Acrane Knowledge is essentially teaching and learning through osmosis and at strong enough levels you could pass on experience without someone teaching it or needing to learn... Rose seemed to be able to do this." Kairo waited and watched me for a moment.

"Can we do that?" I think to Rose who I feel stirring in me.

"Working on it..." She replies before sinking back into my mind.

"Do you two talk to each other?" Radney asked peering through the rearview at us.

"Yes, it's like I think something she hears it and she's a voice in the back of my head." This made Radney smile as a he seem to remember something.

"We had a doppelganger on our team once. she was a Chimera like us and whatever she was mixed with made her other forms have personalities that she spoke to in her head." I didn't realize that the Devil's Advocates could have ex-members or if I should bring it up judging by the mournful look that fell on Kairos' face.

"Anyway do you have any clue where we're going?" Kairo blurted. A quick attempt to change the subject.

"Nope, but I feel Fate taking the wheel." Radney replied which swapped the mournful look with one of concern on Kairos' face as he quickly clicked his seat belt on.

"Who's Fate?!" I ask scrambling to put my seatbelt on.

"Radneys a Leprechaun and they deal in luck and loot tying them closely to Fate so they aren't allowed to glimpse the future and if they do..." I watched as Radney's eyes began to glow with a golden tinge. His lead foot grew heavier red lining the car's speedometer. I felt my back sinking into the seat, we weave through the narrowest breaks in traffic at the highest speed.

"Careful we're approaching the district line!" Kairo screamed while he clutched the side of the car and his seat. I look ahead to see cars disappearing and appearing through a shimmering wall Radney paid no head to Kairo's warning. We sped at the shimmering wall until we met it in full force. Breaching through the other side I immediately noticed a change. The sun's light was significantly redder here less abrasive almost like silk on my skin. Some people on the sidewalks walked with umbrellas that provided shade from the softer sunlight while others seemed to enjoy it. The streets were still as busy as Radney dodged and weaved effortlessly through traffic. A few violent lefts and rights and the honks of angry drivers later we were barreling toward an empty lot at the end of a left or right turn. Radney slams on the brakes halfway down the street parking the car along the sidewalk. His eyes lose their golden glow as he turns the car off.

"Fate wants us here." He says with another prideful grin at Kairo who has to detach his claw-like grip on the car.

"And where the hell is here?" Kairo shakily replies while trying to regain his composure. Radney shrugs hard before stepping out of the vehicle and wandering off. With a pulsating vein of hatred on his forehead, Kairo gets out of the car to follow and I follow behind them taking in my surroundings. The streets here were clean and adorning them were beautiful-looking apartments and the people leaving them all dressed in extravagant clothing while walking perfectly manicured creatures on leashes.

"So this is the Velvet District?" I ask a steaming Kairo who calms to reply.

"Yes its name can be misleading but it's where the blood-devouring creatures reside." Kairo said trying to keep pace with Radney whose attention was caught by a group of people filing down an alley. Down the alley, we reached a courtyard where a festival seemed to be taking place. Platters of normal food spread sat on tables next to fountains of crimson liquid. Radney found his way to one of the tables and began eating.

"We aren't here for food or fun ya daft bastard did you forget that?" Kairo hissed over his shoulder not wanting to alert other partygoers.

"We're here for the Fates said so and getting drug around by the strings of Fate makes me hungry so I eat." He replies while shoveling more food into his mouth. Intrigued by the fountains I migrate away from the bickering boys and investigate. The liquid is thick with a blood-rich red hue to it different cute goblets lined the space around the base of the fountain.

"That one!" I hear echoes from the back of my mind my eyes dart to a goblet with a red white and black pattern of flowers with thorns and vines cresting around the goblet in a twirling grasp. Also curious about the cup I grab for it carefully avoiding the thorns. I hold the cup under one of the streams while I waited for it to fill I noticed etched into the fountain were humanoid figures all frozen in action like Roman paintings. All with detailed fangs or pointed ears and sharp nails. My cup almost spilled from the stream I jerked away and now had a goblet full. I pull the goblet close to my nose and take a deep whiff.

"Drink!" Roared from within me a purr followed as I felt Rugosa stir.

"Drink. It. All." Whispered Rose my throat dried I swallowed hard trying to fight off thirst. A band at the other end of the courtyard began playing a set of string instruments as if that was a cue for participants to bombard the four fountains two on separate sides of the courtyard. Grabbing up goblets people began filling them with the crimson liquid the ones coming to the fountain I chose were the better dressed of the guests expensive jewelry glinted and glimmered as their cups filled some giving me an ugly side eye as I waited to see what came next.