
Josephine Sylver!

Anran sat there, her expression a mix of confusion and mock anger, processing Wang Xiao's words. The air between them was charged with a strange, playful tension.

Suddenly, with a burst of feigned fury, she declared, "I am fighting you, Wang Xiao!" Dropping the blanket, she lunged forward in a dramatic display of rebellion. But Wang Xiao, unfazed, calmly stopped her advance with a simple hand placed on her forehead, effectively halting her in mid-motion.


"If you are done playing, can we move on to more concerning issues?" Wang Xiao asked, his tone serious yet tinged with a hint of amusement at her theatrics.

Anran, momentarily paused by his effortless block, let out a huff of resignation mixed with amusement. She recognized the futility of her assault against him.

"Fine, fine," she conceded, sitting back down, her demeanor shifting from playful to attentive. "What's so important that you had to crash my one-woman fashion show?"

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