
Chapter 10

I followed Devu to college, accompanied by Hari. After a whole day of walking, we finally found her – Anju, the one who's always by her side.

"Ananthu, I don't know much about her. Whenever we inquire, she gives vague responses. Surprisingly, she hasn't confided in us about her feelings for you, let alone anything concerning marriage. All we're aware of is that her mother passed away when she was a child, and later her father remarried. She's been absent from class for a considerable period. Then, I heard that the wedding is already over..."

I didn't obtain the information I was hoping for from Anju.

"Is there a rift between you two?"

She queried as it was time to depart.

"No, I haven't witnessed her smile since the wedding. She always appears preoccupied. Otherwise, she's consistently cheerful..."

She must have noticed my expression and proceeded to answer herself.

"It's simply that she's a bit reserved. Devu is an innocent soul."

After making that observation, she walked away from the scene.

When I was uncertain about what to do, I recalled Devika's diary, hoping to find some information within its pages.

After ensuring she was asleep at night, I took her diary and opened it. The first thing that caught my attention was a photograph of a woman. I assumed it must be her mother. Leaving the photo in place, I flipped through the pages, finding only a collection of poems and descriptions. Failing to find what I sought, I admitted defeat and returned the diary to its spot. As I turned around, I saw Devika looking at me. I went to bed and lay down, silent as a thief caught in the act.

The next morning, I felt remarkably composed. I stopped the bike in front of the usual bus stop, but after a prolonged wait, Devika didn't disembark. I decided to inquire.

"Don't want to get off?"


"And then?"

"What does Nandu want to know about me?"

"I... I don't want to pry..."

"Then why have you been trailing me since yesterday?"

I had no response.

"Start the bike. Only I can address Nandu's concerns."

Without another word, I revved up the bike until she instructed me to stop.

We retreated to a secluded corner of the park, each of us perched on opposite sides of a bench, like two strangers in silence.

After a long pause, she began to speak.

"When my mother passed away, I was only seven years old. My father remarried quickly because he didn't know how to care for a girl in the second grade. My stepmother treated me as kindly as my father did. Didn't you notice yesterday Raghavan, my stepmother's distant cousin? Until he arrived. My mother changed so much when he came around. In many instances when my father wasn't home, he became a regular visitor. One day, they beat me for asking about it. It was a lot... They threatened to kill me if I told anyone."

Her voice trembled as she spoke. I listened intently, only watching her.

"The fact that my father was unaware of this pain hurt me deeply. Then, many others started coming and going there. Day and night. It's a brothel. In front of me, without any veil, that woman with someone else... shhh..."

It was evident she found it difficult to say.

"That's when I realized my father was pretending not to know, even though he did. I understood that the devil named Raghavan was also threatening my father. My father kept everything to himself and didn't even react..."

Her tears pained me.

"But I don't know where my father is now. I've searched in many places, but I couldn't find him. I don't know where he is or why he left. I can't bear the thought of living without him. Perhaps he left, unable to witness or hear anything from this shattered girl. I'm in the dark about everything. I fear for everyone..."

She paused, then continued.

"I'm aware that Nandu despises me the most in this world. But I have no other option. There's no one else to turn to for help. I'm afraid to return home. Sometimes they..."

She couldn't bring herself to say it. Suddenly, she sat beside me and clung tightly to my leg.

"Nandu, please help me. I have no one else in the world to ask for help. Please assist me in finding my father. No, allow me to find him. Just let me stay at home until my father returns. If he does, I promise not to trouble you. My father and I can go somewhere without even crossing paths with Nandu. Don't leave me, Nandu... Please..."

Her tears dampened my feet. I was at a loss for words. How could I let go of a girl who has brought so much concern to my mind?

Finally, I assured her that I would find her father.

The hopeful smile she wore on her tear-streaked face was truly beautiful.

To be continued...