
Chapter 19


Even though I lay on the bed with my eyes closed, I recognized it was Devu.

"Worried? It doesn't matter. Isn't he your brother..."

Did she come to offer comfort? But I was not in a state to absorb it.

"Lie down... I have a headache..."

Even though my mind repeatedly told me she was the root of everything, I couldn't summon hatred or anger towards her.

She slumbered without uttering a word.

In the morning, alongside the photograph of her father she had given me, Hari and I scoured the places he might have gone. Yet, it only yielded disappointment.

As a final attempt, I searched again and came across a friend of her father's who hadn't disclosed anything to Devu, or even acknowledged knowing her. Govindan... older than her father but still in robust health.

One thing I was certain of, from the affection he displayed when he learned who I was, was that he held knowledge about her father.

"Ajayan was like a younger brother to me. He assisted me in everything. I knew he faced many issues, but that was his nature - he wouldn't confide in anyone. He'd resolve things on his own. Occasionally, I'd offer him financial help. Yet, beyond that, I was unaware of anything else. One day, he came by. He mentioned some troubles at home, that he was leaving with his daughter, and needed to rent a house. Consequently, I accompanied him and showed him a place. He confirmed he'd move in the next day and said he'd come as soon as he had some money. But I haven't seen him since. What could be the matter?"

"It's not like that... She's upset that he didn't call for two days. Her father is still furious with her for leaving without a word. That's why she won't heed my words... She's been restless. So, I figured I'd just come and check on him and then go. That's all. .."

I fabricated a story in the moment. I also believed it was best not to complicate things by revealing her father was missing. He bought into it regardless.

"Didn't he seem taken with that girl... anyone can see his frustration. If he senses that you regard Devu more favorably, all his grievances will fade. He'll return right away and put it all behind him..."

As we were leaving, he took my phone number and assured us that if her father showed up or contacted him, he'd inform us.

After visiting one or two more places he mentioned, I returned home. Unfortunately, nothing came of it.

It was dark by the time I returned home after seeing off Hari.

The instant I stepped inside, Devu rushed towards me. I could see the fear and panic in her eyes.

"Where have you been?"

"What's wrong?"

"He, Raghavan, came here."

I felt a sharp pain in my chest. For a moment, I forgot about everything else, took her hand, and hastened to the room. After locking the door, I turned to her.

"And then?"

"He claimed he's my uncle... He told your sister-in-law that when he came this way, he had entered... He inquired about things here. He fed me false information about there."

"So he just paid a visit?"

A brief moment of relief.

"No... he approached me before he left. He warned that it's alright to seek my father, but if we or the police return to that house, he'll kill both you and me. Where did you go today? Did you go to him looking for my father? I'm terrified, Nandu... He's a devil... a man who knows no bounds..."

I sat down abruptly on the bed, shaken by what I had just heard. How did he find out I was searching for her father? If he went to such lengths to threaten her, there must be something significant tied to her father's disappearance.

"I'm scared, Nandu... if he does anything to us..."

Fear tightened its grip on my mind, but I held it in.

"Don't be afraid. He won't harm us. If I promised to find your father, I'll keep my word."

In that moment, a glimmer of hope illuminated her face and reflected back into my eyes.

She summoned a bright smile, wiped her teary eyes, which were on the brink of overflowing, and left the room.

I was convinced that for him to come all the way and issue a warning, there had to be something about her father that even she wasn't aware of... or secrets she was keeping from me. I was truly frightened of Raghavan. Yet, finding her father was paramount. I couldn't allow her to thwart my aspirations. Thus, I resolved that I must locate her father at any cost.

To be continued...