

"Captain, we have successfully entered hyperspace. We should be leaving the Milky-Way's hyperspace in a few days."


"Good, Jonas, how is the feel of hyperspace."

Lieutenant Baker Responded

"Everything is running smooth Cap."

Niklaus said

"Good, then we shall make preparations to enter cryosleep in a week. We should be steadily on course to Andromeda. The 250 Year-long trip will be a dark one. We must make sure all systems are smoothly operational before we go cold."

"" Roger Captain""

Niklaus stood up and retreated to his quarters

Alexandria had been standing behind the captain's chair all this time without speaking. With the Captain on the bridge, she was but a support element. When she saw Nik leaving for his quarters she followed behind him.

Niklaus had been to his quarter but momentarily on his arrival to the ship.

His quarters were large and spacious luxuriously adorned. They were near the bridge for quick travel. Most of the officer's quarters were nearby. The first mate's were directly across the hall from him.

Nik had settled down in his quarters. His small amount of stuff had been set neatly in their place.

It hadn't been long since he arrived when there was someone at his door.

Niklaus, not surprised said

"Come in, Alexandria"

The door, while soundproof smart communications systems had allowed the other side to hear him as the door automatically opened.

Alexandria said

"How did you know it was me."

Niklaus responded.

"There are not many people who would visit me at this time. You are the only person who I've had any sort of interaction with."

Alexandria responded

"Uhh. Well, I wanted to apologize to you, captain. For what happened in the access bay. I had no idea I was speaking with the captain if I had, I would have never spoken in that manner."

Niklaus responded

"You need not fret. I'm not such a small-minded person as to take that sort of thing to heart."

Alexandria let out a sigh of relief as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

Niklaus proceeded

"However, according to The Canon Of Laws Governing the Spatial Military Legions of Aurora- The Legion of Disaster. Article 8, " Such punishment as a court-martial may adjudge may be inflicted on any person under the banner of Aurora". Paragraph 6, "who is guilty of treating his superior with contempt or disrespectful in language or deportment, while in the execution of his office." I've never court-martialed anyone. It would be fun to try it out."

By the end of it, Alexandria had broken out in a cold sweat. She was afraid of being court-martialed. As the tendency of court-martials ending in being sentenced to death wasn't uncommon.

Niklaus picked up once again.

"But don't worry I won't be court martialing you any time soon. I'm only kidding. I need my first mate on this long journey to the unknown."

Alexandria relaxed a little

" Thank you, captain. I will do my best to do my job as your first mate. I will be sure to excel as your right-hand woman."

Niklaus smiled a little.

"I'm looking forward to it. It would be nice to have someone to rely on."

Alexandria grew a little solemn and asked

"Captain, may I ask you what you meant when you said you never received any love?"

Nik a bit taken aback responded,

" It was just a comment, there is no need to put too much thought into it. However, if you must know then it's rather simple. My Father is the current president of the Federation. Twenty years ago when the preparation of the crew initially started for a claim in power and honor my father decided to send one of his sons in the crew, that was me. However unlike the rest of you when the training began I was yet to be born. The moment I was, I was sent away to continue my optimization that had begun months prior, when I was still in the womb. Since I was born I've met my parents but twice, once when I turned ten and the second on the ride to the ship in which I was delivered. Unlike the rest of you I didn't get off days and the few times that I did they never came to visit. As such, I've never had any sort of parental figure in my life or the thing called love.

However, I'm not the type of person to share their life story. The reason I'm telling you this is because on this upcoming trip I need people that I can trust and people that can trust in me. As such this is my way of showing you that I want your trust."

By the end of the story, Alexandria had been deeply moved and even saddened however she heard her captain out and acknowledged him. Her parents had always been very loving to her for 20 years, their relationship had been the closest possible because they knew she would leave one day and might not come back. It saddened her to find out that her captain's life hadn't been as happy.

"Captain I will trust my life in your hand's captain and I will work hard to not let down the trust you have put in me."

Niklaus cracked a small smile

"I'm glad to have you by my side, Alexandria."

"Please call me Alex, Sir."

Nik smiled

"Ok well, Alex if you wouldn't mind would you please make sure everything is running smoothly."

Alexandria Saluted

"Aye aye captain."

Nik giggled and responded

"We're not Pirates Alex, no need for that."

Alex started laughing

"Roger captain"

Alexandria turned away and left to accomplish her duties.

Once she was out of his quarters Nik said


A Holographic projection of a girl appeared

" Yes Captain"

Nik took a seat behind a desk and said

"Give me the Mission briefing"

Deva Proceeded

"Roger Captain"

Soon the multiple holographic projections appeared in the front of Nik. one displaying the image of a galaxy.

Deva began

"The target of our emission is the galaxy, Messier31, aka Andromeda. It is a spiral galaxy with an order of magnitude of three trillion solar masses. It is about 25 percent more massive than our home galaxy. It has a diameter of 220,000 lightyears or 67 kiloparsecs. It is 2.5 million light-years or 770 kiloparsecs from The Milky Way. With Deva's Maximum speed of 10,000 SOLs through hyperspace, we would reach Andromeda in 250 years. Due to the fact that we are currently stationary relative to the space around us, time dilation is of no concern such that we would reach Andromeda in the year 1,467,550 G.E. The 250-year trip will be spent in cryostasis. Deva will be in charge of the ship during this period if an emergency arises the captain's awakening process will be carried out. If no such matter occurs the crew's awakening process will be carried out 10080 min before the arrival at Andromeda's Galactic Border.

The purpose of this mission is commonly known as Exploration and Colonization. Contact with alien races of Andromeda has been almost non-existent, reasons remain unknown however, it is speculated that due to dark matter sea between the galaxies communication had been close to null. The first contact with these Civilizations has been authorized and left to the discrepancy of the captain. While engaging in combat is not recommended, it is not restricted. The end time goal of this mission is to establish a foundation for the following missions. That foundation comes as a wormhole spatial gate connecting to the home galaxy.

According to calculations to power the gate the amount of energy is massive due to the distance between the gates. As such, there is only one viable way to power it efficiently, using a Black Hole Mirror Dyson Sphere. However, while the material is not hard to find, this ship and its crew aren't capable of building one. The next ship that will arrive at Andromeda is Creation, its sole purpose is the creation of the BHMDS. However, constructing the BHMDS or Behemoth. Is not a quick process. As such it is our mission to establish a secure region for the Creation to begin its work upon its arrival. And for that, we have 25 years to get it done.

Once the Gate is established the Remaining Legions of Aurora will make the trip. Once that occurs the invasion process will begin.

That summarizes the mission briefing Captain."

Nik was deep in thought as he listened to the same briefing report for the third time.

"2.5 million miles away from anything we know. A trip that lasts 250 years and a nap that lasts just the same. With a mission to conquer a new galaxy. The Federation's warmongering and conquering habits are without limits. We expand to new horizons we desire power and control. We desire evolution and growth.

This ship aptly named Devastation is the most powerful and devastating military vessel ever created in the History of Humanity. I am the Son of the president, I am the Captain of this Ship, I am the Commander of this crew, I am the best that Humanity has to offer. I will be the conqueror of Andromeda. I will have my glory and I will achieve success in this fun little Quest."