
Developing the Valley(Fusion of ToS into GOT)

A guy transmigrates into a royce and tries to develop the valley. * *I do not own Game of Thrones, Tyranny of Steel or any works I use here. I don't aim to earn anything from this, I won't even create any kind of accounts like p*treon to receive anything. * Just to warn you, in this fic I'm basically merging two works that I really like, Tyranny of Steel and Game of Thrones with just a few changes in the initial arcs. I'm not a writer, my goal is to encourage other people to write a better fic for me to read, either because they thought the idea was cool or just because they hated my writing. I just make a request to let me know when they write so I can read it too. Thanks for reading.

Ydo_Dominnus · TV
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38 Chs

Against the clans

In the Mountains of the Moon, the sounds of battle could be heard, there were clashing noises of weapons, anguished screams and howls. Howls? Yes, these clan warriors do that a lot. Already the anguished screams, the men I've just cut like butter are proof of how common this is in battle.

I think to myself as I dodge a blow from a rough stone ax before slicing through the handle it's attached to, only to find myself blocking a woman's blow with a bronze sword. Quickly knocking her unconscious with a blow to the head of my shield before stabbing the man I disarmed in the chest. I turn to find the battle has already been won with no casualties on our side.

Thank God the guard I set up for the camp was on point and the night mobilization training paid off. Our first encounter with the mountain clan warriors was an ambush at our camp that failed spectacularly thanks to the sentries I had patrolling the camp. The ambush itself tells me we're close to your main settlement.

"Have Mychel Redfort, Ser Julius Cromwell and Harrold Hardyng brought here. Tell them it's urgent. I order one of the soldiers who had just cleaned his blade on one of the bodies.

"Those of you who weren't seriously injured come help me tie up the prisoners." Only the man who saw them first had to go see a healer because of an arrow he took in his shoulder. None of my men suffered any immediate life-threatening injuries during an ambush in the middle of the night, which was a big sign so far, especially now that they've finally seen combat and will be looking forward to it going forward.

Now let's go to the prisoners. I had instructed the men to try to take a few prisoners each battle, no more than 5 if we can. About 50 clansmen attacked us and we have 4 prisoners of them, including the woman with the bronze sword. Judging by her higher quality of weapons and armor, she is probably someone important in her clan.

"We are here, Lord Artys." I hear Ser Julius Cromwell say behind me. Turning to him, I also see my sister's husband, Mychel Redfort, Lord Redfort's youngest son, along with Harrold Hardyng standing beside him.

"We have prisoners from the ambush to check. The woman in the bronze armor is probably their leader." I say to the three.

"So she must be at the top of their clan, perhaps related to the chief

them?" asked Ser Julius.

"I think the same. What we have before us is an opportunity, it would be wise to make the most of it." Mountain tribes are few in number, so any leaders you see among your raiding parties are related to their clan leaders or they are the leaders.

"So what's our next move?" Harrold says with an oddly serious face.

"Wake her up. Let's see if we can reason with her. If she's willing to listen, we'll see about opening negotiations with the clan head, if not, we'll kill the non-valuable prisoners and use the woman as bait." I didn't need to tell them what we were going to do from there.

Watching her, I think she's actually quite attractive. She didn't have dirt on her face, or extremely ragged clothing like in the show, which makes sense, I suppose. There's a little dirt on her and wear on her clothes, but that's about it. Hell, the woman actually has a bronze plate on her chest. You can tell, even with the armor on, that she has a well-hidden body underneath.

Splashing water on her face, she wakes up startled, ready to fight before realizing her hands are tied. I see her moving around, perhaps looking for one of the daggers she's hidden in her.

"If you're looking for any of the weapons you've hidden in your clothes, you won't find them." I tell her, holding the two stone daggers I found on her in my hands.

"You son of a bitch!" She yelled at me.

"Amazing." I say sarcastic.

"Now, if you've stopped acting, there's something I'd like to discuss with you."

"I have nothing to say to a lowland cunt like you!" She said, almost hate in her eyes.

"Not even if it's for the survival of your people?" I ask, very seriously. That only seemed to make her angrier, though.

