
Chapter 3

"Wake up... come... come and have something to eat," Malu called out to me while I was deep in slumber.

"I don't want to," I murmured.

I turned slowly, positioning myself on the opposite side from where she stood.

"If you don't want food, that's fine. Get up... we need to prepare this bed."

"Bed? Why? No need of that," I protested.

"Are you the one making all the decisions? Move over, Nanduta..."

My sister-in-law entered the room and nudged me off the bed.

"Sister-in-law, what does this mean?"

"And you, young one? Is this not the first time a girl has entered the room? Why not tidy up a bit... and leave..."

I yelled and left the room. Somehow, I had lost my appetite. When the commotion settled and everyone retired to their rooms, I cautiously re-entered mine. She sat on the bed, as if expecting someone. The moment she spotted me, she sprang up and headed for the window. I was seething with anger. I felt compelled to expose everything I had endured in front of my family.

I maintained my composure and went to bed.

"How long has this been going on?" I inquired, unsure of what to do. She regarded me with suspicion, as if not comprehending the gravity of my question.

"How long have you been engaged in this... way of life?"

Her expression was as if she'd been struck by lightning.

"I'm well aware of what transpired. I also understand that you entered into this marriage to seek refuge. However, don't delude yourself into thinking I'll grant you the status of a wife for that. In my eyes, you remain someone who engages in such activities, someone who entered this room through that means. You are just..."

She didn't let me finish. Before I could, her hand struck my face. In that instant, I felt the warmth of her hand. She shot me a look of disgust and swiftly left the room.


"Ha ha ha..."

Upon hearing the incident, Hari burst into laughter.

"Why are you doing this, mate?"

"Nothing, bro. I laughed because not even a girl who came yesterday respects you..."

"What business do I have sorting through these arrivals and departures?"

"And my friend, is that what you said to a girl just by looking at her face yesterday? Show the same courtesy to any woman of dignity."

"Where's the dignity in that girl? She's..."

"What makes you so certain?"

he interjected before I could finish.

"What if she came to that hotel for another reason? What if she switched rooms and ended up in yours?"

I had no answer to Hari's question.

"I'll go talk to her and find out what happened."

I sensed there was more to his statement.

I started the bike and headed straight home. As soon as I arrived, I went in search of her. She was engaged in conversation with my sister-in-law and Malu. When she spotted me, she abruptly entered the house without uttering a word.

"Ah, where did the newlywed disappear to this morning? Hit the gym to bulk up?" Malu quipped.

"Do you have any reason to rush home, old man?" another voice chimed in.

"Go on, mate..."

Malu's house was adjacent to ours.

Without a word, I proceeded directly to the room. The girl, upon seeing me, began to move toward the exit.

"Yes, you..."

I started to call out, but she averted her gaze, never meeting my eyes.

"What really happened that day?" I inquired, undeterred.

"Haven't you already figured out an answer for yourself? Just consider it for now. That I... I'm a woman of ill repute," she confessed in a hushed tone before promptly leaving the room.

I sat there, unsure of what to do, gazing after her.

To be continued...