
Exploring what's wrong

Sara was observing john that he is becoming weaker day by day ,his dull dyhedrated skin symbolizes something very important but what.

Eventhough Sara was realizing that he can't even yell at her at a loud pitch ,due to shortening of breath , cough starts to him.

Alisa was becoming mystery day by day every night at 2 am she go to garden and come back in terrible condition .

One day Sara decided to check what's wrong she started to keep an eye on Alisa .

At Tuesday night at sharp 1:55 am Sara went to the garden and hide here self beyond bushes and at sharp 2 :am Alisa come into the garden and sit at the center of the garden.

Started digging the grassy land, and put a bottle filled with red liquid and dropped all that liquid in a whole created after digging and then hide that whole with slots of mud.

Sara was astonished to see all this stuff....

But the was not finished yet Alisa opened her hairs and start beating her head on the hided whole just like drum stick on drum .

Sara wanted to stop her as she stand up to help her a dusty wind start blowing and it was as strong as it could take of the entire house with it and suddenly a terrifying horrible nocies spread all around .

Sara decided to save her self first so she could be able to sought out the mystery.