"Save your threats. Your people have been trying to take mine down longer than any of us are alive and it's never worked." She smugly informs me.

"That wasn't a threat." I say back, "You should know as well as I do that winter is just a few years away. Possibly the longest anyone has ever seen." I pause for a second for her to understand, "Your people don't do very well in winter now, do they? Few travelers to attack, treacherous trails in snow-capped mountains, entire villages without enough food for five of you, cold winds killing their children days after they were born." I make sure to put extra emphasis on that last part.

"Now imagine a winter that lasts almost 20 years like this summer," I tell her.

"If your people somehow manage to survive this without having to eat their own dead, or even survive, I would be very surprised." I tell her, seeing my words take effect on her.

"What does all this have to do with you?" She questions, reasonably suspicious.

"Why, everything, of course. If everyone gets desperate enough, they'll be brave enough to attack us hard, as your people did over a century ago." I said.

"My job is to stop that from happening. How I do that with the Howlers is entirely up to you. We can come to an agreement and your people survive the coming winter and beyond, or I can go to that little village of yours, you know, the one with the maloca in the middle?" I see her freeze at this.

"Yes, I can go there and light a nice fire, and my army can celebrate around it with all the women and drink we find in their little huts." I would feel a little guilty for using such threats, but considering what mountain clans do to the women they encounter during their attacks, I couldn't give a damn. Plus, it's clearly working if the look on your face is anything to go by.

"Now, I'll give you until tomorrow morning to give me an answer. I hope you give the right answer, for your own good." With that, we let her boil in her thoughts. Instructing some of the men to tie the captives to wooden posts, spaced apart, I hear Mychel speak.

"If you already had this all planned out, why did you call us?" he asks me.

"Intimidation factor, mostly. I also wanted to present a united front for her, let her know that the lords of the Vale are tired of her bullshit and are finally working to end it." I inform the three.

"For now the three of you should get some rest. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow." I tell them before I leave for the night, heading back to my tent.

Going to sleep, I let all thoughts of dealing with the Howlers tomorrow leave my mind as I fall asleep.


The Howler Leader was extremely confused, not to mention outraged when his daughter Merka - that's the bronze girl's name by the way - arrived in his village with all 100 men I'd brought with me in tow. Thinking her daughter had sold them to save her own skin before revealing that she already knew where their village was. It took the breath from his sails, but he quickly recovered, asking me what the hell I wanted. Fair enough question, I suppose.

"I want to make a deal with the mountain clans of the Vale before winter comes."

"Merka, you trust this lowland man." He questioned his daughter.

Honestly, I expected more of a fight from him, but he seems to know he's been beaten. The only advantage the mountain clans had was the fact that they could simply flee back to the moon mountains whenever someone was sent to deal with them.

"He can kill us all whenever he wants. He has no reason to deceive us." She says with a disgusted look on her freshly cleaned face. She looks so much cuter that way.

"Right..." Merka's father tells her before turning to me with a calculating look, "So that must mean you want something from us." he tells me.

"Like I said, I'm here to make a deal with your people." I remind him, I figured giving him the opportunity to set the pace for the conversation would help heal his wounded pride and put him a little at ease.

"Very well," he says with less venom than before. "Speak up, I don't have all day, you know." he says, giving me the floor.

"Our terms are simple, you and yours will no longer harass the people of the Vale. Lead us to the other tribes so we can convince them too. In exchange for your service, not only will your people live to see next summer, but I will also allow your people to settle in the lands of House Royce, as long as you obey our laws and help me whenever I call your people in. I will also personally see to it that you have coins, skins, food, and anything else you may need. to live comfortably. The Howlers will be chief among the clansmen of the valley if you accept my offer. I inform you, seeing no need to mince my words.

"What if I refuse?" he asks me, apparently considering that option.

"Ask Merka. I'll be waiting for an answer by tomorrow. You have everything to gain if you accept my generous offer," I pause before taking a step toward him, bringing my voice to a whisper, "and everything to lose if you refuse."

"We'll be back at our camp. Don't worry about running, we've located it once, we'll do it again if we have to." With that we parted. I could have been a little more forgiving, but there are only about 100 Howlers left after their ambush failed. It seems that this was their main fighting force, because almost a third of the people I saw were children or crippled in some way. Either I place some of the mountain clansmen on my side or I exterminate them as a warning to others. I win regardless.

