
Deus: We are all Lords

My name is Kingsley Seth and I, along with all 7 billion+ people on Earth got transferred into a planet said to be 50,000x bigger than the Earth. Having no choice but to listen to a system whose only defining feature was it's absolute fair judgement. This is a story of how we try to overcome the dangers of this new world. Not just physically but also mentally... well, this is a story of how they survive. I live in a massive castle and it is served by beautiful maids and incredibly powerful guards. I hope they survive

king_frosh · Fantasy
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184 Chs


Watching Viktor leave with an extra bounce to his steps, Kingsley couldn't help but feel sorry for the creatures they will meet, especially the orcs that Viktor seemed to hate for some reason. Pushing such thoughts away, Kingsley immediately followed them as he went into the castle grounds.

Several minutes later, Kingsley along with the other higher ups like Viktor, Hestia and the Generals were in a slightly large room in a building separate from the main castle. The room had somewhat of a dark decor to it except for the extremely white wall that they were all facing. The building was created to be some kind of command room or something similar to that.

It was the central command to all of Kingsley's operations for now. The laptop which was initially used to house all the information gathered by the transmitters was now transformed into a simple cubic pedestal that stood at the center of the room surrounded by a table with a gap in its center.

The central command was designed like this so that more people would have access to the information given by the crystal. Kingsley may have equipped the central transmitter thus allowing him to send messages to any member of his camp or even block them from doing so if he so pleases but he couldn't be in charge of it forever, so he designed the table that could connect to the crystal to create holographic screens and keyboards for the chosen demons to use.

At the moment, apart from the higher ups, several other demon goblins could be seen manipulating the holograms in many ways to achieve their aims. The wall they were currently facing, showed an aerial view of the area he was in. The wall worked like some sort of television screen but Kingsley wasn't thinking of that.

Naturally Kingsley was proud of what he had accomplished and even believed that it was somewhat overkill considering that this was a fantasy world but at the moment, he wasn't here to enjoy the world, he simply wanted his family members back safe and sound. He couldn't do that if he spared certain efforts simply because modern equipment was too advanced and powerful for the current era.

With one of the demon goblins, who had the knowledge on how to pilot drones implanted into them, controlling a drone that was currently flying several meters above them. They were able to get a good view of the topography of the area around the territory. With the drone's help, Viktor and his men were able to come up with a good plan of action.

The plan was simple and honestly what one would expect even a baby to come up with. Since there were five(5) general, five squads were created and four out of them would be sent out in all four cardinal points to search for any threats and if they could eliminate it then they should do so.

The last squad was to stay behind in case of an attack, this little and absolutely simple plan allowed them to cover more ground and also to deal with the four threats, he had identified on the map that was still being created. Due to the impressive height that the drone had reached, they were able to see a lot more and due to that, they saw about three other places and though they didn't exactly know what beings inhabited the clearings.

"The plan is simple but remember, always negotiate surrender before the attack, I doubt killing indiscriminately would help us at all" Kingsley said to remind the already trigger-happy and bloodthirsty generals

"As you wish, your majesty" they replied but still Kingsley couldn't help but feel as though sending them was a bad idea.

Thankfully with the transmitter implanted in them, anything they see is what central command sees and if central command sees them he sees. Above all, he had prepared pilots who will follow them with a drone. Of course since command room was just a recent creation, these pilots were still inexperienced but he didn't have the time to slowly train them for now.

"Good, Viktor, watch over them and if any village or camp surrenders, remember to secure them and send them back here, we need all the skills we can get" 

"We will, my Lord" Viktor replied and Kingsley nodded.

He hoped that more natives would surrender to him since he needed all the skills he could get at the moment. It may be easy to simply upload all sorts of information into the mind of the demon goblins but it didn't mean that they were suited for it. The demon goblins were demons and war is where they thrive, making them sit at home to weave or even farm was a clear abomination in his eyes.

He could help provide food and all other basic needs for now but he couldn't do so forever…. Well technically he could but Kingsley wanted a self sustained territory, the extra five(5) acres of land had been turned into extremely fertile and blessed land for crops to grow and thus would need people with experience or possibly the patience of a farmer to make it useful.

For now though, it will serve as a means to calm his bloodthirsty soldiers after all while they may be demons, there was no telling if they experience PTSD or not. The calm brought by the farm should help them clear their minds for now and serve to rehabilitate them but that doesn't mean that real farmers weren't needed.

Clothing too was also in demand after all he couldn't continue to create clothes for them. The territory needed people of all sorts that were either made for such seemingly petty work or just people with experience in it.

Since he had achieved his purpose here, Kingsley turned to leave after all he hadn't finished updating the territory. The territory was recently expanded which meant a new wall was to be erected at the edge of the territory and the inner wall was to be taken away to create more space for housing after all the army was getting bigger and bigger by the day.

A quick census confirms that the population had crossed the two thousand(2000) mark which was good since all of that is war potential but it was also bad since all of them couldn't fit inside the castle no matter how big it was. At this point, Kingsley was wondering if he should just forcefully make the demon goblins focus on other professions.