
Chapter 30

"Ah... Did the couples who went on their honeymoon return here earlier?" The sister-in-law asked in surprise as the car entered the backyard. It was then that she spotted Devu emerging from the car with tears in her eyes.

"Oh, what's wrong? Devu, what's the matter? Why are you crying?" The sister-in-law bombarded Devu with questions as she approached.

"And what about her? Did you say anything?" When there was no response from Devu, the sister-in-law turned to me.

"It seems she didn't like the food there. Something's been wrong since yesterday evening. She had diarrhea. I don't know what to do. That's why we came back," I explained to my sister-in-law, anticipating her question.

"And you didn't go to the hospital?"

"We went to a local hospital nearby. But nothing changed. That's why we came back."

"How are you feeling now, dear? Are you feeling better?" I inquired as I retrieved mine and Devu's bags from the car and walked towards her. Devu stood there, unable to even respond to her sister-in-law's question.

That day, I was very cautious not to cross paths with Devu. I purposely acted as if I hadn't seen her, even though she used to sit down to talk whenever she spotted me. Facing her was becoming increasingly difficult for me. The truth was, I didn't have answers to any of her questions. Devu's face resembled a wilted rose throughout the day.

As night fell, I pondered, 'What if Devu is still unwell? Maybe it's best to have her stay in the sister-in-law's room too...' My suggestion was met with agreement from the sister-in-law. Devu's eyes remained fixed ahead as she passed by me and headed to the sister-in-law's room.

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"Oh... so was she always circling the cricket ground to see you?" That was Hari's initial response upon hearing the whole incident.

"Then why did you leave her with her father?"

"My Hari, what are you talking about?"

"So you don't like her?"

"I can't bear to see her like that."

"Anyway, she's your wife now... Don't you see anyone else but her in that way? You can view her however you'd like..."

I realized he was teasing me.

"You go... disrupting my peace... and when I ask you for any way to locate her father, you're going to bring up matrimony for me? I'm struggling to grasp what's happening around me. Then there's love and...."

"Dude, I was just kidding. Don't be upset..."

Hari has been by my side since childhood. He's always my pillar of support and refuge, no matter what he says.

"How can we find out where he went, with no leads? Could something have happened to him like Raman mentioned?"

Hari's suspicions resonated with me.

"I have my doubts too, Hari, about Raghavan. Why is he so involved in our search for her father? Either he must be connected to her father's disappearance, or he may have played a role in it."

"How did he find out that we were looking for her father?"

At that moment, I also sensed Hari's uncertainty.

"Could any of her father's friends, the ones we approached, have betrayed us?"

"It's entirely possible, dude..."

"Well... everything is tangled up, and I can't make heads or tails of it... I'm not sure where to begin or how to untangle this mess..."

"I believe there are still more secrets in that girl than what I've shared with you. If you approach the matter seriously, you might uncover more."

"Ah... it's a delicate time to ask... if I inquire about her dad now, won't she think I'm trying to avoid her?"

"Let her come up with something. How about you? That's the only way to make progress, dude..."

"Whatever it is, I can go and ask for it. Shouldn't the initiative be mine..."

With those words, I was demonstrating to Hari the resentment I harbored for everything.

I reflected on the changes that had occurred within me in just a few days. Many questions remained unanswered. Devika's story always remained veiled in mystery. However, that wasn't what I wanted to know... What was my role in her narrative? A hero, a villain, or merely a comedian?

As a thousand thoughts raced through my mind, a girl suddenly sprinted in front of me. I was taken aback when this girl, whom I had never met before, addressed me by name.

"What's wrong? Why are you in such a rush?" Hari inquired of the girl, who was struggling to catch her breath.

"Ananthu bro, Devika felt lightheaded and collapsed in class."

To be continued...