To no one's surprise, the Howlers capitulated and sent 40 of their warriors, including Merka, to join my forces. although they

will likely have to stay behind during upcoming battles as we prepare and get used to formations.

Over the next few weeks, we had little difficulty reaching the Redsmiths, Sons of the Tree, Milk Snakes and Moon Brothers who were more receptive than the Howlers as they saw proof that I would keep my word in the form of Merka and her members. from the tribe.

It turns out that most Mountain Clans were downright depressed at the thought of starving to death in the mountains this winter, who would have guessed? I have about 200 clansmen in my army, not to mention the 500+ who are waiting for me to finish going to the other settlements in their villages. I made sure to integrate them among the other men, even if the clansmen seem fine with the way things are going, you can never be too careful. If they start to fit in with a group of fellow Tribe, they might end up having ideas and that's the last thing I need. At this rate, I will finish gathering the clans under the banner of House Royce in no time. The best part? Nobody will be able to say shit about it. Most of the other noble houses in the Vale believed it was a lost cause, so they gave up any right to command this campaign after realizing they would have to foot part of the bill if they decided to do so. This part was even mentioned to me by Mychel Redfort.

I've seen some of the motherfuckers fuming when they think I'm not watching, particularly Harlan Hunter. It was mentioned in the books by Littlefinger that he killed his father and tried to blame his older brother, I'll keep an eye on that one.

In other news, we're marching towards the Burnt Men and I'm expecting a fight. The Burnt Men are perhaps the most feared Clan in the Vale, and for good reason. They are among the largest mountain tribes, around 400, almost all capable fighters, and they burn their body parts as a sort of sick coming-of-age ceremony. Even the other Mountain Clans are afraid of them. Additionally, they have a reputation as fearless warriors.

They are most notorious for stealing a daughter from my great-aunt Alys Arryn, Harrold's aunt, as she was going to marry a Bracken. So, needless to say, we're going to have a more intense fight this time around.

"Are you planning to make peace with the Burnt Men as well?" Harrold asked me, an intense look on his face. No doubt because of what happened to your Aunt Waynwood. He wasn't even born when the Burnt Men took her, but she was still family, so he's been like that for the last few days.

"Not until we make them pay for their crimes." I assure him with a pat on the shoulder.

The Burnt Men aren't the only clan I have to worry about reacting violently to, so I've decided to make an example of them, to keep the other tribes from getting ideas. Of course, there's also the fact that fighting another clan would serve to bring the Valemen and the Mountain clansmen below me closer together, as well as prevent any potential schemes with any Burnt Men I bring with us. after we looted your village. A sort of 'us versus them' mentality.

As my men and I are marching towards the Burnt Men settlement, I see some movement on the rocks, quickly blowing my whistle, the soldiers, both mountain clansmen and Valemen, enter the Turtle formation just before being attacked by arrows.

Now that the surprise is ruined they all come out of hiding to meet us in the middle of the mountain pass we are descending, even the ones who were shooting arrows at us, which gives us the opportunity to change formation, which I signal to the men. to do.

Quickly falling back into a basic shield wall, the hundred or so Burnt Men that were sent to ambush us quickly crash into it trying to cut the men in front only to

be harvested by their spears.

Blowing my whistle three times, we begin to slowly advance, separating the burned men and before long they are all dead or retreating.

"TO EXCHANGE!" I yell, sending the men at the front to the back of the formation. Now the second row I was separated from took its place at the front.

Normally you wouldn't find the commander on the front lines,

but I want to fight, as well as boosting morale among the other soldiers. Also with me are Ser Julius, Harrold and Mychel.

Finally arriving at their settlement, we quickly began to massacre anyone who stood in our way. If this was a real army we were going up against it couldn't possibly be that easy, but it isn't, they're just some burn victims that have gotten too big for their pants and need to be put in their place.

A man tries to rip my shield from my arm only to take my blade in the eye. I see Ser Julius slash a warrior's face as he blocks an ax blow from a man with a burnt eye and then proceeds to stab him in the chest.

We continue like this for a few minutes before I notice a lull in the mountain tribes and I take the opportunity to send the line I'm with behind, letting the men behind us take over. I stay, however. With my shield I can stay on the front lines for hours if I need to. Inspires troops to do better too, which is an added bonus.

After nearly half an hour of slashing, stabbing, and blocking, the burned men finally retreat. The shield wall no longer serves a purpose, so I give my soldiers the signal to freak out and they quickly stop, hunting down and killing any burned men they find. Heading to the longhouse that I've discovered is usually where the Chief and his family usually live, I open the door to find a woman holding a bow and arrow in her hand.

Raising my left arm as she releases her arrow, it ricochets off my shield. I hit her with my shield and knock her to the ground before I hear a groan coming from the other side of the Longhouse. Turning to look in that direction, I see nearly twenty children huddled in the corner guarded by a boy with a stone dagger in his hand. Merka and Mychel, who came with me, quickly went to them and disarmed the boy, but did nothing else.

"Okay then," I start to address the woman I pinned to the floor. "I suppose now would be a good time to discuss her surrender." I tell her.


"And then this sassy pussy, right there!" Merka says aloud while pointing at me: "Tell her, he says 'I think now would be a good time to discuss her surrender.' while he pins her to the floor in her maloca as if that wasn't fucking obvious!"

We are now celebrating our victory over The Burned Men at our campsite. Merka was one of many who helped themselves to the beer and wine they had saved.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey." I say, "Don't let that distract anyone from the fact that Merky here," I swing my arm around her shoulder, "screamed like a girl when she saw that dead dog after coming out of the longhouse. You should have heard her." !" I laugh, releasing her before she elbows me.

"I'm a girl you idiot and don't call me Merky." she says back to me.

"That you are." I say taking a good look at her. She removed her breastplate and doublet, leaving her in only a long-sleeved robe, her black hair flowing down to her neck, slightly wavy at the ends. If it weren't for those wild green eyes she had, I wouldn't even be able to tell that this was the same woman I captured all those weeks ago.

"That I am." She repeats, looking into my eyes with a sly smile.

Before long, we're in my tent kissing desperately as we undress as well.

"I want you to make me a woman." Merka whispers to me seductively, caressing my face with her hands.

"Have you never been with a man?" I question it. You would think that a woman her age in a world where girls get married as soon as they have the

first menstruation would have some experience.

"I was going to fuck someone after the ambush at your camp, but you killed him." She says, without a single care.

"I think that makes me a better man." I say back to her.

"I guess so." She repeats, right before we start kissing again and the fun continues throughout the night.


"As much as I like to stay, I have work to do." I say to Merka as she lets go of her hug to get dressed for the day.

Exiting the tent, I find most of the troops already mounted. Since we're not marching today because of the hangover most of them are, I have some free time on my hands.

I expected at least some major obstacles during my campaign, but so far it's been smooth. Against more than 350 men burned, we lost only 10 of the more than 700 men I marched with yesterday, most of them later due to injuries.

The Burnt Men, on the other hand, were nearly wiped out. Of the roughly 400 that were there at the start, only 130 remain, including the children. That woman with the bow wasn't one of their bosses or related to one in any way, but she was the one they looked to for guidance as all the other Red Hands fell in battle, so I brought her along with the other 50 Men. Burnt I recruited. They will be hostages and also bodies to fight for me.

It was a shame to kill so many potential soldiers, but it had to be done. The men were getting impatient with no one to fight and I needed to send

a message to any other clan who were planning to fight back.

I hope I'm done and out of the mountains before the plot begins.

(Anyone stimulated enough to write a better fic for me to read? hahaha let me know....)

As I said before, this arc was introduced from the fic A Restrictive Game By Creamulon, go read it. It's a great gamer fic, the bad thing is that the author stopped posting in April, I don't know if it's a hiatus or he dropped it, but even so, I recommend reading it. Also, I'm warning you again, I'm terrible at writing and this fic is basically a fusion of Tyranny of Steel into GOT, so don't expect any big changes from ToS beyond what's necessary to fit into the world. The MC will focus on developing the Vale, while the other realms will be killing each other.

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